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Nat Lipstadt
M/nyc    is this a poem, a cri de coeur, a confession - a something of all
kalica calliope delphine
26/F    ॐ celestial being. infj. word prophet. magical thinking enthusiast. recovering addict. 8 years sober. gsf. dream weaver. midnight songbird. tangent queen supreme. wayshower. knowledge seeker. …
Lior Gavra
My new book, "BitterSweet," has hit #1 New Release on Amazon's Best Sellers List, I hope you can grab a copy! Sample stories in the …
24/M    Poet
24/M/South Africa    Writer | This is ancestral, past-life reading; this is meditation & prayer; this is future telling. always becoming. The undying soul in a decaying case. …
Stephen Gentles
Bella Anima
Singapore.    Darkness is my Light.
Sierra Scanlan
Rock Island    "I write only because There is a voice within me That will not be still" -Sylvia Plath (1948)
Joshua Haines
Va    Life is but a hill we are all climbing, some just tend to fall alot more than others.
sometime i just write what i feel and what i want to feel
The Sequence Killer
Shooklyn NY,USA   
East Jesus Nowhere    I don't know what to write about anymore.
Left Foot Poet
To walk on the left, you must know right. ~~—————————————— “Poetry - but what is poetry. Many shaky answers have been given to this question. …
Kaitlyn Marie
F/Upper Midwest    ♡ I've come to shed a little light in my life.
Abdullah Ayyash
M/Uder the burning sun...    “Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, Or what's a heaven for?” Robert Browning
Just Melz
Rome, Ga with DaSH    Message me anytime to chat or collab :) ~27~MADLY IN LOVE WITH DASH ❤❤❤❤ mother~writer~reader~lover~fighter~dreamer~15 years experience~grammar nazi~hilarious~silly~modest~sarcastic~POET ~caring~speed reader~excessive follower~Johnny Depp Fan~long hair~tall~bbw~artist~aspiring photographer~smoker~loyal~honest …
United Kingdom    "Don't cover my eyes for my fears are trapped beneath my eyelids.. And for each fallen eyelash is a wish for greater freedom." © Sia …
Dr Strange
Atlanta    The shadows are my home, In an abandoned shed I freeze As I rock back and forth thinking to myself Writing down ever letter that …

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