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 Feb 2014 Oly Light
 Feb 2014 Oly Light
take these wings
help me fly
ill sing for you
all the way to the sky.
and if i fall
i know you'd help me up
you and i
were in the same cup.
baby, ill make your dreams
come true
including the one
of me holding you.
i know im scared
of the future to come
but i know if its with you
we will never succumb.
 Feb 2014 Oly Light
When I see
 Feb 2014 Oly Light
your eyes,
much like the stars,
waters my eyes
and keeps my head high.
my fingertips constantly
reaching for you
and all the way to the stars
that glitter in the moonlight.
i'd tilt my head,
my neck over slightly,
your lips brush on me,
and suddenly
i know
you feel as i do,
and thats enough for me
to know that this is true.

you bring me back to reality
because sometimes i lose it
and think that nothing is real.
looking up at you
is far more enchanting than
looking at the stars.
and dear, you know
just how much i live for
the stars.

just know that
all of this is true.
why does this feel right?
your lips on my neck
the pit of my stomach flutters
and i know that maybe,
just maybe,
this could last.

your lips are soft
my hands are weak,
what if i am not what you need?

i cannot stop writing about you nor
thinking about you.
i drew you for Christ's sake,
you are my muse and the
most beautiful girl i have
ever had the chance to discover.

you bring out the light in me,
the reason i smile and laugh
and can finally live

all of this,
these words,
the poems,
the lyrics,
the books,
the whispers,
the smiles,
the artwork,
and the way i look at you...
all of it means the one thing i believe ill
never be able to show you.

but hey,
ill try.
in case you're wondering, its love that i feel like i can never show.
 Feb 2014 Oly Light
So Jo
grief rolls in - blue waves
tugging down, tumbling under
God between each gasp
I lose you
like I lose my mind-

Thank You

Its been one year on Hello
With almost 80,000 views
So many other poets
Have liked a thing or two

From my feelings for my now lost love
To the love felt for my son
You have helped me in so many ways
The healing you have done

I have tried to keep it wholesome
So that all of you can view
At times I've ticked some readers off
And hit a nerve or two

Inspiring  words of wistom
I have tried to give to you
Hoping that the words I write
Will help if just a few

The beginning of new loves
The ending of the fear
Anticipation of a future
My life throughout this year

I thank each of you for reading
My poems made in rhymes
You gave me what I needed most
You became all friends of mine


Carl Joseph Roberts
FEBRUARY 20th, 2014 One Year On Hello Poetry

Thank you all for this past year and for reading and responding to all my poems. I posted my first poem on February 20th, 2013 and now one year later I have almost 80,000 views.  I never imagined that my poems would be liked and I truly thank each of you for reading .
 Feb 2014 Oly Light
If there's no words appeared on my mind
It's hard to write
What should i do?

There's a lot of spaces
But there's no wall to write

How Will I begin?
writer's block
 Feb 2014 Oly Light
He smiled at me a divine smile
Which sent a shiver down my spine
I stood there with my jaw dropped low
As I take in reality and feel my heart glow.

He raised his brows and waved his hands
As I bend towards him for one touch
I stop when his lips part and say
'This is a daydream, Bye.'
Inspiration is everywhere.
 Feb 2014 Oly Light
my heart is necklaces
tangled in a forgotten
jewellery box. no one
has the time nor
patience to untangle these

but then you came
along to undo this
havoc, taking each link,
pulling it apart one by one

finally these chains can
shine like they once did

thanks to you.
I am so unthankful
Lord within my heart
I don't mean to be
But Lord please help me start

Help me Lord be thankful
For all I have received
You have given me much
Beyond my ability to conceive

From the sunrise in the morning
Till the moon shows its light
Your blessings are daily shown
Help my eyes to have the sight

Have mercy on me Lord
For my forgetfulness
I ask my heart be filled
My Lord, with thankfulness
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