However could I describe this feeling?
Morning comes, the day goes by,
Something doesn't happen,
The night falls and leads to another day,
The routine continues,
More sure than time itself,
My life's monotony led in a circle,
And then it comes to pass,
In a fleeting moment accented,
You come along that shooting star,
Work is torturous, time a heathen,
My existence unnerved by your presence,
I breathe, think, see, feel, and smell you,
You move I watch, you speak I listen,
Every single thing is you,
Who are you?
I was fine without you around,
But now I'm changed,
I cant sleep thinking about you,
I cant go about my life without you,
But where were you when I needed you?
Or did I ever need you?
I just think that I do,
I go about things caring for you,
Wanting to please you at every turn,
Yet nothing comes back around,
And I keep on insisting blind to this,
You are my priceless endeavor,
Unrealistic goal,
But truly I don't need you;
I yearn for you...
© okpoet