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Nate ere Oct 2014
A whisper of genius heard
Or phantom in my periphery
Ever stalking me  

Each time I guess their meaning  
Each time I try
The spirits cry...

extrapolate and you castrate
exonerate and you evaporate
say it once more and it's dead
Nate ere Jul 2014
many much, many more
the words are scattered on the floor
I kick them with my careless feet
until the poems themselves complete
Nate ere Jul 2014
Hold the Sun above your head
While He holds you beside Him
Nate ere Jul 2014
A drop of fear in the pen
Stains the whole piece - ugly
Be lightning that strikes the sky
Feel your way through
Without a shudder of a try
Nate ere Jul 2014
angelic softness
of a genuine smile
sets her spirit unfurled
with a quiet laugh
she humbly cast
a perfect visage to the world
Nate ere Jul 2014
Remember the time we walked as a group
It was down by the river – I bet that you do
I didn’t know you, and you didn’t know me
But that didn’t matter – apparently
You brushed up beside me and sweetly said “hi”
I fell in love with you then, but I didn’t know why
We started to talk, and I put on my charm
Hoping my heart wouldn’t cause you alarm
But it usually does, and I think that it did
I looked for you later, but I think that you hid
That didn’t stop me, it made me search more
For the soft-eyed earth angel – I had to adore
I love you, you see, and I think I know why
Because love always says – let’s give it a try
Nate ere Jul 2014
thoughts thump like a drum
off the skin of my mind
leaping into to the world
with the truths that they find
Nate ere Jul 2014
Sensation smooths it likes to follow
Truth is sharp and hard to swallow

The eye serves forth a tasteful feast
Snares women dressed as hungered beasts

Redundancies in clarity
All's death and love in Verity
Nate ere Jul 2014
Know one thing - Know all things
Err the first thing - Doomed for suffering
Know one thing - The air can sting
The water drown - And the hydra sing

Falls in place - A rightly suited case
He always throws a fair stick to chase
Nate ere Aug 2014
my restless mind dost strive to sleep
In vain I yawn and ponder on
furthermore the questions creep
were wake the night and not the dawn
In fact my yawn had strived complete
Nate ere Aug 2014
My Brush is Law
My colors creep
My canvas - an eternity
My higher mind combine all three
Each one is nothing without thee

My faithful Brush - where did you go?
Your bristles lost amid life's pallet
Stirring songs deep into the rainbow
We forget the first and last of ballads

Oh color - grand fixture of my slanted my eye
Is it that I'm deceived and really truly Blind?
If shown the fact in reason - A good man must decide
To believe in colors is not a curse - but the blessing of disguise

My canvas of creation - invisible inside
Through every smear you never stained and never once cried  
You hold the world upon your skin
Even when it has peeled and dried
Through life and death - through love and sin
My canvas stands - A silent friend
Nate ere Sep 2014
You beckoned me
I fell to you
and with our hands
you slowly drew
The picture; us

A single sound
Our single breath
In perfect time
In style, In step

The world stood still
I could have cried
This moments thrill
Has danced and died
Nate ere Oct 2014
Gather near friends
While we wait for the feast
Let us drink in the tale
Of the man and the beast

they say beneath every man
an opulent beast stands
wearing the colors of the day
and playing tricks with gravity

what an old thing too!
and all the time spent coming up with you
Rider, rein in hand, crowned upon his head
the new rule is reason and the old god has fled
Nate ere Oct 2014
Scurry surface poet
there isn't much time
you've been swept by the stream
of the regular rhyme

If your words only go
to the places they know,
If they're nailed to the Earth
Then how will they grow?

Let them branch out
and watch them unfold
Let them ascend
and they'll never get old
Nate ere Oct 2014
It's completely different
And exactly the same

Perfectly simple
Infinitely complex

Sufficiently I'm born
Yet to the Ideal form

This mutual duality
defines my stark reality
Nate ere Oct 2014
We crawled about the brightest childhood
Eye's pining at the luster  
and to our dismay
when at last we stood
alone and adjusted
the world seemed a dark and senseless structure
Nate ere Oct 2014
we remember man is cursed
to always love the self first
but always we forget to guide
with the boundaries of self in mind
Nate ere Oct 2014
all I know is
you have to make it yours
here take it! It's a thought you adored
but don't call it mine
and don't call it yours

Make it yours! Make it yours!
take it in, tear it up
but don't keep it safe
or its bound to disrupt

I really won't mind
I want you to have it
I don't fit you just right
but don't be so tragic

Let it live in your mind
let it steep in your sores
and don't be surprised
when my thought becomes yours

take it in, take it all
the world is free
to share itself
let it live in your mind
let it steep in your sores
and don't be surprised
when the world becomes yours
Nate ere Jan 2015
Love, that pendant light
which in the night glows brighter
as you look away
Nate ere Jan 2015
Sustainable life
Sounds boring and trite

If you stand there alone
like a rock in the night

How will you know
Just what can be

If you never let go
You can never be free  

Let your life touch the light
If only you dare

Let's explode through the sky
In one solar flare
Nate ere Jul 2014
Out on the brink of that infinite sea
The inimical tide
Crashing over me
Adventure and death
A beautiful turmoil
Ever so, I hold my breath
Peacefully loyal
Nate ere Jul 2014
trust in the change
have faith in the flux
it's always this way
running in and out of luck
Nate ere Jul 2014
life engine turning
by god fuel burning
for a system still learning
how to be, how to be
Nate ere Jul 2014
Why hide from a punctual thing?
Waste numbered days conspiring

If you truly love God's might
Love what lies beyond life's light
Nate ere Jul 2014
Plucks a lonely note on His golden lute
My Lord save the seed - for I am the fruit
Nate ere Jul 2014
Genius like lightning
Strikes the sky despite me
Blame the watchful beast I'm riding
Nate ere Jul 2014
Sweet object of inclination
Selfish keeper of care
Reason serves to be a patron
Runs the beast into despair
Nate ere Feb 2015
Don't you know I'm
the skinny ink line
that is traced
through the maze
of your heart

— The End —