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1d · 59
Forget her
I'm not missing her
Sad that her scent faded with the breeze
She's gone with the wind
I'm not missing a part of my soul

I'm not missing her
The blush on her rosy cheeks
Is a faded memory
I'm not missing the better half of me

I'm not missing her
But a part of me is with her
It calls to me
"Forget her."
7d · 112
A bird sings in my heart tonight
It is full of desire
The silence inside is gone
As my heart beats on

And the bird whistles a tune
Which reminds me of you
In her plaintive song
I find warmth

It's something I can sing and hum
While I stroll on a wide street in some distant town
I am at ease
Knowing the bird will keep me company

While the bird has grown tired
I want it to sing tonight
So that I can share with you
Something that's honest and true
The poem aims to capture the weariness that comes with falling in and out of love. But when the right one comes along, you'll find the strength to carry on.

I've been working on my poetry for a while now and wasn't sure if I should publish anything. But this metaphor struck me like lightning. It is inspired by Bluebird, a poem penned by Charles Bukowski.
Jan 20 · 319
Song of the Rain
Trees sway to the night breeze
The birds welcome the rain
With a song in their hearts
As the leaves shudder in the cold

The lilies are in love
With the streams
Never leaving their side
In the light drizzle

On days when I'm tired
I think upon the song of the rain
And it begins to pour again
Filling my heart with gladness
Jan 20 · 136
The coldest winter is here
Flowers have wilted
Friends have been gone for years
The heart cries its silent tears

There's an escape sometimes
After all time's too quick
For me to carry the weight
I tell myself that it'll be alright

If winter's goes, can spring be far behind?
Jan 20 · 53
Spring arrives
As the winter rain came
The flowers came to life
Surrounded by the chatter of leaves
Upon which droplets fell and slid

The beauty that existed all around
Present in every waking moment
Faded into the warm spring of my life
That changed me as a person

I found the littlest things
That brought me joy in the coldest times
Breathing life into when I hoped
With a broken heart

I think this what finding love is like
You go through every passing day
Clinging to the smaller pleasures
Letting them fill you

Until happiness comes easily
Sadness becomes a distant memory
Jan 18 · 76
The canvas
With her gentle breath
She brushes against my skin
My neck placed in her curls
Embraced in blissful sin

She breathes life into me
Pouring her soul into mine
Coloring me with brushstrokes
Of scarlet flowers and red wine

As I gaze warmly at her
The trees shiver in the dark
And flowers sway in the breeze
Leaving me numb at my heart

She leaves a song within me
That's only meant for the heart
An imbroglio in my soul
And a fresco of the mind
Jan 18 · 191
Darkness inside
As you gaze into my eyes
I hold you close to my heart
Caring for you deeply
Hiding the hurt inside

I don't trust myself
But my heart is yours
In this solitary moment
Do you love this man?

When you touched me
I felt the warmth
Travel through me
Like a light in a dark cave
Jan 12 · 65
A death in springtime
Under the bare, pale moon
As I burn hot and blue as a cold star
Hold me tight and secure tonight
If the leaves fall from their heights

In winter's heart, within the icy
Bring me close in your arms
Please let me love you with what's left of me
Only the tenderness of a summer breeze

This poetry lives on the mere thought of you
Building me up with strength
In the face of darkness, giving me light
Before I die in springtime
Jan 12 · 83
Poetry in motion
She had kissed me days ago
After school
Now a memory
On a warm afternoon

I have books filled with her
Verse after verse
In search for the truth
She's poetry in motion

Lies seem sweeter
When I look into those eyes
That hide the love
Jan 12 · 483
Simple joys
If the last leaf falls from the barren tree
As the flowers turn frail, cold, and dry
In the deepest darkest times
Where the soul cannot find the light

When the heart turns to nature
With the sun and moon as its guide
During the wintry depths of desperation
On the darkest nights when the stars collide

In this losing battle called life
We're meant not to win or conquer
Our aim is for the sky with feet rooted to the green
Finding beauty in the smallest of things
Jan 8 · 440
Reasons to live
She wakes up early
As I pass by the hall
Curled up tightly
In her sheets

It's warm outside
She doesn't leave her bed
For it is cold
Jan 8 · 84
Finding summer
If you're lost in the forest among the dying trees
And the river in you runs cold
A gentle breeze sails through the tapestry of brittle leaves
In the icy midst of winter

Invoking a long lost friend
That melts the crystal streams
Crawls through the warm earth
Awakens the entire forest in a collective chorus

If you've never felt your heartbeat
Then I hope you find the right moment
That sweeps you off your feet
Suddenly life will make sense
Jan 8 · 38
I've been meaning to say this for a long time
Second guessing my well-rehearsed lines
Taking my sweet time
Riding out the nights

When you were in my life
I had cast myself into a downward spiral
I'd fallen far enough
To contemplate my mistakes

Your beauty's inspired
My staged rhymes can't describe it
There's no better way to say this
Than with honesty

-Cigarettes After ***
Jan 7 · 51
Dream of me
Someday, I'll look at those moments
When every secret revealed
With it a fiery passion
That had festered in silence

While the memories were lost
Held together by these words
Carved neatly in the corner of your heart
They live on

Boundless as the tides of time
When a violent heartbeat
Causes a dull ache
The blood will sometimes course its way

Into your heart and soul
Intertwining with my being
Soft and slow as a gentle breeze
Every time you dream of me

-John Lennon
Jan 6 · 63
The beauty of it all
You and I will fall in love
In an endless song that goes on and on
That is found in the gentle sway of the trees
As well as the storms that alert the seas

The stars may shiver in the distance
Yet every morning there is a sun for you and I
A kiss is a moment of kindness
Your hug is an instant remedy

Your laugh, whispers, and cries make a complex melody
I'm fiddling with my hair every time I think of you
On some days, my heart doesn't believe in us
Time and time again, it will hold onto its purpose
Jan 6 · 101
A lost passion
The time and memories we shared
Still feeds the hungry soul
It warms the coldness inside
As your words flicker and fade

Now that you aren't here with me
The blankets, sheets, my skin
All have your scent
Water cannot wash away my sins
Dec 2023 · 259
The flowers, the bush, the bees
The trees
God's melody
I don't smile, the same way at least
My hand doesn't tremor anymore
This pen flows like the water
In which the aquatic wilderness swims

I've found courage
So I look up to the skies
A heart that skips a beat
As a white bird scores a fish

I've found self-expression
Art and wisdom; candlewax pours
It melds with the polish of my table
Books, papers, pens, memories

These are the fragmented thoughts
Of a writer
On the verge of a breaking down
Tired of waiting and waiting
Dec 2023 · 66
She's been on my mind
Some letters lay near the bed
For the last three days, half read
My day gets a little tougher
As she's been on my mind lately

I'll lazily stretch my old joints
Yawn a little and tousle my grey hair
My legs feel heavy as the clouds before a rain
If I wake up to the thought of her again

Entering a spiral of despair is so so easy
Staying afloat is the hard part
And a stroll always clears my head
My mind can wander

But in my heart
I've carried the pain of old love
I've carried the weight of old regrets
Now, I'm nursing old wounds

When the night comes
The breeze will rush
The spirit of dawn will caress my soul
Telling me today will be different

But it isn't really
Because everything I do is for her
So I'll learn to live for myself
As time heals those wounds
Nov 2023 · 578
Give love
You cannot overwater
A plant because you missed a day
And expect it to grow
The same way
When we love someone
We often overcompensate
For the mistakes we have made
And hold on to too much regret

Love naturally
Because time is on your side
Love freely
Because time heals wounds
Nov 2023 · 87
How far I've come
You wrote in a page of my notebook
My personal diary
A collection of memories, thoughts, and outpouring
I've written many more pages since then

Even filled a notebook or two
Look at how far I've come
Oct 2023 · 142
Filling the Void
A flower that thrives in the shade
Will never wither
When winter comes
And the sun goes down

Learn to find happiness
In yourself
Even those who are by your side now
May fall away through no fault of their own

Be strong not because the world expects it
But because you have to survive
For better or worse
May these words serve you great comfort
Oct 2023 · 65
When you're sad or upset
And the world seems to be against you
Think of yourself first
Remember that you are better than you think you are

If you are down and reeling in the pain
And nobody seems to care
Think of those who do
Remember you mean much more to them than you do to you
Oct 2023 · 91
I'm the worst poet alive
If I were to write you something, I'd spend not hours but days
Even years
Struggling with the right words
Investing my body and soul into each and every verse
I'd tell myself after 5 minutes of writing
"I need a break, this isn't working out."
After every fleeting emotion was carefully gift wrapped
Between those immortal lines and thoughtful metaphors
I'd spend a few more days questioning myself
Thinking I don't deserve you
You'd tell me "It's alright. If you want to let it go, you can."
I'd tell myself, this isn't real and its different this time

I'm truly the worst poet alive
Because no matter what I say or write
I can't make you stay
Poor self esteem breaks more bonds than you can imagine.
Aug 2023 · 156
White Flowers
The white flowers poured their color
Into the flowing seas
As I poured my soul endlessly
Into the streams of still water

The medley of the rain speaks to me
In its crystal droplets and clear pitter-patter
It tells me that she needs no another
So, I hold back my tears

I tell myself some other day
If I write and write again
About the sadness of the rain
Time will wash away her beautiful face
Aug 2023 · 95
Moving on
A million unspoken words
As the rain pours
When the flowers shiver in the cold
The morning comes

I'll wait in the dark woods
Searching in the corners
Where desire lurks
As the sky hides from plain sight

Sleeping soundlessly
My mind stays awake at night
Hoping for your touch
Yet forgetting you constantly
Aug 2023 · 125
The streets are endless without you
There's no home to go back to
A light led me to your arms
Now it flickers, unsure of your warmth

If this is the way you want things to be
I'll be alright in a few weeks
I know you're lost to me
There's a life beyond this misery
Aug 2023 · 417
Lover's Dream
The flowers shift and sway
As the sun blazes
Letting the warm breeze color this scene
With your face close to mine

Every day seems longer than the last
A violent storm carries with it the past
There's pain in my heart
That gets lost in the locks of your hair
Aug 2023 · 192
The Canvas
There's a fire burning inside
A crimson, blue, and yellow light
It shines in my heart
Brushes my canvas with art

It is filled with pain
That spreads faster than the violent rain
Deep blue spreads across the bruises
Reddest hues mark the grooves

It is the colored canvas of my soul
Aug 2023 · 99
There's a fire raging inside
That ravages the memories of my life
I save my sorrows
And hold my fears close

As the rain pours tonight
A hurt heart forgets its desires
Every moment seems longer
Than the stars that glimmer
Aug 2023 · 296
Summer Breeze
When you look into my eyes
You calm the storm inside
The helpless trees shift their feet
And the leaves move swiftly in the breeze

As you touch my hair with your fingers
A dawn is breaking and the sun blushes crimson
Bringing up the sleepy birds out of their slumber
To fly into the heat of summer
Jul 2023 · 122
This Bird
The best thing you ever did for me
As you tore the walls I had built
Out of fear
Was set this bird free

I had forgotten how to trust
Crossing the sea of despair, none the wiser
As I took on your worst
Teaching myself it was worth the pain

I still think about you
Just not as much
Your hands are cold to the touch
And our shoulders don't brush

I'll no longer drown in my tears
I've put up my walls for the last time
A bird in heart sings crystal clear
In a land with no fear
Jul 2023 · 115
The Sweetest Thing
There's a cloud over me
Thunder rumbles its calling
A painted sky is free
So are the millions of flowers

It's the sweetest thing
To be near you
When the day is done
Your kisses feel soft as the rain

Being away with you
In some distant bench
Near a crescent lake
Where the sun doesn't set

It's the sweetest thing
To be near you
When the day is done
Your kisses feel soft as the rain
Jun 2023 · 139
Say it over again
Look at the skies
As I say the last goodbye
Before you leave me
Will you tell me how you feel

Don't leave me broken
Tell me you'll love me again
For this moment
Take me in your arms

Can I hold you once more
In the rain that pours
Tell me you'll see me again
Is this how things should end?

Before you leave me
Will you tell me how you feel
Jun 2023 · 143
What's Left and What's Gone
Do you care for me with all your heart
Will you hold me in your gaze
And embrace me with your warmth
Take me to the places you once left behind

A walk down your memory lane
I remember, you wore a checkered skirt on that night out
With your hair gingerly touching your sweater
The moon heard your starry chatter

I was captured by every fiery glance
Enamored by the look of desire
A cheerful sunrise gave me another chance
Take me to the places you once left behind
Jun 2023 · 130
Memories we shared
The way you laugh tonight
Is melodious as the birds singing
The way you smile tonight
Pulls me towards you like the moon to the tide

Your ways are magic in their own right
I slip into daydreams and burn in my desires
Jun 2023 · 362
Talk With Me
The way you laugh tonight
Is beautiful as a sea meeting the sunrise

The way you smile tonight
Is magnetic as the moon pulling the tide

Your ways are magic in their own right
Slip away into your dreams and desires

Tell me that you care for me with all your heart
Hold me in your gaze and embrace with your warmth

Tease and touch my soul with your charms
I remember, you wore a checkered skirt on that night out

With your hair gingerly touching your sweater
The moon listens to the stars and their chatter

I am captured by you
Jun 2023 · 256
You look to me
Like dandelions in the breeze
With yellow petals to touch
Softest on the earth

If I were free
Like yellow roses in the sea
Pouring their colors into the waters
Too good to last

There's a way to see
That you belong with me
Jun 2023 · 116
Night Sky
There were the stars in your embrace
A breath of wind in the land of you
Stellar stardust that made the shape of your silhouette
A heart made from the ashes of my desire

The night sky is empty without you
Jun 2023 · 113
Wish Upon a Star
Take me with you
To a place where the stars
Come out at night
And listen to my heartbeat's dying fire

As I wish upon them
Jun 2023 · 108
Empty Ocean
You aren’t with me
This harbour is lost
The stale air that I breathe
It is simply washed by the sea

The sweet air
The silence
The agony and despair
Is all left of this place

Nature says
What the heart knows
This empty bay
Filled with promises of yesterday
Jun 2023 · 76
An ocean of you
I chose to get lost in your eyes
There was a smidgen of dust
On your nose; my heart went numb
An ocean ushered in the sun rise

But love is a two way street
I wondered what would happen today
I shared a breathless sun set over the ocean
As noon subsided, you gently held me

I watched how you stayed a second more
As you flipped through the books
For the parts of the novel that caught your eye
The storm came as the ocean roared

Yet, this is our time
Or whatever is left, I gave to you
Like a song bird, I sang to the sky
The storm doesn't care that I am lost

Whatever is left is taken by time
Your entire beauty, mind, and affection
Are all lost to the cruelty of circumstance
Yet, as an ocean carries life, you carry immense love
Jun 2023 · 87
Lazy Summer
The leaves are playing
This autumn
You are the solitary bird
Singing to the wind that hushes trees

When friends come and go
You are the silence
That fills the emptiness
Inside me

There is no warmth when
The trees are without leaves
My heart is bare and cold
Still looking for a lazy summer
Jun 2023 · 74
Once Again Pt. 2
After countless days spent
A handful of stars aligned for you and I
I've waited all my life for this moment
It's past midnight, are you mine?

In the language of the universe
The depths of the deepest rivers
I collected a handful of memories
And threw them into eternity

The days spent in vain
And full of pain
After the rain touches the trees
Are you still there?
Jun 2023 · 64
Once Again Pt. 1
As I sketch your face in grains of loose sand
The waves crash and the ocean sighs
The skies call out to me in the chatter of stars
I hear your name tonight

The mystical song of the thunder plays
A magical flute serenades me tonight
My heart dances in step with the waves
Yet, I hear your name tonight
Jun 2023 · 348
Fire's Inside
When I look upon the ocean
The sparkling sun skips a beat
Upon its reflection, there's someone

When I look into the moon
The stars connect the dots
Upon its moonbeams, there's someone

In the darkness of the soul, the past resides
The tumult of the present exists too
Tomorrow is another day, so look into the light
Jun 2023 · 84
Take Me Somewhere Nice
I know I'll find some love and pain
To me, they are friends just the same
So take me somewhere
The world ends in a couple of hours

In my life, the rain pours on the flowers
As I drag this ragged body through deserts
So take me somewhere known
Where the streets have hope

These dreams and desires
Shall miss the dawn's fire
So take me somewhere
As the thunder dies as it rains

Will this last day come back once more
Remind me of the sweet love I missed?
Take me somewhere nice
As the sun sets on my life
Jun 2023 · 100
When You're Gone
I dwell upon the lazy dawn
Take a fresh breath of air
In the form of a yawn
The flowers wilt when you're gone

My soul is chained to the stars
A heart as dark as the night sky
Your smirk and charms
The memories hold me when you're gone
Jun 2023 · 630
It's flowers and perfume
When it's you
It's poems and books
When I'm with you

It's songs and guitar
When it's you
It's four o clock
When I'm with you

I'm in my head all alone
But my heart knows you're the one
Jun 2023 · 51
Stupid Like Love
Sometimes I wish that you entered my life
Like a bird that sings upon the trees
For once my life could be about you
Let this moment be ours

Can I be free from myself
You've cast a spell on this soul
Dwelling upon the past forever
Tonight isn't the same without your presence

Let this moment not leave me
Your hair, the breeze downstairs
A sudden chill creeps up my shoulder
Tonight is my moment to be yours

Tomorrow, you'll be someone else's
I'll still carry my blessings in my heart
This soul will shatter
Into a million stars of your night sky
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