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Nathan Adams Jun 2015
The word “forgive” means to wipe the slate clean, to pardon, to cancel a debt. When we wrong someone, we seek his or her forgiveness in order for the relationship to be restored. It is important to remember that forgiveness is not granted because a person deserves to be forgiven. Instead, it is an act of love, mercy, and grace.

Granting forgiveness is as much of a surrender as asking for it. All too often, we take an attitude that we can forgive but never forget. How can we claim to truly have forgiven if we cannot give those who wronged us the chance to make amends? The chance to prove that we deserve this forgiveness?

I forgive those who have wronged me, and grant them the benifit of the doubt that they do deserve forgiveness, that the same forgiveness be given to me.

Much love to the people jn my life. None are perfect, and none should be punished for their whole lives for a mistake, which any person can make.
May not be exactly a poem, but from the heart nontheless
  Jun 2015 Nathan Adams
It’s Monday
I’m waking up without you
Rain is falling almost as hard as my tears
It’s Tuesday
I’m dragging myself out of bed with a heavy head and heavier heart
The glow from the outside is more harsh than uplifting
It’s Wednesday
I’m halfway between feeling everything and nothing
Birds chirping outside my window make it hard for the silence to get to me
It’s Thursday
I’m calling a cab to take me home from a night trying to forget what’s engraved in my mind
Stars in the sky are reminding me of your eyes
It’s Friday
I’m in my room confined to four bare walls
Breeze from the windows nearly freeze my body
It’s Saturday
I’m ignoring the calls and any efforts of communication
Dark clouds block the sun once more
It’s Sunday
I’m awake at 4am thinking about how you’re probably not dreaming of me
Rain is falling again, but my tears have dried.
Nathan Adams Apr 2015
How do I find my strength
When what I have lived for has come to an end
I've wiped away too many tears
Watched too many dreams disappear.
Turned away by my souls true friend
My true love has come to an end
I've wasted too many years
Too many dreams have disappeared.

Trying to get back the years we have lost
Failing to give my heart to another and cut the costs
Trying to find a way to sleep

Failing to ignore the time we have lost
My soul still ablaze, still red hot
I still have your picture
It still makes me weak

Lord, take me home
Coz here I'm too alone
I havn't the strength
To pass your test
I'm too tired
Just want to go home.

— The End —