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 May 2013 MSJ
I went to sleep thinking of you.
I dreamed of you.
I woke up thinking of you,
Smiling because of you.
Just because of you,
Today feels new.

God, she's my antidote and I
Need her real bad.
 May 2013 MSJ
From this day forward, I promise that I
will wake up every morning and say to myself
these simple but important things:

Today will be fragile
and the worst thing that could happen
is that it all comes crashing down.

But if it does, you'll have all these
little cracked pieces to kick around and
that's always fun and you know you're so
easily amused, aren't you?

Today will be very, very fragile
and by opening your eyes right now,
you're adding one more crack to the ones
that already exist, but guess what?

The worst thing that could happen is that
it all comes crashing down at your feet.

There are people who need you.
Beautiful, wonderful people who should
be able to stand on their own, but they can't
because they're just as afraid as you are.

They've got dreams and fears just like you
(and they probably don't realize this, but
the same way they're leaning on you,
you're leaning on them and if either of you
lets go, you're both gonna fall and then where
will you be? I'll tell you: you'll be twice as broken
and three times as hurt as you were before.)

There are people who need you, I'll say,
beautiful, wonderful people,
the same ones who keep you sane and
should be able to support themselves but
they can't because unfortunately they're just as afraid as you are.

And it's your job to make them unafraid because no one
deserves the pain that you are in, not even you, no matter how
much you think that there's a reason for all that you feel.

Good morning, beautiful.

Today you are a butterfly who cannot see
how beautiful her wings really are and
today you are a soldier fighting everything that
could possibly stand in your way and
today you will not frown or cry or feel like
everything is wrong because nothing really is.

Today you are more beautiful than you've ever thought
(although not quite as beautiful as you could be) and
more loved than you've ever really been
(although not as loved as you will be in the future) and
more intelligent than you've ever dreamed
(although not as intelligent as you used to be)
and all of that's okay, because all that matters is right now.

And today you may meet someone who will change your life
or today you may find someone who wants to hold your hand
or today you may make someone's day or save a life and you never know.

Good morning, beautiful, I'll say,
Go out there and make something
 May 2013 MSJ
The Whisper
Why hello there, Young Miss,
You look lovely today!
How about a small kiss?
And a walk by the bay?

Where the waves touch our toes,
Under the cold sand,
As a warm breeze blows,
I will reach for your hand.

I'll adore your cute smile,
And hold you quite tight,
For as long as a mile,
Or until it is night.

It's up to you, Beauty.
I swear I don't bite!
Answer me, cutie.
Are you sure you're alright?
 May 2013 MSJ
The Whisper
What divides me is the distance,
Between you and I.
It leaves me torn in two,
For all I want is to be with you.

We haven't shared a moment together,
Not a single second of time.
But just hearing your voice,
Is enough to have me wish you were mine.

Time goes on,
Yet we still haven't met.
My love is on hold until that day,
That I see your smile before me

I'll bask in your beauty,
And enjoy the time,
That the two of us spend together,
Silently hoping it will last forever.
 May 2013 MSJ
Justin Michael
You’re a torn windblown sail
You’re the one test I fail
You’re the ghost in my nightmares
That’s ghastly and pale

You’re a deep buried splinter
You’re my long, dark, cold winter
You’re the bars of a dungeon
And the door I can’t enter

You’re a long broken chain
You’re my stabbing chest pain
You’re the dark clouds and lighting
With a single drop of rain

You’re the one who never stayed
You’re a double edged blade
You’re the cold breath and biting wind
Of winter’s gray fade

I’m a bird on first flight
I’m the dawn at first light
I’m a tensed jaw and clenched fist
Before first street fist fight

I’m a tree with no roots
I’m a cowboy with no boots
I’m a gunslinger with two guns
But neither one shoots

I’m a mournful groan
I’m a heart of stone
I’m a rider on the mustang
About to be thrown

I’m a song never wrote
I’m the burned bridges mote
I’m the broken hearted lover’s
Frayed last strand of hope

I’m a lonely soul
I’m the toll booth’s toll
I’m the twelve dots on the loaded dice
About to be rolled
 May 2013 MSJ
Alice Kay
 May 2013 MSJ
Alice Kay
Please don't lead me on

if it's all just a joke to you.
 May 2013 MSJ
Dag J
running thoughts
 May 2013 MSJ
Dag J
racing mind in surreal
   unseen battle with
nonrelated assignments as it
        never leaves the path of
        indulgement and presence under the
                    neon lights of the more
                 grungy corners of the soul

        theoretically overturning a
    hopeless truth as the absence of
                           outgoing expectations to
                          undermined memories in
                     glowing pastel colours takes us
             home to where we belong in
                              time for a late breakfast as we
     surrender to beautiful abstract Harmony and inner Peace
meditation for the modern ancestor

© MMXIII by Day J
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