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Em MacKenzie
35/F/Ottawa    I have a passion for poetry, fiction, music and all things beautiful. I enjoy bright colours and night-time quiet conversation. All writing is intellectual property …
Wes Rosenberger
Lancaster, PA    Jank-of-all-shades. Debatably a real, human man.
Philadelphia    -only love
CA    morning walks/random thoughts
Coop Lee
usa    esto perpetua 👽 @cooplee420
Dreams of Sepia
Somewhere in the Universe    A poet. That's all you need to know.
Nomad    *flesh hands write spirit thoughts* My name means Light Sky. Cover photo : Seeds I painted.
Olivia Kent
Southampton, Hampshire.    I'm a 51 year old nurse, with a passion for poetry. I try to write at least once daily, but often write more. I have …
Thomas McEnaney
“the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of …
Lancaster, PA   
Jordan Smucker
Pushing Daisies
Blinded by the heavy rain
Jon Tobias
San Diego    Jon Tobias is a sucker for love poems and romanticizes everything. He doesn't mean to, but it's what he does.
Julie Butler
CA    more.
marie-niege|jaso bolay all we'll ever have are well planned out ideas.
Lappel du vide
everywhere    i am the fire within.
Lewis B Galli
nia fox
"We accept the love we think we deserve" ~ Stephen Chbosky
Leelan Farhan
Toronto    I usually go by Leelo, I'm in my fourth year at the University of Toronto, studying psychology and English. I’m 21. The only way I …
Marsha Singh
maybe i'm not all yellow
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