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1.6k · Jan 2014
Wise eyes
You look an untold age
When I look through you I see only mystery
A body so young
And a mind so wise

To understand the translucent shadow
A pawn staring at a giant
Incredible power diluted only by your surroundings

I see you time and time again
But the shadows hide me from your sight
The light you shine is a plague
That spreads to all with an open mind

You are a wild stallion trotting where you please
A gate holds you that one day you will jump
Unbound you will run free
No one will slow you
Impossible to predict your course
But you will roam at the top
Free from any chain

For now I walk in the shadows
One day I will dance with the angle
The heart is a scary thing
The distraction pure beauty
The curse is loss
The gift something worth caring for

Angle you play a melody to your father
In one hand you hold a key to unlock peoples hearts
In the other you hold a pen to challenge ones thinking
A pedestal you stand on for others to observe
1.3k · Jan 2014
A Fish Climbing a Tree
Different is synonymous with undesirable
An egg hatched by the wrong bird
The story of an ugly duckling
Ugly because he is difference

Environment defines what is attractive
A monkey in a gorillas cage will seem weak
Even a lion amongst deer will be rejected
A diamond amongst plastic is an outcast

No matter how beautiful we are if we are in the wrong place we are ugly
To be where you do not belong is to always miss a home never known
A longing to be free from the bonds that keep us down

To leave, to run away into the darkness in hopes of a better future
To smart or to scared to give up what we have for an uncertainty
We struggle to grasp at straws when we seek to conquer all

A ugly mess today
A beautiful arrangement unseen
But tomorrow when none are left to mock
We stand seen immaculate, pristine in the light of freedom

Everyday a new chapter
With every chapter we are given the chance to end the book
Or we can write a story worth reading
1.0k · Jan 2014
The Melody of Wonder
To question and think what if?
A incredible motion of guessing without definite answers
A game played by two
A game best played young

An articulate waltz two stepping in and out of comfort
Professional amateurs one step confident the next shy
Weighing the costs and rewards of bravery
Most would rather pick up a sword than a pen

Unreasonable fear to do what most have done
The desire to be alone whilst seeking help from others
The one thing that science could never explain
The one thing we want to keep a mystery
The fondness of another

The hardest step, the first
With this step comes many questions
Does she see me
Does she see how I look at her
And how does she look at me

With intense anxiety we force the first step
To find peace and joy in another
The warm embrace that none another could provide
And the release of anonymity
837 · Jan 2014
The Setting Sun (Haiku)
Rich of red and orange
Immaculate October
Sky of graceful peace
823 · Jan 2014
Rip and Tear
My heart is melting
Snow could not sooth the burn
Alone and surrounded by people
None can see the battle inside

Wolves fighting to conquer
With a smile I slowly fall
Fighting with everything to stay a float in an open ocean
Miles and miles there is nothing

I wait patiently for rescue
But those that pass see no struggle
I can not call out because of pride and fear

My brothers and sisters I know at times you are here
And when you feel that you are sinking remember,
Remember you are never alone
And nothing is permanent
Life is always flowing and ever changing
Tomorrow will always bring light with the rising sun
786 · Jan 2014
Empty Words
Two worlds we see but but chose not to acknowledge
One of truth and one of impression
One of the mind and one of tongue
The uncomfortable truth that we are not who we say

Wood does not become a chair through words but by labor
Grain does not become bread by command but by task
And neither does a man care by claiming to

A word is only moving air
Its impact negligible
Its significance alone, nothing
Its use, only to remind of something once done

One lie is told most of all from day to day by us all
The lie, the word, the essence of what has been but was lost
This is love
No other word has the potential to mean so much
Yet is used without depth or meaning

A tool of deception
A tool of control
The carpenter is one who wishes for what once was
The buyer a creature blinded by hope

To instead act in love without the word
Truly if the bond is real neither will seek an empty promise
But instead will look in awe of the truth that is shared

Reality is can be seen easily in silence
But is distorted by well intended lies
Emotions invoked by words help us believe what we want
Instead of what see to be truth
We hide behind a curtain of denial
744 · Jan 2014
Lifeless you salute
A statue of wood
A phoenix in the cold
Moving only to the music of the air

Stoic you stand mocking the world
For you watch as things come
And things go

You stand together
You stand alone
Set apart from the world by your uniqueness

You are strong
But still you die
To be born again in the sun of spring
641 · Oct 2016
The Wolf
A wolf simply barks, yet blood flows from his jaw
The sweet crimson copper gently runs down his mouth as he walks away
A man grabs at his heart and without a wound he cries in pain
The wolf stares with an emotionless fierceness
The man consoles the wolf as it, in spirit only, transforms into a pup
Yet the wolf lashes out in spite of the man
The man walks away but does not break his gaze as the wounded creature crawls away
The man only hopes that the wolf may one day be whole, for the man can never be so without his friend
467 · Feb 2014
A Simple Change
Have you ever sang a song?
Not behind a stirring wheel
But for a crowd of patient swords
Caught with uncertain appeal
The judgement of lords

Have you ever sang a song?
Not for simple pleasure
Cut the soul of simple wards
Fought for undying tressure
Broken and alone just wondering chords

Have you ever sang a song?
Not for lonely gain
Mutt lost without idea of where he goes towards
Thought of necromantic pain
No hope of moving forwards

Have you ever sang a song?
Not of misery and despair
But of a foundation of strengthened boards
Got a future with everything to gain
A life with endless reward
329 · Jun 2014
What brings us to the end
We choose our goal
We scrape past the bend
We pay the toll
Faith makes us fixed
Fear makes us fail
The chances mixed
Good, bad come as a gale
We are not what we thought
What brings us together
Tears us apart
Either gone forever
With fond memories
Or never together
As we fall on our knees
Days make us small
Months make us strong
Years make us tall
And roads make us gone
It has been a while since I have written something I felt like sharing, but I feel selfish keeping what I create from the world so here this is made with me as the author and for you the reader.

— The End —