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nivek 6h
one moments breath
borrowed from the wind

heart felt, blood bourne
invigorating new thoughts

the universe of minds
shared synapse, shared songs
nivek 1d
small air sound collisions
each word a shared energy

a voice on the wind
a wave of the sea

a child growing
getting old

each and every
energy transforms

a voice sounding out
a voice set free.'
nivek 1d
fine art of listening to silence
valued by the many
in their unknown solitude.
1d · 76
zipped by poetry
nivek 1d
lips can be zipped
a thousand ways
ears come into their own
seemingly hearing
for the very first time.
nivek 1d
a different skin from yesterday
a new disguised skeleton
those bones of mine, hidden
for the duration,
my skull peeks through now and then-
each time I smile.
1d · 45
vocal poets
nivek 1d
story within stories
a song on your lips
drumbeat and harp.
1d · 84
God is a painter
nivek 1d
starlight and moonshine
blue orb
red planet

God is a painter
as well as poet.
1d · 44
way of poetry
nivek 1d
times of silence
seeming inaction

on the cusp of love
riding the wave

a comfortable acceptance
way of poetry.
1d · 28
nivek 1d
fully charged
bolt of lightning
thunder clap
soft shower of rain.
nivek 1d
what a boon solitude
- silent way of nature
Holy Spirit breaking through.
1d · 48
a deeper love
nivek 1d
a deeper love
knocks each day

'your name written in Heaven
a mystery within the pain'.
1d · 34
Winters reach
nivek 1d
forging into Spring
but Winters reach is long-
snow can fall in April
a last gasp of cold.
1d · 43
nivek 1d
winding roads

dark tunnels
seemingly lost

a long straight
highway of love.
nivek 1d
beyond all telling
weaver within the weave

poetry a language
a myriad of sounds

a world beyond the surface
mystery of love.
1d · 30
nivek 1d
to love

listen to the Master.
3d · 70
nivek 3d
seed sown in the propigator
red and green peppers
soon windowsills will be blooming-
new green little creatures called -
3d · 150
natures display
nivek 3d
Jesus may one day walk across the sea
and I will see Him from my perch on my settee
looking out my window as I do everyday
being healed by the wonderment of natures display.
3d · 48
nivek 3d
Poetry is a river of blood
pumped heartshaped love
put into sounds of words.
nivek 3d
the freewheeling free will
a faithful constant journey
bestowed and respected by love.
nivek 3d
God is love
God is a poet
And we
are made in Gods image.
3d · 42
God is a Poet
nivek 3d
seed comes in many guises
scattered on the winds
generous handfulls
the poets and their songs.
nivek 3d
Holy Breath
Holy Word
Holy Spirit

eyes, ears, hearts
touched by love.
nivek 3d
choosing your cross would lead to madness
that is why it is chosen for you
every step along the Via Doloroso.
3d · 42
nivek 3d
to give thanks
for everything

especially the trials
to test your faith

counter intuitive
the cross always waits.
nivek 3d
a fixed rhythm
dancing feet

The wedding at Cana
thirsty guests

a first recorded

the wine overflowed
very best last

A Mothers ask-
A Son's reply.
5d · 72
changed forever
nivek 5d
time counted in heartbeats
love the cradle of eternity
one blink to see you home.
'in the blimk of an eye' New Testament.
5d · 81
a mere creature
nivek 5d
willingly chained to love
a mere creatures strength
reinforced with forged iron.
5d · 59
creations thirst
nivek 5d
love is the current
as love is the river
and love the quenching
of all creations thirst.
6d · 93
nivek 6d
some have mercy on insects
knowing they are also having mercy on themselves.
nivek 6d
not tilted fully toward the Sun
here atop the World-
cold fresh on the skin
the unending Universe
strokes deep as bone.
6d · 67
one more sojourn
nivek 6d
the magic road
paved with words

a birds song
a poets world

one more song
one more sojourn.
nivek 6d
after secretly womb knitted
the time of arrival

space opened out
room made ready

bringing womb experiences
sounds of another world

indelibe laid down in the mind
secret songs silently remembered.
6d · 60
cradles my soul
nivek 6d
looking through the window
to travel to a place of peace
nature knows me
loves my being
cradles my soul
never judges
accepts my all
6d · 204
nivek 6d
one word to lead
one word to set free
one word to unlock
one word is all I need.
nivek 6d
managable numbers
clocks keep on ticking

heartbeats count down
each beat gone forever

a few handfuls of ten
two feet ten more.
Mar 12 · 68
10w onward into love
nivek Mar 12
a freedom road
a shared meal
a rest a snooze.
nivek Mar 12
others ways
others doings
others task
others choice
others thoughts

absolutely has nothing to do with me
nivek Mar 11
if it can be of some help
first you have to let go
and in letting go
though never seen
you have fulfilled
the possibility
Mar 11 · 64
to gaze
nivek Mar 11
all the stars look on
each night to gaze-
a unique world
spinning dreams.
Mar 11 · 51
a clowns smile
nivek Mar 11
some want lipstick kisses
red on lips kissed
or could be black
or purple
a lifetime of makeup
a clowns smile.
Mar 11 · 153
in the wilderness
nivek Mar 11
on the road, suffering
but not in vain

to move onward
acceptance of the cross

this is no utopia
utopia is a mirage

small comforts
a drink of water

a truth shared.
Mar 11 · 62
a person called Jesus
nivek Mar 11
all are one
one is all

a journey back to unison
unison already won.
nivek Mar 9
answers can be hard to mine
and that mine can be decades in the digging
nivek Mar 9
star formation in sounds of yesterday
pulsars and gravity voices
star struck lovers on a journey
exploded atoms human hearts in love
creatures crawling from under oppression
false prophets wielding nuclear threats
this is a 21st century of large fuckups
and yes you will play your part.
Mar 8 · 72
nivek Mar 8
it is easy to love a puppy
easy to love any small fluffy creature
not so easy to love an invisible God
nivek Mar 8
Help me Daddy
why have you forsaken me?

Our Daddy shared with Jesu
why have you forsaken me?
Abba Father translates close to Daddy
nivek Mar 7
one man hides his baldhead with a natty comb over
its how he also deals with the rest of humankind
Mar 7 · 27
crazy? who me?
nivek Mar 7
you imagine that you have seen crazy as crazy can be
but give the human race one more minuite
and you will be disabused by your imagination
Mar 7 · 49
speak no evil
nivek Mar 7
keeping the waggling serpent
firmly caged behind a fortress of enamel.
nivek Mar 7
wedded to disintigration
these bone fingers clothed in cosmic dust
write down a language doomed to silence.
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