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Mike Virgl
18/M    Thats thing about a hopless poet, they are exactly that, with an end never nearer.
Paul Anthony Hutchinson
Grimsby and Toronto   
Megan H
27/F/Texas    Life, with its rules, its obligations, and its freedoms, is like a sonnet: You're given the form, but you have to write the sonnet yourself. …
Just a girl. Some of this stuff is crap. But I've learned you have to just keep writing- someday you might just write something monumental.
26/F/United States    Experiences with Strangers
PH    @cringecore
sanch kay
Hogwarts    here's to those firefly dreams that turn to ashes in the sunrise.
27/M/England    Just dealing with my mental health one poem at a time.
Cvt x Mnl    not everything on my account is poetry. making this my diary.

— The End —