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1.4k · Oct 2014
A walk
Nova Scorman Oct 2014
A walk back home,
Mother, older in number,
but perfection and love retained.
Father, his usual stringent posture
arched to form a hug.
Sister, her voice resounding happiness,
Translating into dancing, singing, yelling.
Me? Teary eyed. Tears of happiness.

A walk back alone,
Into my cerulean room,
The azure curtains still hang,
Wrinkled from THE night’s frustration.
On the cobalt coverlet still lay,
Tear stains which narrate me a forgotten story.
Hidden inside my teal cupboard,
I find lost love’s fake promises.
Me? Teary eyed. Tears of blues.

A walk in dreams,
At crossroads, I meet an angel.
He asks me to make a wish.
I ask for his heart, in exchange for mine,
He grants my wish with powers divine.
He falls, I catch but the world’s serpentine.
Yet he loves and like a star I shine,
Me? Teary eyed, Tears of rejoice.
1.2k · Mar 2015
I'll be a good girl
Nova Scorman Mar 2015
I will be a good girl, my parents say I should.
A passerby subtly clutched her *****.
I heaved a sigh.
I will be a good girl, my teachers say I should
A boss held her *****.
I perfected my mascara.
I will be a good girl, my aunt say I should
A man forced a kiss.
I reapplied my lipstick.
I will be a good girl, my neighbors say I should
A husband fired violent words.
I closed my eyes bowed my head.
I will be a good girl, my friends say I should
A rapper *****.
I cried tears of blood.
I will be a good girl, my society says I should
A woman was bled to death.
I stood emotionless.  
They said be a good girl…
Good is tears, Good is blood.
Good is sudor, Good is action.
Good is sacrifice, Good is revenge.
Good is joy, Good is deaths.
One day Goodness will be re-defined,
When inside these women, is born Keres.
540 · Dec 2014
Its Again Dawn
Nova Scorman Dec 2014
Through the sands of time, I thought,
As the days toil and wrought,
As summer becomes frost,
As two lovers are bound to be star-crossed,
As sure as bombs cause holocaust,
The pain will be gone, I thought,
I was wrong, I lost.

Through the ****** tear stains,
Questions are making me insane,
Can any soul’s wisdom explain?
Is love is a boon or bane?
Down the memory lane,
I meet my old swain,
Trying to break free,
my efforts are rendered vain.

Smile does not beam, even in my dreams,
Hopes don’t rise, in these damped eyes,
As night falls, winged seraphs call,
Thereupon, it’s again dawn.
Nova Scorman
Sunshine madness, moonlight gladness, in my dreams there is togetherness
408 · Oct 2014
Nova Scorman Oct 2014
I weep, I  burn, I desire, I perish,
much to liars' betrayers' and deceivers' cherish.
Oh I ask, with what face shall you face the purity?
with what heart will you feel the love?
your ersatz eyes cannot see the truth,
see how they failed you? See how you have failed you.
My kindness, affection bear fruits nonesuch,
which neither Adam nor Eve can touch
let alone the abomination in the name of men.
but they won't chortle or smirk, for
Like the phoenix, I shall fall only to rise...
against lows and highs into the sky.
Though some has been lost, much abides
life is a gift, and I tell no lies.
And when I die I pray this be told,
here beneath lies a beautiful kind soul.
120 · Mar 2021
Just run deep
Nova Scorman Mar 2021
Be still my heart,
The cacophony of thoughts,
Doesn't let me sleep.

Be still my heart,
The memories of blissful past,
Flood my eyes.

Be still my heart,
Lost embrace still lingers,
Like the phantom finger.

Be still my heart,
Promises made in the past,
Continuously ring in my ears.

Be still my heart,
The wind gushes air sometimes,
Which is a stale with familiarity.

Be still my heart,
Like the glittering oceans,
Just run deep.

— The End —