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573 · Apr 2017
I should be in love today
Nancy E Tracy Apr 2017
I should be in love today
Fly me to the moon
Happy endings come my way
Good fortune coming too

Spring is

Life in color fills the air

I should be in love today
If a certain guy
Could love me too

I could be in love with you

Now all I need is a musician guy...........Oh ..Bur-t.......
558 · Jul 2015
Hole in the Heart
Nancy E Tracy Jul 2015
There's a hole in my heart
Where once she resided
Another friend gone
A new grief ignited

A lifetime of friendship and kinship repeated
A thread of gold woven, the work is completed

Our lives knit together
Of long golden threads
It's strength lies in Heaven
My heart lies in shreds
I lost a cousin by marriage yesterday.  Friends, appearing in and out of each other's lives over a period of over 40 years.  She will be truely missed
543 · Aug 2015
Nancy E Tracy Aug 2015
Want to be Happy?
Forgiveness makes freedom yours
And opens those doors

To truth, peace and love
a pathway you will treasure
Joy beyond measure

And all who know this
Know forgiveness comes from love
It can't be ignored

The truth yours at last
That love comes from Christ Jesus
All you do is ask
I John 4:8  God is Love
532 · Dec 2014
New Years Eve
Nancy E Tracy Dec 2014
Each year on New Years Eve
Since 1991
Each year on New Years Eve
I sit here all alone

My friends have all departed
they're dead or else they're gone

I'm much too old to party
go out in snow and ice
but dressing up with sparkling hair and high heels would be nice

The dancing and the laughter
are what I miss the most
the horns champagne confetti
To drink a New Years toast

But on the shelf above me
an album filled with love
sits quietly and waits for me

No, I am not alone
My next-door neighbor (Cora)was going to come over and we were going to drink beer and giggle and watch the ball drop, but, alas, she has to go pet-sit for her daughter whose husband has had a death in the family.  Oh well, Cheers everybody and Happy New Year 2015
532 · Apr 2017
Nancy E Tracy Apr 2017
Of all the gems
the best of gifts
you'll ever give

A Diamond is a girls best friend
512 · Oct 2014
It could happen........
Nancy E Tracy Oct 2014
We were fish in the sea
sheep on the hill
when that dark, dreadful day came to pass.

There were some in their beds,
some out of their heads,
while the government sat on it's ***.

It came out of the  East
swift like an eagle
and covered the earth in a flash,

All things froze with a "Beep"
when the Net started falling
and out in the street you could hear people calling

"What just happened?" they wondered
while everyone pondered
Bill Gates wrung his hands in Dispair,

"Just what have I done,
now everything's gone
with the whole world as one
I was just having fun
now, my money's all gone
it's certainly not any fair!"
Boo Hoo
504 · Jun 2018
Only Endure
Nancy E Tracy Jun 2018
There are hearts that are so tender, Lord

Hearts that are so rare
that every little grievance
causes pain that we can't bear

Oh, hear our cry,
dear Lord we pray

Give comfort and assurance

that though we cry
you are near by
to strengthen our endurance

Matthew 24:13
But he who endures shall be saved
503 · Dec 2014
'Tis the Season
Nancy E Tracy Dec 2014
When the page was closed
I wept a while

So much beauty seen today
So much gladness in this happy season

So much saddness
None without a reason

My first thought (in Poetry)
Broke me out of my reverie

Leaving me in pain
for those who are so sad

Knowing that in vain
you'd given all you had

"When one door is closed,
a window opens up" for you

Oh, I can help!
I know where the window is!

Yes, come through the window!
Yes, it takes some effort to get through there...

You can do it!
I know you can

Look, look all around you
Here, here in Poetry's Home

HP poets eagerly
waiting to enfold you

Love is the window
Come, come on in!
The Christmas season causes some people pain and it is reflected in their poetry.  This sadness is what prompted this poem.
487 · Oct 2014
Nancy E Tracy Oct 2014
MY TURN........
                (to rant)

There was a time when Halloween
was lots of fun, no one was mean.
We didn't have to check our treats
and children safely crossed the streets.

And then the "seventies" arrived
with liberal concepts all contrived
to change our "Dull" society
bluring lines of propriety
bending rules of decency,
corruption, greed and call it "Free".

No freedom lies within these mores.
Suffering now, we've locked our doors.
We scan for weapons all  aboard
or come to school a frightened hoard.

Is this the "New Society" that once they blithely stated
would bring to us a world that's free of hatred, educated,

would bring us new insightfulness?
Devoid of all the frightfulness?

A better place for us to live?
A healthy place to raise our kids?

When mistress Miley gets on stage,
or "Beeber" gets arrested
are we really proud of them?
Well I'm not, I'm ashamed
462 · Oct 2014
Halloween Fun
Nancy E Tracy Oct 2014
Here they come now!

Giggling up the sidewalk

On their way to my front door.

Masses of costumed grimlins,
Screaming bundles of fun!

On their way to my front door.

Sticky faces,
Painted faces,
Horrid hairy masks that hide happy faces,
Upturned faces,

Grinning ear-to-ear in anticipation of some goody
Tossed into each sack,

On their way to my front door!
Written in 1986 but since Halloween is coming I couldn't resist putting it on here.  Hope you like it
453 · Oct 2016
Nancy E Tracy Oct 2016
Like the Ocean's Tide
The roller-coaster ride of life
A bitter pill to swallow

when you know too much
When you feel too much
When you Love
.........too much
When you care too much,
you get hurt too much

Vast the Ocean, Deep and Dark
It's mysteries so beguiling
As if the fates have conspired
To a wailing call of the sirens

The evoking chants of the night's air
The eerie howls of the dark wolves
Like the ocean's unending seasons,
So is life's endless tussles

Boundless the ocean's depths
Far and wide
Boundless the ocean far and near....
And blue the waters, blue as tears.
anybody want to finish this poem for me?
Thank you Ovi for Lines 14 thru 20 and thank you Angstrom for lines 10 thru 13.  Thank you r for line 21!!  It completes the poem for me, but if anyone else wants to add anything else, feel free to do so.  Thanks
432 · Sep 2014
Morning Prayer
Nancy E Tracy Sep 2014
Dear Lord please take our sins away
and chase the storm clouds from this day

Bless us with your strength to be
Examples of your love
429 · Oct 2016
Nancy E Tracy Oct 2016
Come blow away the deary leaves of Winter
          scattered everywhere

Wash the dust from all the dead and dying
          green of spring magnifying

Bathe the Earth in Rainbow
          colored hope
419 · Feb 2015
Nancy E Tracy Feb 2015
There is no end to love
except a broken heart
My kitty has been missing for five days
413 · Jul 2018
103 Degrees
Nancy E Tracy Jul 2018
103 Degrees

The sun dropped fast behind the trees
And cooled the squirrels, the birds, the bees....
And me

And soon enough the shade where I, at peace, reside
An audience to nature's Summer Night
A performance, in perfect harmony
A witness to a magical delight
A concert that touchs where the soul abides

July 17, 2018
6:30 PM
409 · Oct 2014
Get a Life
Nancy E Tracy Oct 2014
"You're old" they said, "Not worth your salt"
That's what the young folks say.
"Get a life" they said, "Go back to bed"
"you're only in the way"

I'll get a life as soon as I have finished raising kids
Have finished doing dishes, have finished making beds

Have finished playing "Taxi" to you and all your friends
Have finished paying bills, have fininshed meeting ends

I'll "Get a life" when I am done
with work I have to do
To help down at the shelter
and  at the churches too

With PTA and parties
vacations and the like
I don't have time..........there is no time

For me to get a life.
I wrote this when I was active in our Poetry Society and it won a  prize
405 · Jan 2015
Nancy E Tracy Jan 2015
Rain, Rain on my day
Breath of Life you're  after
**** my Joy away

Nay I say

Breathe on me Breath of Life
Sing Songs of Greatfullness
Hide all the Hatefullness
Strength over Strife
Tired of all the media misery
395 · Apr 2017
Love Yourself
Nancy E Tracy Apr 2017
Love Yourself

Not because nobody else is going to do it
but, because when someone else loves you,
it is so much easier to love yourself.

And when you love yourself,
it is so much easier to love others

And you are loved by me

391 · Mar 2017
Nancy E Tracy Mar 2017
Dear Friend, received your letters, they were late
They came (in box) on Tuesday, with that date
Demands that I should read them instantly,
was not a polite thing to say to me.

In view of ways that did proceed from you,
I say goodbye, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu
Iambic Pentameter  practice
389 · Nov 2016
Happy Thanksgiving
Nancy E Tracy Nov 2016
I know that we can thank the Lord
For all the blessings we receive

For home and Family and Food,
the wonders we do not perceive

But may the Lord
Our dearest friend
Thank us for what we've given Him?
Happy Thanksgiving HP Poets!  Hope you all have a wonderful day
387 · Apr 2017
Spring Again
Nancy E Tracy Apr 2017
It's cold outside
and it's windy, Wyndee
The sun is obscured by the clouds.

Do you know that on Wednesday, Wyndee
the flowers will bloom
and the grass will grow
and what do you's Spring outside again.

The Sun will be shining, Wyndee.
When you look out the door you'll be finding
That the birds are singing "Spring" outside
What a wonderful time of the year!

Love, Mom
382 · Jan 2015
In the News
Nancy E Tracy Jan 2015
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness;
Only light can do that.

Hate cannot drive out hate;
Only Love can do that."

Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. 1929 -1968
"His words ring as true today as when he first spoke them" Abby
372 · Oct 2016
Forever Love
Nancy E Tracy Oct 2016
There's Love that makes the world go 'round
There's love that lasts forever

But, Love for you is so profound
364 · Jul 2018
Writers Block
Nancy E Tracy Jul 2018
Awake! You lazy pen who gives me nothing..
You fingers parlyzed

Awake!  You stubborn thoughts who lie in puddles..
Refusing to cooperate when all I ask is such an easy task,

Give ear to all the world encompassing your gifted sight

Stoke the fire that burns wthin the ashes of your heart

Beat out a tune for all of those who live to write
358 · Jul 2018
Quote - Light from Heaven
Nancy E Tracy Jul 2018
If thou indeed derive thy light from Heaven
      Then, to the measure of that Heaven-born light,
      Shine, Poet! In thy place, and be content.....
                                                --William Wordsworth
358 · May 2018
I Love
Nancy E Tracy May 2018
I love my neighbor

I love myself

There is on shame in love

Then why is it so hard for some

To to just go on and say it
350 · Dec 2014
New Year's Quote
Nancy E Tracy Dec 2014
"Tomorrow is the first blank page
of a 365 page book.

Write a good one!"
Brad Paisley
Happy New Year HP Poets!
338 · Oct 2014
Your Local News
Nancy E Tracy Oct 2014
Boy! Do we need some
In this season of

Politicians in my Hair
ISIS, Ebola, Hurricanes in the Bahamas.....what else?
326 · Sep 2014
Carol's Song
Nancy E Tracy Sep 2014
Pearls of wisdom
from the heart
When you leave me
when we part

Like a bird my spirit flies
to be beside you, there it dies

a thousand deaths
in hell to burn
'til you return
This was written for my Niece
321 · May 2018
Quiet Time
Nancy E Tracy May 2018
It is stunningly amazing

What you can hear and see

while quietly you're seated

Beneath an old oak tree
268 · May 2018
Anotther Spring
Nancy E Tracy May 2018
Rain on the roof
Lightening in the sky

Little blossoms bow their heads
and dare to wonder why

— The End —