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Nov 2020 · 224
Myra Nov 2020
We met in an aquarium
Next to sharks and jellyfish and rays
We had only spoken for a few weeks
But you were already latched into my brain

And we strolled through the Electric City
Your hand, and mine
Einstein's theory of relativity
Was the epitome of our time

Rain poured, then it left
And we were greeted by the sun
And I didnt need to have my eyes open
To see the rainbow that day
When we collided inside of color
We kissed inside of color
Nov 2020 · 213
Postal Stamp
Myra Nov 2020
My love makes me feel valuable
As if I'm the very last postal stamp for his bill payment that HAS to go out today.

He knows my worth,
He presses me to his lips,
Keeps me in the thoughts of his home and all that is dear
But instead of keeping me tucked inside the safety of a drawer
He sends me into the world
With his love, because love is the only thing we give that actually pays back
And I will collect and accumulate and travel and eventually
Come home.
Dec 2019 · 196
What's the point?
Myra Dec 2019
your voice
came into my mind
And I felt the stormy blues
But then I asked myself
"What is the point in even missing you?"

The reality is short and sweet
Like your favorite peanut butter snacks
That once took over my apartment's cabinet
I'd save them, assured you would come back

The reality is you won't.
Even if you knocked on my door,
Missing something faithful and true
I know what I know just as much as you've known what you knew

That you'd never admit your mistakes to your friends
Highly influenced by their opinions
Highly influenced by our differences
And yet you spin the wheel,
Manipulating their perspective
Like I'm daft just because I'm in this process of transition

God forbid you don't have some structure in your life,
But even more so God forbid you have an ever-adapting and changing wife
Because the reality is you won't find a partner who isn't transitioning
Between growing to different levels
A different person every decade
She could be a business owner one year,
then regress to a stay at home mom, having spit and crayon on her face every day
Is this your fear?
But what about the moments between,
That are still, like calm water?
You wont see growth but it's happening
But I know you- you'll never stay to see
Because stagnance is a red flag to you
you'd rather chase the white foaming edge
You'll never see the calming storm on the sea
You'll never know your destination's end
And I feel bad for you,
In your infinite search
Never content

If you couldn't accept me in my still moments
When my world is asleep
When my water is still
When I'm in hibernation
And preparing to bloom
When you couldn't just love me
despite my winter
What's the point of missing you?
Dec 2019 · 205
Torn pictures
Myra Dec 2019
I tore our pictures down
Like how a coyote
bites off its own leg
Trapped in dissolution
I wasn't going to pretend it was all

Trapped in the crumbling skeleton
The carcass of us, a victim of time
Why did you let it go so far then?
When it was already eating the flesh of mine?

Instincts told me of your disapproval
Instincts told me you were ashamed
But tell me, former lover,
Why did you smile,
Every time I called your name?
Dec 2019 · 200
Haiku (Abandonment)
Myra Dec 2019
You were in my dreams
Now you're in all my nightmares
**** abandonment
Dec 2019 · 346
Phoebe Bridgers
Myra Dec 2019
Deleting old pictures,
Scraping the bones
From memories that sting
When we were happy and didn't know
That your feelings would change
Like a switch to a light
Like the seasons, or seconds
Like day to night
And I wanted to hold on,
but I knew it when you chose flight

Now I'm looking at my walls
Deciding what to do next
How can I move on, when you were the best?
Your mind always wooed me, despite your chaotic and dark eyes
You were Hades to my Persephone
But you won't be back this winter's time

Now 'Motion sickness' by Phoebe Bridgers
Is playing on repeat
The lyrics are heaven
When my heart is taking Hell's heat
I'm healing from this whiplash,
What the hell happened?
It was a waiting car wreck
And I carelessly kept my seatbelt unfastened

But Phoebe is keeping me company
And her music is like a drug
Distracting me from my enemies
And keeping my heart numb

I just thought you were the one.
Dec 2019 · 204
Myra Dec 2019
It wasn't a battle if wits
It was two people observing
The same structure,
Like an abstract blot chart
You saw a web, but I saw a tree
you saw getting caught,
And I only saw growth
Your heart was timid
Like a shaking windmill to a hurricane
My heart was ready to take oath

Your projected manifestations
Burned holes in my head
Making me question
My own worth instead
It warped my reality
Of the timelined events
And now all I've known feels

And its hard to look at the stars now,
And not think of your eyes
You have freckles inside your irises
Constellations better than the sunrise
Your shoulders were mountains I loved to climb
Perhaps I climbed too high and was too exposed to the cold
Contagious dialogues,
Viruses for the soul

And now I grieve as I
Shake off the snow.
Dec 2019 · 160
Myra Dec 2019
Our bittersweet glances
Grew into a murderous silence
My heart has never known sour,
Never known such violence
As you dropped the bomb,
The nuclear tear
Oh, my love- I was simply unaware

Maybe it was pressure,
But I never glanced at its gage
I simply knew that I loved you and
That it was enough to make your heart stay
To know loving arms,
When your world was a storming sea
Despite my own adversities

Like an earthquake it rattled,
Like how diamonds need pressure in the rough

No, it wasn't my love that wasn't enough
Myra Sep 2019
Walking through a sunflower patch
Reminds me of Van Gogh
A starry eyed man who saw his world
Painted in rich yellow
And as often as I greet their petals,
Mustard and gold,
I can't help but wonder of this life
So beautiful and bold

And as I grasp these flowers in the palm of my hand
I will also grasp this life
Sep 2019 · 625
Myra Sep 2019
So sick of seeing pictures of all the places
I want to see with my own eyes
I want to see redwood sequoias, gentle giants
Utah mountains and pink African skies
But of all the memories I swear to myself that I will make
To feed the insatiable wanderlust of my soul
I want to share all the sights with you
Adventurous lover,
And I know my heart will be whole
Sep 2019 · 183
Polish Or No Polish
Myra Sep 2019
I don't paint my fingernails right before our visits anymore
I don't rush the brushstrokes
I don't worry about the paint drying in time
Afraid that you'll see the truth
bitten nails
A shadow of anxiety
A shadow of what's inside me

And you see me
My flaws
My weaknesses
Yet you call it beauty
Polish or no polish
You still kiss the palms of my hands
And my soul knows it's home
Aug 2019 · 200
Eyeball freckles
Myra Aug 2019
The freckles in his eyes remind me of constellations at dusk
Who knew such constellations could exist?
So subtle, yet so outstanding
That when the sun hits them
His eyes of honey reveal the spots I want to exist inside of

Like stardust to a nebula
Like a caterpillar to a chrysalis
A diamond inside amethyst
Cold air inside a hollow metal pole  
I want to be engulfed
And our two souls,

Inside his eyes of honey
Where constellations glisten in twilight
Aug 2019 · 198
Myra Aug 2019
I refuse to become the product of my parents
A sold idea that
Love expires
Like curdled milk
That love is a stone that you toss across a lake
Become amused by a few skips
before you find a new stone
so the sunken one is replaced

I refuse to follow the same path
The same torture
And mistakes

When the vows are said
The wedding night made
The promises meant to be kept
Will be taken to the grave
And that's it. That's that.
Like a shopping list simply cross
Divorce off as a choice and buy something else. Anything else.

Because love is not perishable.
Love is not an expired product.
Aug 2019 · 279
Unconditional (Haiku)
Myra Aug 2019
A word that liberates all
Let love BE that word
Aug 2019 · 160
Myra Aug 2019
Sometimes my love
Like shadows to the moon
Sometimes my joy shines
Like gold over maroon
Sometimes my anger bursts
Like thunder out of rain
Sometimes my somber thoughts
Are knuckles tapping on foggy windowpanes
Sometimes my courage is an eagle perched on high mountain cliffs
Or my ambition a sapling,
Ready for winter's first kiss

But despite my many forms,
Silhouettes of trees,
Shimmering golds,
Foggy windows,

I want to be known for my light.
I want to be known for my light.
Aug 2019 · 281
Garden 2
Myra Aug 2019
The begonias in my garden are blooming and my roses are doing alright
I know I should be tending to them but you keep coming across my mind
I know you have to leave town soon
But do you think you have some time?

I know you're drinking your coffee and combing back your hair
But all I want to ask you
is do you have a second to spare?
Because the flowers all whisper to me
"he loves you, he loves you not"
And I'll tell you that I love you, my dear,
Words I believe you forgot
Aug 2019 · 166
Picnic in Promisesland
Myra Aug 2019
Ghosts that once haunted me
Have vaporized away
When we laid in the sun
On that sunny day
Next to the lake at Promisedland
We watched boats row by
And I packed a basket with roses and the sweetest wine
And when you looked at me a certain way  
I knew you were mine

We read each other poetry from
A collected poetry book
And I knew I found the soul for me
When you gave me that warm look

Laying on a blanket, reading and passing time
Under the sun with full bellies on delicious foods, fruits, and wine
I'd choose no one else, my dear,
But you to be mine
Aug 2019 · 211
Myra Aug 2019
Come to my garden
And see what you'll find
You'll see me sitting next to foxgloves and writing prose
Where poets dance inside my mind

And if you shall see me pruning my roses
and collecting their soft and fragrant blooms
I've left a vase inside my apartment
where they will light up my room

And maybe, just maybe,
If you sing with me songs of prose and verse,
Sweet melodies of bliss
I'll show you my love
with a rose from my garden
And reinforce it with a kiss
Aug 2019 · 970
Myra Aug 2019
The sun kissed her skin
And yet, it did not burn her
...Kinder than lovers
Aug 2019 · 232
Myra Aug 2019
Oh how these times are contradictory to the fire in my soul!
That once was a fearlessness is now a sinking hole
I once dodged lovers who made me feel like I walked on glass
That everything I did was wrecking what we had
The people who make you feel unfit or that you need to be three steps ahead
I recorded such brokenness and my heart whispered "Never again."

I've let down my guard so quick and fell comfortable too fast
And still I was hurt despite a different approach from my past

How to live?
How to love?
Can I walk on eggshells with a partner,
Or is being too cautious too much?

Contradictions of the heart
When I'm experiencing two points of view
What is so easily kept inside my head
Is stirred by thoughts of you
Jul 2019 · 178
Myra Jul 2019
I met you when I least was ready
Could you be the one?
You've knocked down all my theories that
Knowing your type finds you true love

You're far from what I would have dated
But your heart remains so true
And that's all I need to know, dear
That all I'll want is you

Your soul is kind and meek, dear
But stronger than others who compete
Your laugh is contagious, your song a dance,
Your very voice makes me complete

When we met you did not share the faith,
Political choices, or dietary views
And yet somehow despite the differences
Your heart lead me to you
Your kindness will always be my favorite quality I look up to

So I'll keep the 'type' in this old typewriter
And let my heart follow through
Jul 2019 · 903
Myra Jul 2019
Why is tenacity so rare to find?
like a blood diamond in volcanic ash,
Fire needs to fuel that raging need to
Just. Hold. On.

What happened to tenacity
And the love that embodied it?
Love for one's friendship, relationship, or purpose?
The tenacity of loving endlessly and effortlessly with no strings attached?
The tenacity of holding on to weakness because weakness in and out of love
Is. Strength?

Perhaps my most favorite people are the most tenacious
I proudly show off my friends and family with tenacious hearts like the most luminescent jewels
The acquaintances that throw decades of friendships away in the name of love, power.... Image.
Their love is only embers, floating on winds that go elsewhere.
I do not intend on keeping them

Find your tenacity like a roaring lion
Find the jewels of tenacity in the ash of your hearts and
Wear them.

they never dull
Jul 2019 · 220
Myra Jul 2019
When the glasses come off
And your hair falls in your face
By candlelight two souls bind
And my heart feels fiery haste

Dark hair that falls on my forehead
'Seems like a dream come true
When heaven exists in the four corners of my apartment
Where I share this celestial love with you
Jul 2019 · 233
Typewriter Academy
Myra Jul 2019
Typewriter academy
The blank shells of my mind
When creativity is hiding
And the cruelest of demons are kind
Searching and seeking for
Emotions that inspire thespians to write
To act out in daytime,
Only to dream at night

Typewriter academy,
An empty room inside my mind
Where imagination takes over
What oddities you'll find
Jul 2019 · 147
The mother
Myra Jul 2019
When they speak of her,
They speak like a disease has entered the room
she's Midas without gold
But sheds inevitable gloom

she sets traps where she finds joy
In watching her prey suffer the sharp and painful snare
She's got love for her children
But holds hate within her stare
She's angry and jealous
And is only happy if you feel that way too

And yet I still wonder why you loved her the way I love you
Jul 2019 · 155
Myra Jul 2019
he said,
she said.
Stuck in the murky grey
Of what's supposed to be our beginning
But now I'm not sure what to say

Haunted by ghosts that still lurk within your every room
And I am yet helpless to the shadow that follows you

we had our first argument
The first heat without passion's cause
A tsunami without a shore
A raging tigress without claws
And yet I didn't feel moved
Like a hurricane to a bay

Words taken from my mouth
Peace is stolen in murky grey
Jul 2019 · 159
Myra Jul 2019
She longed for the African soil
Oh how she wanted to go
To where the beasts of the land
Matched the wilderness of her soul

She longed for the Sahara sunsets
To see the peak of Mount Ngai
Where the endless yellow savannah grass meets the infinite blue sky
She longed to hear zebras chirp
And elephants trumpet on the water
To hear a lioness's chuff at her cubs
To hear a hyena's laughter

but time continues on and life happens every inch of the way
And so she whispers to her heart
"Maybe someday"

But she's learning that Africa isn't just a place on television or on a globe
Africa is wherever her heart finds adventure
It's already in her bones

Africa is where she wants it to be
Africa is already inside,
boiling the blood in her veins
Africa is where adventure thrives
Jun 2019 · 397
Myra Jun 2019
I don't want to be treated better
Than the girl who haunts your dreams
All I want my love, is to be treated

I don't admire your indifference
To how our title should be
That the whole world should see us, and that is

Friends can offer comfort, an encouraging word or three
But I am not a friend, but a lover
And so I want to be treated

Your eyes once lit the room for her
A way they'll never light up for me
And so you'll never treat me on the same terms you did for her

Lovers come and go,
And I know how our paths are meant to be
Your actions spoke over what words wouldn't show

So I must go.
Jun 2019 · 286
Desire is a Tiger
Myra Jun 2019
Isn't free
Freedom of the mind
Can come at a heavy price
The swirls of distraction
are sending me down underwater rabbit holes
Like Van Gogh's
Starry Night

Slow down.

And I'm swimming with a tiger
The spirit of desire
and he wants to feast
But I've got my eyes on the shore
Someone come save me from this place
Before I learn to love his teeth's embrace
And crave more

I'm craving more.
Jun 2019 · 282
Roses from God
Myra Jun 2019
God has a sense of humor
He has a style of teaching us through little ways

It's my first spring in my apartment
A season I've looked forward for weeks
And I've been wishing for a bush of roses
To make rose water and teas
To pick fresh roses and put them in vases in my sun-filled room
It would lighten the dark, with a touch of pink,
And send away the gloom

But paychecks have been sufficient only for living
Not gardening beautiful flowers on a whim
And as I longed for a bush of bright pink roses
I received a gift from Him

Yesterday I went walking
And to my surprise found thorns and buds on the edge of my lawn
I found a bush of pink knockout roses
They have been there all along

Sometimes prayers are answered long before we pray for them
Jun 2019 · 476
Talking to the Moon
Myra Jun 2019
The moon can be a friend
In a world so dull,
So dim
When you're feeling lonely
Seek the man on the moon and just talk to him
When your path is too dark to see, he will light your way
And he's always a good listener no matter what you need to say
Greet him like an old friend
He's known you since you were a babe
Now if only people talked to God like that
The world might be a better place
Myra Jun 2019
What's wrong with a little prowess?
What's wrong with a little sass?
Most men seem to be afraid of a witty woman with the sharpness to talk back
You call us crazy when we shout
When our faces fill with heat
We only asked you a million times to clean your ***** off of the toilet seat
Or to wash your hands after sneezing into them- no, I don't want to be touched!
Stop scratching your ***** in front of me!
Man! I've had enough
What's wrong with having prowess?
What's wrong with having sass?
Ladies, we've had enough and
I think it's time to fight back.

No, you won't take our rights
While we're scrubbing sinks
Covered in your beard hairs
Pick up a book and do some research
If there's even a brain in there

What's wrong with a little prowess?
What's wrong with a little sass?
Mama always taught me not to settle
And I think it's time to fight back
Jun 2019 · 250
Seventh Love
Myra Jun 2019
They say we have but only three loves who come into our story
I have had more loves than three
And this is what they taught me

My first love taught me how to leave
Even when it didn't feel right
When feelings made you strangers by day
But knew each others hearts and bodies at night
My second love taught me compassion while his heart hosted none, a genius in all he did but all humanity gone
My third love taught me about deception
And that sometimes upgrades aren't true
When you thought you hit the lottery but they can't seem to respect you
My forth love taught me what I want
In a world so blinded by molded things
I canceled my own wedding and I gave him back the ring
My fifth love taught me sobriety even when I didn't drink
That sometimes we get drunk on lust
And we need to evaluate the things we think
My sixth love taught me how to parent a little girl that wasn't mine
It broke my heart when he walked away, though our friendship is still alive

And now it is my seventh love,
A lucky number to some
He's shared with me his beautiful mind and
Only sweet words roll off his tongue
My seventh love taught me that strength exists in meekness
His soul is gentle, nurturing, and kind
Not to be mistaken for weakness
His love is strong and tenacious as a lion's heart
My seventh love just might be the One
May God forbid us from breaking apart
Based off Sara Teasdale's poem "The Gift"
Jun 2019 · 173
Like the Wild Beasts
Myra Jun 2019
She moved and danced and flipped through the chapters that were now gone
Like the jungle to her life,
And so the beasts danced on
She ran, and jogged, and trotted
To where new life would spawn
And like a party after a funeral,
The beasts danced on
She swayed, swifted, and stepped
Into the inevitable dawn
Like the sunrise after nightfall
The beasts danced on

She stalked, and crawled, and sprinted like a lioness hunting for long
Like the wild beasts of the land
She was moving on
Based off the novel The Lion by Joeseph Kessel
Jun 2019 · 166
Cradling Words
Myra Jun 2019
Cradling words, only three
Like a cradled butterfly in your palm readying to fly free
It almost slipped from my mouth as we kissed
but I held on tight
I wasn't sure if those three words are ready to take flight
So fragile and delicate
From your finger to its wing
Oh how I want to free it and let my heart sing!
But time reveals the truth in all of these good things
May 2019 · 215
Myra May 2019
I've written many poems
Songs of prose and verse
Somedays it's a triumph,
Other days a curse
To create and create and create
Like a ******'s tooth that won't stop growing
I gnaw away at words while they are flowing
Like a flood in my mind,
Infinite stansas of soliloquies
Like a pen with infinite ink
I am lyrics without a melody
May 2019 · 161
Dear Sara
Myra May 2019
Dear Sara,
Was it heartbreak that killed you?
That drove your desire to be free?
Of this life and the next?
Of a somber soliloquy?
Dear Sara, you wrote beautifully as a caged bird who was chained
When they found your body do you think their minds had really changed?
Did they drive you to the point of madness? Delirium on your brain?
I hope you're infinitely walking the fields of spring
A heaven, despite the mistake you made
Dear Sara I've read your books, thousands of poems, songs, and tales
The world loved what you had to say
Dear Sara I know you're free
but could it have been another way?
Sara Teasdale. Famous poet who committed suicide
May 2019 · 158
An Hour
Myra May 2019
Its just an hour until I see you every drive that we make
I don't count the change in minutes
Like quarters in my hands
Or collected rocks on my mother's windowpane
The distance becomes shorter with song and romance on the heart
Knowing it's all temporary
Maybe one day we won't be an hour apart
I've had this distance before between a former suitor and I
But he didn't have the same look in your eyes
As when the hour is up and the reunion rejoices

An hour is just an hour, my love, to the heart's tenacious choices
May 2019 · 208
Myra May 2019
Am I a catalyst?
A perfect equationalized lesson before
Before the rest happens?
Just when I find the love of my life
They find theirs after me
And while its bubbling and brewing like a sour cup of black coffee
You thank me for my time because without me
You wouldn't have met her
You wouldn't have learned
The reason you treated me one way
But not her.
So next comes the ring and everyone's eyes are magnetically glued
But I was just the catalyst, the formula you needed to use
And now I'm just evidence of what led her to you
May 2019 · 191
Ghosts of Love
Myra May 2019
Is she a ghost to you
Like how he's a ghost to me?
Let's let them go together
And run away, free.
Yes, I know- it's haunting
But if you keep turning around for a look
You'll only haunt your heart and set it up to be spooked

So let go of the ouija board that became our phones
Because our ghosts of love will only haunt us if we forget we're not alone
May 2019 · 550
Cracking the Egg
Myra May 2019
Sometimes I wonder if
I'm good enough for your love
Like a missing ingredient to the best batch of cookies,
I'm looking for something between us that I fear isn't whisking in your veins
Stir, stir
Passion is a rare ingredient
Often improvised with lust
But passion is the concrete between our building blocks of what's US
It's the egg whites holding everything else together
And yet this egg isn't cracking
This flower isn't blooming
Or is it in my mind?
Am I thinking too much?
The looking glass of social media only steals happiness while we compare strangers to a timeline that isn't now
It isn't now
And while I'm asking myself "why did he publicly debut her presence in his life but not me?"
Stir, stir. Remind yourself of the kiss you shared on your couch in your dim candlelit apartment when he kissed you. REALLY kissed you.
Yeah. Remember that?
Passion is a rare ingredient and I'm just cracking the egg
Apr 2019 · 304
Myra Apr 2019
He was the Michelangelo
to her plain cathedral walls
He was the stain glass lighting
Her dark and somber halls
Painted hands reach for the heavens
Like he reaches for her veins
His delicate nature to her cherry windowpanes
The smell of sage and myrrh  
Became the perfume on her skin
He was her Michelangelo
And he had yet to begin
Apr 2019 · 372
Myra Apr 2019
They met but through a screen
In a futuristic world
Where relationships were built long before
Actually. Meeting. Someone.
Two artists. One soul.

But she longed for capturing all five senses of him and his masterpiece mind
Her heart races every time she wonders how his concentrated eyes look,
Carefully painting the brush strokes on his canvas.

She thought of the senses and counted them out with her fingers;
"Sight, sound- I've seen and heard you on the phone.
What was left? Ah, yes- touch, and smell, and taste."

She wondered what he would feel like in her embrace.
She wondered what he would smell like- of natural sandalwood? Cologne?

Then she remembered the last sense, taste.
"To taste you on my lips," she thought, "would be art."
Feb 2019 · 197
Myra Feb 2019
I have a new fear in my mind
I never thought it would exist
That my lover could leave me
For death's cold, thorny kiss
Although he still lives,
With a beat in his veins
The possibility is there
And must be suppressed everyday
His demons are not demons
But only one monster
She sits on his lap, sometimes his shoulder
He works hard everyday to turn her away, a sight he doesn't want to see
Addiction is a *****,
And she wants him to cheat on me
Feb 2019 · 217
Egg Shells
Myra Feb 2019
Walking on egg shells
Does more damage than
Walking on glass
Glass quickly cuts the skin, and all heals
As time will pass
Egg shells build a climactic crunch
An eerie silence leading to-
I'd rather cut my feet on glass
Than break my heart again over you
Feb 2019 · 138
Myra Feb 2019
Tattoos fill the skin
Like paint to a canvas
Scars get covered
Like light consumes darkness
She understood his scars
His pain, his soul
And when his arms became bridges
She was inside a cage of tapestries
A flesh art museum without walls
Their bodies together,
Like a renaissance painting
Michaelangelo, Picasso couldn't compare
Because The love they made
Caused them to forget the scars that were even there
Feb 2019 · 148
Star dust lovers
Myra Feb 2019
She was dust
Star dust
As little as she thought she was
She was celestial gold
Her light dispersed through the Galaxy
Yet she focused on the fine details
She saw herself as small particles
Disappearing into darkness
Yet he was her Galileo
He wanted to explore her,
The shape of her, the way she moved
The very molecules that made her burn
And when she thought her glow was dead
Her light was just being seen through space for the first time in light years
And he loved her
Apr 2018 · 446
Cups of Coffee
Myra Apr 2018
Some days are just a cup of coffee
Other days are something else
thats not my cup of tea
Some days I'm a bucket of rocks
Other days I'm a bucket of ice cream
But all I want
Is a week of peace
But it seems impossible
Since you've stolen pieces of me

And if I stay
I'll wither away
With a smile
And in love
But if I go
I go with dignity
I'd be lonely but whole
I don't know why I said yes
To being yours
But I guess that pressure makes us Wear our hearts on our sleeves
So babe that's why I gotta leave

Some days are still a cup of coffee
On lonely rainy days
other days are still sips of iced tea
Inside warm sunny rays

I can only imagine the pain you'd harbor inside
The day when I leave
It's killing me to plan my escape
While you're sleeping naked next to me

And if I stay
I'll wither away
With a smile
And in love
But if I go
I go with dignity
I'd be lonely but whole
I don't know why I said yes
To being yours
But I guess that pressure makes us Wear our hearts on our sleeves
So babe that's why I gotta leave
Song in the making
Mar 2018 · 288
If Lions Ever Eat Me
Myra Mar 2018
If lions ever eat me,
Please do not weep
We are animals too,
And every beast must eat
If lions ever eat me,
Please do not fill with rage
Those that play with fire get burnt,
No different than locking yourself in a lion's cage
If a lion ever eats me,
Its okay to ponder
Just as long as you remember it's only a lion's nature
If lions ever eat me
It's okay to laugh
Their teeth ripping my flesh apart
Could never be as savage as a cold human heart
Future lion keeper
Mar 2018 · 193
Bride to Be
Myra Mar 2018
She missed the intimacy
Of her past lovers
She missed the simplicity
Under the covers
Taking company with soldiers, poets, artists, musicians and free thinkers
She missed being a free thinker
And Lust was never a chore
Switch the feelings on and off,
Convincing herself it's all she wants
Because the poets, soldiers, and musicians never stayed
And now, she was settling
And her dreams of true love are wasted
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