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Michael Kusi Sep 2018
I sometimes wondered about the hand that I was given.
But God reached out to me in the pit of the land of the living.
I felt like I was wrestling, but I felt even more my hurt hip.
God said that you have prevailed, when I thought my worth slipped.
Because when I saw him I thought it was another fight, we wrestled all night.
When the dawn came God said let me go, but I thought that would not be right.
So I told God to his face, I would not let go unless you bless me,
He said, Your name is changed to my nation, my happiness where your stress be.
I walked with a limp, but I also walk now with a purpose.
Who would have thought that God could sit on my waters surface.
I asked what is your name, and He replied Don’t worry.
I searched for God all my life but He was not in a hurry.
But he called me by name, so I went back with the breakthrough.
Because since God can empower me, He surely can make you!
Michael Kusi Sep 2018
Adam and Eve walked out with heads bowed, covered in ****** lamb’s fur.
This was not how man was supposed to leave, in such a bad manner.
God walked purified in the Garden, but he laid down in a ***** manger.
Lay God down so we would not walk among God as unworthy strangers.
Because God said that His firstborn would crush the snake’s head.
So when the wise men gave the babe Jesus gifts, it was also for our sake instead.
Gifts were a foretaste of the time Christ gave his body to break bread.
God has a prophecy in the beginning, but the wise men had a dream.
Angels drove out Adam and Eve, but another said Herod is a fiend.
Now the angels were not against us, so that Jacob could say he struggled.
But Herod ordered that all the sons be killed, so Rachel was in trouble.
She mourned and could not be comforted, but Mary found guidance.
The protection of the Most High was on her, to shield from Herod’s violence.
Joseph and Mary had to go to Egypt, and leave Bethlehem.
Because they had to protect Jesus, or else it would be the death of him.
But rejoice because God whispered, Out of Egypt I called my firstborn son.
John cried out in wilderness places, Prepare the way, The Day of the Lord is come!
Sep 2018 · 157
Christian Terminology.
Michael Kusi Sep 2018
To go under the water s is called baptism.
Christ warned us all about hell, it’s the ultimate prison.
But heaven is for us, who are with God after we are living.
Christ came for us, he gave us something called grace
To take us out the sunken place where we could not see his face.
Christ was born of a ******, that’s called Immaculate
The instruments we use in church to worship are called sacraments.
Presumptive Faith is when we tell God what to do and start assuming
But the benefit of breaking bread with brethren is called Communion.
We lift up holy hands to heaven up high, that is called praise.
We acknowledge God and his ways, its called the Sabbath days.
Faithfulness is forever free, because we know God will heal our hurt.
Whatever we call the building, where God resides is called Church.
Michael Kusi Sep 2018
I wonder what my leg dreams of
When it falls asleep
Probably not running
Because when I wake up
It’s still asleep!
I thought the alarm clock was supposed
To wake us both up.
Too bad it could only wake me up.
My leg snores
Why is it so loud?
Oh, that was not a snore.
I think another part of me is awake
But it is not my leg.
Michael Kusi Sep 2018
She who called herself Beauty told me, You can't tread water inside my gene pool
I replied it probably sounded better in your head, but out loud it seems cruel.
But I'm not in pools my mind is a Concorde jet ready to touch the skies
She laughed and said, I don't know what that plane is and I'm not surprised.
I said the Concorde was limited edition, and its speed was basically fighter jet.
The class of plane that is better wasn't made higher yet.
It is one of a kind, and so am I, because I'm a collectible
And what you call treading water someone who calls herself joined will call out Come walk on my waters Mr. Incredible.
Michael Kusi Sep 2018
I made a call to the man upstairs.
I heard a voice say, Please hold.
So I grabbed on as hard as I could
Really took hold with both hands.
Because I was not about to let that go.
I knew that there would be a penalty.
But I also knew what was handed to me
And I said I would rather risk a good run
Then watch them pass and lose it all.
Michael Kusi Sep 2018
The strive in life is forever a race
We line to hear the sound of barking guns
We in sprinting blocks, the sweat in face
Because we know we have to be number one

We feel that spark, arise to sprinter’s stance
The hands to box the air, to grab that inch.
We fall behind, and think we lost that chance.
And then we see the one in  front of us flinch

This chance  is close  and so illustrious
The finish line is coming up too fast to stop.
As we approach, a burst of legs beats us.
And we receive medals, but not the top.

To have the grace in loss is important
Because winning is great, but its better to be a sportsman.
Michael Kusi Sep 2018
We sing psalms of strength to our Savior.
The mighty Majesty, the one who moves mountains.
He spoke to seeds of strength in man and mustard, and said
If your face has faith, it frees the flesh of fear.
He set out on the sea, and said the Spirit’s saved.
Simon stepped out of the ship, and sunk screaming Christ!
But Christ came to call us chosen.
The redeemer reached to reign over the sea.
Each of us now endowed, enabled and emboldened
Because he was broken and bruised for us to be.
Sep 2018 · 155
A gentleman I shall stay
Michael Kusi Sep 2018
And a gentleman I shall stay.
Forever, tomorrow and today.
The utterance that comes out of my lips.
From the opening glance to the handshake grip,
It is a price but one that I can surely pay.
I just hope that I never falter or slip
Because then society would look on me with unforgiveness eyes.
That what they see as a moral failing is really more a surprise.
What my appreciation is to the fairer other, I must give to thee.
And show that concept is not dead but it must arise, that chivalry.
Michael Kusi Sep 2018
The breath of fear is twice touched.
Once by the winds of belligerence
Which speak out to those ravens of terror
Whose flight no weapons can hunt
Twice grasped by a shaken spirit
Which refuses to sleep as I  cannot exhale
Because that inhale is throughout the chest
And I cannot relax until it comes back to the heart.
Maybe the solution is not breath
But the waters
Because it is in the dampness that this breath is put where it belongs.
So I can arrive to the place I am supposed to be
Even if those waters are only in my eye.
Michael Kusi Aug 2018
This trait of happiness is never elusive
It is not peculiar to one person
Because it comes from above
Showered down on all creation alike
The homeless and the one with mansions
All have access
To the throne-room of precious smiles.
As happiness comes from above
We can give it here down below
But it must not stay below
Because then it would die
And then what would become of it?
There would be no one to mourn
Because it would forever abide in the places of the unknown.

But happiness also descends to creation
So now we are endowed on high to create
Mandated to give
Even when we do not see it
The bonds that tie us together
Are formed by this felt warmth which brings us peace
The work we think makes us joyous
Instead makes us feel empty
But the work we avoid as trivial
Is the truest portion that blocks sorrow
So let us rise
And say happiness is not so much someplace else
But it springs from us with open hands to open hearts.
Michael Kusi Aug 2018
Some would pick at the petal of the rose
And say he loves me, he loves me not
I suppose.
But feelings are so much more
Than uprooted flowers.
It is more than you and me
It is ours

That rose could be part of a bigger collection
A wedding bonquet
When we love into each other’s eyes
And say I love you forever and always
That rose can always be called
To be a boutonniere men pin to their suits
Standing as the best of men.

The rose can be laid down
As the flowers people give as we walk from the reception.
As husband and wife.
That rose can be put up
As decorations that celebrate everlasting to forever in a halled room.
Finally that rose can be taken off
After all of the festivities of the day
When garments are laid aside
Still smelling of perfume made from dug-up roses.
Michael Kusi Aug 2018
I wonder when I got to the age
When I stopped being good at everything.
When my drawings stopped being Van Gogh
And started being like oh no
That’s not my face.
That’s not anyone’s face.
It looks like a cat
Who was chased and barely survived!
I’m sorry.
I thought I was good at this
No, no.
It was not so much that I was good
That it was I was just a child
So when people saw my art portfolio
They said that those stick figures
Looked like the ones in cartoons.
But I think that’s so funny
Because I never knew a cartoon character was named Stick
And had a sidekick called Scribble.
But poetry was different
It was a reverse process
First people said there was something there
Then people noted that I was getting better
In a way I never heard them say about my art.
Maybe it was whispered
But I don’t read lips.
Next I heard murmurs of greatness
And how it was touching
I got to the age when I stopped being good at everything
When I got great at this one thing
Called writing poetry to move the people
And that is my art.
So go figure
I think I will stick to it.
Because if Van Gogh sat down to write poetry.
It would look just like mine.
Aug 2018 · 157
I got to tell a vision
Michael Kusi Aug 2018
You got television
I got to tell a vision
Of a time, when people can be free
When we don’t have to believe in others
Because we first reassured ourselves
We should not think the people on television have all of the power
Instead we should press the remote control and turn off the power
We are always in control
The power just seemed remote
Because the power is not actually in our remote.
The power is in our hearts
So let us get up
And be the ones on television people would want to watch
So that when they have the remote
They will turn the channel to hear us speak of our vision.
Michael Kusi Aug 2018
When you put your ear to my chest.
You can hear the sound of true love.
A heart that yearns to be with you.
A dream confirmed, a wish granted.
Happiness is the portion of us both.
My chest is like ground
Only good can grow there.
And when you smile up at me.
I feel all good inside.
Michael Kusi Aug 2018
I am the descendant
Of those who did not make it to the slave ship.
I always wondered.
What they felt as the ships slipped away.
They must have thought
That those people were the lower portion.
Let the men with strange tongues deal with them.
But the sons of the men with strange tongues would be back.
But instead of having sticks of fire.
They would put thunder to those sticks

These men demand our Golden Stool.
We tried to tell them.
Not even our kings are worthy to sit.
Because then they would sit in a grave
But they said they wanted
The stool, the stool.
These men had a throne
But they wanted a stool
We fought over our stool
But we lost.
Although we got to keep the stool
I wonder if we would have won that war
If we held onto the people who were taken away
By those ancestors with strange tongues.
We did not fight then
So we had to fight now

And I hope we can stop fighting always.
Because now our problems are not with men
With strange tongues
But they are with our kindred
With even stranger doctrines.
We did not even get to wake up dead
Because we were not in our beds
Those men survived being taken on ships.
Survived wars over stools
But could not get out of bed because of those countrymen
Who said they would defend against men with strange tongues.
Aug 2018 · 128
You threw me under the bus
Michael Kusi Aug 2018
She said I threw her under the bus.
I told her I did not drive a bus
But I put the ads on it.
She said you did not answer me
Because she saw the person driving that bus
And it wasn’t me.
I kept quiet.
Michael Kusi Aug 2018
I hoped that you felt better.
I even yearned more than what happened did not come to past
I did not want to lose you, because you mean the world to me.
When I was too sick to climb out of bed
You were too good to leave me alone
Sent the scent of flowers and the arm of cards to reach me.
Now you have taken to your bed.
Which is of sickness and God forbid not unto death.
So I know my duty
Because this is a temporary portion
I will set out to help bring you to the land of the healthed ones.
Because this is what friends do
And this is more than friendship
You are my kinfolk.
Michael Kusi Aug 2018
The divine gave the birth certificate of an angel to my veins
When the redness of Lamb's blood wrote on the walls of my heart.
It was on the finger of the Most High.
The doctors murmured I had to be cut out.
They pointed to me in the ultrasound and said to the surgeon: Cut it out.
Because otherwise the suspense of the womb would unborn me dead.
They say what the Lord gives He takes away
The doctors determined the only thing a normal birth could give
Would be to take me from myself
So that only a headstone would remain.
That stone would not cry out
But be silent, forever
The only place my name would appear
Would be in tearful sighs
And marked stones.

But imagine if that name was a question
That only worship could answer
The finger of the Lord scribbled Michael
Because He heard that cry.
Imagine that my other name was a statement that hoped I would live.
That prayed I would count as belonging to the land of the living.
Have strength like a rock
And not just a name on a stone.
The finger of the Lord etched Binka.
On the wall of a heart
That was made of living, precious stones.

God said I will redeem your hope.
So that when I was held
It was the first time since the beginning
I did not face the option of being disembodied
Now I had to be strength embodied
I would not ever have to claw myself back into the womb
Because I always climbed out into life
And now there is no turning back.
Michael Kusi Aug 2018
President Reagan sat by himself in the White House
Trying to understand what had happened.
He heard his wife scream
What have you done with my husband?
I want the real Ronnie back!
He sighed.
This is what happens when you listen to experts.
Reagan had been in debates before.
From Kennedy to Brown to Buckley to Carter.
He did it his way.
He won his way.
Reagan always liked stories and humor.
Details and data, not so much.
He always thought that statistics don’t feed people.
Because people can’t eat an equation.

But the experts said that he should have more knowledge.
Reagan listened to them.
The thing was, it was too much knowledge.
And Reagan had to be president.
So when he debated, he was tired.
The youngest looking 73 year old man.
Just looked ancient at this point.
He held onto the podium
As if it had answers.
But the podium gave him nothing.

His actor’s instinct called up an old line.
There you go again.
It worked against Carter.
But Mondale neutralized it.
Mondale was good.
Not like Kennedy, who was more passionate.
He remembered Bobby very well.
He would have made a great president, if he had lived.
Or like Buckley, who had the scholarly instinct.
Because he read books when Reagan played football without a helmet.
Reagan defeated both of these men.
But he did not beat Mondale.
Because Mondale had answers for everything Reagan said.
Reagan pondered to himself.
I must have something for which Mondale does not have an answer.
I must make something that Mondale cannot answer.
But I cannot tell the experts.
They are nice people.
But they don’t know debate, I do.
So I can file it away.
It would be a break in case of emergency punchline.

The phone rang and it was Roger Ailes.
Ailes said, Mr. President you were not at your best.
But the sun will rise again.
Use a laugh line as your life line.
Rely on personal experiences, not dead data.
Remember Mr. President this is your re-election.
Reagan took that to heart.
And the second time around, Ronnie was back.
He grinned because this time it was fun.
But Mondale was still good.
And then the question came.

The question for which Ronnie was born.
It was about  President Kennedy’s working hours during crisis.
And if Reagan had the stamina to match Kennedy.
Reagan smiled.
It was time to pull out the joke.
He said, I will not make age an issue in this campaign.
I will not exploit for political purposes my opponent’s youth and inexperience.
Reagan delivered it perfectly.
And suddenly, he heard laughter
Laughter from the questioners.
Laughter from the audience.
Even laughter from Mondale.
Tears of laughter.
Reagan drank his water and smiled.
The Gipper scored a touchdown again.
And hit it out of the park.
Michael Kusi Aug 2018
The queen's intake of men is shown to us.
The breath born by tears dulled by mid-wives.
I see no angst in him, to steal my trust.
I told son Happy birth, you have a life.
I think he has my face, all where I look.
Even his squint is mine, that twinkled sigh.
My son's names should all be in all baby books
Someone raises eyebrows and says, He's a guy.
My wife and I conversed at length to name.
I said his first word should always be Dad
My wife giggled and said you'll be the same
I think I want Junior to get the name I had
My name is the best I gave as who I am
He’s fighter born to stand as giant’s shoulders
You look upon his face you see his brand
He’s easily made to prepare to be all soldier.
His love of cry is just his first war speech
Men will either salute or say yes preach.
Michael Kusi Aug 2018
Don’t tangle with this poetry, it would be ******-suicide.
It would be better to enjoy it, so that we are unified.
Don’t act like it s the worst to admit the greatness first.
Because it’s mighty petty of you to nod your head while saying you hate this verse.
You say it’s criticism, I say there is no one there to listen.
Because my vision puts me into the position for wisdom.
So you can count on me, all the way to zero while I'm in this cockpit.
Then I am fly here when I move into your atmosphere in this rocket.
But the only vision haters know is television based off a reality show.
I write about the struggle that those who live empty bank account to salary know.
This is my outfit, you can charge me and I will be your outlet.
Better buy a new battery, because they said this skill is battery and I don’t doubt it.
These terms are like the third one where a president was barred from running again.
This poetry is more than potential it’s legacy, because we will rise to see the sun again.
Michael Kusi Jul 2018
God said to Adam heed your salvation is by woman’s seed.
Human’s need comes when Christ saves in a great stampede.
He’s coming with fighting forces all mounted on white horses.
Christ is the Morning Star and our brightest sources.
I’ll be captured in the Rapture and dressed up so dapper.
There’ll be no tears, forever smiles and everlasting laughter.
I’ll see myself posted on the wall when God tagged my selfie.
I”ll get and inherit a name above so now I’m wealthy.
The Book of Life has my name so that I can proclaim.
Worthy is the Lamb who was slain for sins when he came.
Jul 2018 · 110
They say I'm something else
Michael Kusi Jul 2018
I said that I was something
They said I’m something else.
If I get whipped.
At least I can show what is in me.
And that fluid spilled
Will help life grow whether it lays to rest.
When I have to walk
Someone on the other side is sure to enjoy my company.
Not because I am needed, but because they missed me.
I stand on the shoulders of giants.
Because it is better to collaborate than to slay.
I can see a lot farther from this vantage point.
I see someone climbing up the mankind of height.
Because that somebody must stand on me.
And because the person beneath me did not fall.
I must make sure to hold my ground and dig deep.
So they can see out even further than I can.
Michael Kusi Jul 2018
These hands.
Just look at these hands.
May the above bless the work of these hands
Who sift and toil so much through the dirt.
That the dirt becomes a haven for the living.
The dirt was there before we were.
Some say we came from the dirt.
Others whisper we will go back to the dirt.
And we were taught to fear this dirt.
Because we escaped it.
When we don’t want it to be the indicator of final rest.
But now we know the dirt adds a missing component.
Called work which builds us.
So when we kneel down to gather this ground.
The work of these hands is put inside so that we multiply.
So our work becomes their work becomes your work.
And it all started because of one, toiling hand.
I don't think I have to ask the above to bless
Because we are already blessed.
Michael Kusi Jul 2018
I move in the area where ghosts reside when they are no longer counted as part of the living.
I wasn’t sent but somebody sent for me.
Because I come from a place that was a garden, but when I left it was abandoned.
Don’t mourn for it, don’t mourn for me.
Because when the sustenance stopped everyone should have known.
It is always better to find a place than to be displaced.
There was comfort there, I wanted to reach destiny.
So I counted the days that it could not rain until it outnumbered the seasons.
I saw a chance and seized the opportunity.
Because gardens are great but you can’t live outside forever.
And memories don’t build houses for me to live in.
The weather is never right and eventually all climate just becomes burdensome.
I moved in silence until only my actions could speak for themselves.
Now I feel like I belong, but I hope I won’t be long.
Because I looked up at the sky again, and it did not rain.
And the dryness in my throat says it’s about that time.
Michael Kusi Jul 2018
They try to write against me, but their pens are missing ink.
Told me that I couldn’t see, but I made sure that this vision blinks.
I was the only one brave enough to look up at the heating sun.
I gave the drumsticks to somebody to march to his own beating drum.
He handed it back to me, and said quite accurately.
That these were not sticks for drums but they were sticks to make fire.
I told him thank you and said that I would be sure to take higher.
He said It’s my pleasure, and although this is  no pressure.
Please step out of my shadow, because you are in the way of my leisure.
Michael Kusi Jul 2018
They posted pictures of their vacation.
I wondered where they get their money.
They always have smiles of elation.
I wish I knew what they look like when life isn’t funny.

Always posting pictures of their dating status.
Calling their significant others boo and bae.
One day they are in a relationship, the next they are the baddest.
Because their man could not be convinced to stay.

Sometimes they say that they hate their job and work.
They wish that they could earn money from home.
I always thought that to provide always came first.
And work is the portion of those who are grown.

But when they break up, no one ever sees that post.
And we never see the friends who get blocked.
Sometimes people on Facebook be doing the most.
And then wonder why their true friends are shocked.

Because to be a friend or a follower on social media is nothing.
A true friend is one who is with you through thick and thin.
I don’t mean your yo-yo dieting, or your social media husband.
I’m talking about those who held you down from the beginning.
Michael Kusi Jul 2018
I never thought that I would see the day.
Just as I got good at fighting.
That I would have to put my hands down.
I would have to sit down.
Because I am now grown up.
But maybe now I am good at a different type of fighting.
One that does not require me to stand.
But tells me to understand.
Because it is that time of fight.
Just because I put my hands down.
Does not mean I don't have to put my foot down.
It is better than putting my foot in my mouth
I don't like the taste of it.
Michael Kusi Jul 2018
I am a proud American.
But they say that pride goes before a fall.
I told them every year fall comes around.
So the American summer must be all pride.
Because summer is before pride.
And in summer we celebrate Independence Day.
Too bad we don’t celebrate Independence Eve.
The last day that we were not free.

Imagine if the time came to sign the Declaration of Independence.
And there was nothing to sign it with.
Panic all around.
White wigs falling as they scramble to find writing utensils.
So we can see gray hair and no hair.
Someone crying out, How will Britain know we are independent
If we do not sign this Declaration.
Then it is just a paper full of grievances and complaints!
It would sound like whining!

Someone yelling out, “The ink is made from geese.
We must prepare a fattened geese
And extract the ink from it.
Hurry, hurry!
Another voice screamed, You fool!
The pen is made from geese
Not the ink!

In comes John Hancock.
With the writing implement.
He came in saying, No need to torment geese
They will be our dinner in time.
I will sign first.
Then he started to sign.
And his signature took up half the document.
And said with pride, I wrote it so that George III can read.
Without having to use glasses.
But how would George III read it
If the Declaration of Independence stayed in America?
The others sign.
And now I can say I am a proud American.
Because there is an America to be proud of.
Michael Kusi Jul 2018
People seem to always ask me.
When they see me with outstretched hand
What do you want to be when you grow up?
First of all, I’m grown.
I’m twice the age of a teenager who enters high school.
I have lived their life twice.
And each time saw the same outcome.
Secondly, I really don’t know.
All my life I was told that when you grow up you have answers.
Only to realize at my age there is always questions.

What to do, when to do it.
I’m too old to be a pro athlete.
Too young to be president.
And too busy to care either way.
So I get I could want to be an attribute.
Like kind, smart, funny.
I think I heard someone over there said I was cute.
But kind, smart and funny doesn’t pay the bills.
And I don’t want the bills that cute pays.

So I guess I could stay in my lane.
And think with confidence.
I went to school to get loans
That would buy a house in middle America.
So that I could be uncertain about job prospects
And as a bonus I would have everyone on tv.
Tell me how easy it is to make money
But they are silent when I say I want a career.
They are also silent because I am yelling at a tv
But never mind.
So I guess I could just do what I went to school for.
To be an inspiration to others who are coming up
So that there are professionals who think like me.
Michael Kusi Jul 2018
I wanted to be Wikipedia famous.
So famous that when you Googled my name.
It would come with a Wikipedia article.
One day I did just that.
And my name popped up.
I was intrigued.
Finally, they recognized me for my Marvel blog.
I kept telling them Loki did not have to die.
So I clicked on the link.

It had my information
And then.
Oh no.
It said I went to the Hill school!
The Hill School was our high school rival.
I mean, my high school rival.
I still have to get over this bandwagon thing.
Every homecoming, they would win.
I guess it was not like any home I would like to claim.
They called it homecoming, but only one team would show up
To claim victory.
The past is in the past though.
They are a good school.

So I will let it slide just because…
What is this blasphemy!
The article says I went to Boston College.
What nonsense!
They are my rival too!
I mean our rival.
My school would be mad to see that
I alone claimed a personal vendetta.
That was there before my time.
This is madness.
Someone wrote a Wikipedia article about my life.
Just to put in that I went to all my rival schools
Who would do such a thing?
But I had to laugh
Because whoever did it.
Is such a genius.
Michael Kusi Jul 2018
The Manyman stepped back and waved his hands saying, No, no, I meant my nephew! My beloved one!”The Alliance Project pointed at The Manyman and said, “Seize him.” The Dahomeyian Scepter Guardians put him under guard and led him away. The Peacemonger for Strengthened Weapons looked on and a shiver ran up his soul. Message called out from her palace, “I am coming to lead you!”
The Alliance Project pointed at the Seragon Mountains and grimly noted to Message “A war is just to determine which side will have a victory parade after people die but before everyone is dead.” Message nodded and started to come down. She took her Dahomeyian Scepter and put on her Galvatar Watch. Message pushed a button and the Celestial Blade Saber came into her hands. Message walked out to where the soldiers were gathered. Suddenly there was a rumbling from deep inside the mountains. They turned black and shifted to the right side. Arthur took his side by The Alliance Project and Message and pulled out Excalibur.
A ominous figure rose from the mountain. It spoke in a conversation of tongues as it set down in front of them. One of those tongues, a deep baritone that was cold in its logic, said, “ Silly Message. Pretending as if you like war because then you can save your people. Your true motives were crouched in the shadows until the bloodshed threw them into the dying light. When others see who you really are  they get ashamed because you are a shame.”
Message said, “ High talk from a person who always disagrees with himself.” The Alliance Project yelled out to the Dahomeyian Army, “Take your positions! This is war.” Message walked out in front of her Dahomeyian Army and cried out, “Soldiers, now is the time to end that monster who afflicted this planet under two heritages!” The Dahomeyian Army gave a shout and then charged.
Message went forward but the Alliance Project held her back saying, “You do us better staying back and directing the battle.” Arthur can lead the head-on charge and I can focus any reinforcements as needed. We have new roles now.” Message huffed and sat down on the grass. It was a small hill, but she felt that she was even smaller because she was no longer part of the action. Message looked up at the sky and noticed for the first time that it had three moons…..
The Alliance Project directed Paroah Chariots to encircle Mythology and to have suppression fire while soldiers kept up the heat on Mythology. Mythology was hit many times but refused to go down. Arthur flashed Excalibur and suddenly Mythology fell to his knees. But when the Dahomeyian saw his face, he was grinning, a smile that was chilling because of its unpacked evil.
Mythology called out to Arthur in a woman’s voice, The light from your Excalibur has freed my forces, and now they are ready to arise and swallow this forsaken planet. Say goodbye now, because no one will remember you later.”
Mythology looked at the moons above and suddenly, ominous warriors began to drop from those moons. Each clad in armor and carrying a weapon that seemed to be half blade, half hand-cannon. The Alliance Project went into the Isotrain Mechanism preparing to fly up to cut off the source, and Message ran after him. Message yelled out, “I am your Dahomeyian Rulership and I demand that I come with you as your commander, and I order to come as your wife!!!” The Alliance Project shrugged and Message sent a note to Arthur on her Galvatar Watch saying, “ Hold off those beings until we can get to the moons and destroy the source. Only use Excalibur for stabbing but don’t use the Light Power because it attracts these fiends.” Arthur said, “Got it. We have to get in close for hand to hand combat.” Message turned around and said, “See I can do a lot better being a part of the action.” The Alliance Project shrugged and piloted the Isotrain Mechanism toward the Tripodate Moons.
Michael Kusi Jul 2018
Message looked at Arthur’s flight toward Mythology through the window. She looked out the window and shouted to the outside, “With every down, we will hunt their breath!”  The Peacemonger for Strengthened Weapons looked shocked and his face turned pale. He turned his head upward and said in the loudest voice he could, “Don’t you mean with every breath, we shall hunt them down?!” Message waved her ******* at him and said, “I mean what I said!” Then she slammed the window shut.
The Peacemonger for Strengthened Weapons turned to the Manyman he was speaking to and complained, “Message is the most aggressive person in our army. She is always dragging us into fights that we have to bail her out by our power.” The Manyman nodded and said, “What if I told you that she doesn’t have to drag us into fights anymore.”  The Peacemonger stroked his beard and said, “Interesting. I am listening so go ahead.” “The Manyman said, “There is a group called the Headless who wants to overthrow Message. You would be in the line of succession so you could rule us and stop Message’s nonsense.” The Peacemonger crossed his arms and said, “You never heard it from me, but I like that and when you succeed, I will be the Dahomeyan Rulersbip. I will funnel you weapons, so that when you overthrow her, I can be the one to slam her prison door shut in her face. We do not want to **** our ruler, that would not be nice,” he cackled.
Message called Arthur on the Galvatar watch, “Where are you? I can’t see you.” Arthur replied, “We are in the inside, but we don’t see, OHHH. I see it. He is just like what my mom said tormented my ancestors.” “ Message said back, “Okay so you have seen him, you can pull back.” Arthur replied,”I have to avenge my ancestors who now sleep because I was not born when Mythology attacked. Good-bye.” Message pleaded, “Arthur! That was not the plan!”, but her Galvatar watch soon fell silent and she was pacing back and forth.
The Alliance Project opened the door and said, “You were never one for plans, or to follow a plan once it has been formed. Karma is really something, huh.” “Get out”, said Message, not amused at all. The Alliance Project cocked his head and said, “You know now we would have to be put on the War Footing, right?” Let me gather the Dahomeyian Army as a safeguard.” Message buried her head in her hands and said, “What have I done?”
The Alliance Project assembled the Dahomeyian Army. As a Project he was the Peacemonger Marshal of the Dahomeyian Army, even though the Dahomeyian Army was headed by Message as titular Ruler. The Dahomeyian Army advanced toward the Seragon Mountains where Mythology lived. Suddenly someone said, “Look up there.” The Isotrain Mechanism came down in front of them.
Inside was Arthur, bloodied but proud. He said to the Dahomeyian Army, “I did my ancestors well. I stopped Mythology. It took the king of Camelot and Avalon to defeat a deity.” “The Manyman who was talking to the Peacemonger for Strengthened Weapons went and angrily asked Arthur, “ Where is Wayne, my son? He went with you on the expedition!” Arthur said, “ I don’t know of this Wayne of whom you speak of. I went by myself and triumphed with my sword.” The Manyman said, “Where is my boy?” The Alliance Project stepped between Arthur and the Manyman and showed The Manyman a projection.  He solemnly said,
“Wayne never existed. You never had a son.”
Michael Kusi Jul 2018
Lady of the Night pushed a button and suddenly a  bright light started flashing in the Arurian Tower. It started screeching, “Code Fight, this is not a drill.” She turned around in her chair and asked the Dragon-Power, who were all on the wall. “Tell me, what is the way to defeat Mythology?” Setil, one of the Dragon-Power replied, “You must sever the Arguments from the force-beings, but that is the easy part. Then you must defeat all of the Arguments in turn. But remember, an Argument can only be defeated by an Argument.” Lady of the Night nodded her head and said into the intercom, “I am going to need Paroah Chariots, Centaur-Raptors, and all of the Mechanisms to assemble outside the Arurian Tower for further instruction.” Lady of the Night then pushed a button on her wheelchair and it transformed into the Galvaric Armor. She
then took her Parisia Bow and went outside.
The different forces of the Federation were outside, some in Paroah Chariots, some on Centaur- Raptors with wings outstretched, and Breastplate-Bearer and Dialect standing by an
Isotrain Mechanism. Lady of the Night cleared her throat and said to herself, “Now let me see if I can do this Battlefare Intonment Message is so good at.” She raised her voice and her bow and
said, “Now is the reason for why the Federation is formed. There is a force out there called Mythology who must be defeated. Dahomeyia was destroyed once, it can never be destroyed
again. Got it?!”
A Courier sat there with a blade looking disinterested.  Lady of the Night glared at him and pointed her bow at him saying,”Didn’t you just here what I said?!” The young man got up,
and he was very tall. He shrugged his shoulders and said, “Ma’am, where I come from, we have to see the threat in our eye to believe that it is real, and until I do, I’m calling nonsense on all that
you claim.” Lady of the Night withdrew her bow shaking and asked, “Excuse me, but what is your name?”  He said, “ My name is Bobby, and I am a Courier for this Federation. Who are
you? Nice speech by the way.” “Lady of the Night almost shook with rage as she said, “I am the Delta Knight of the Federation and Battlefare Commander of Earth. For your insolence you will
be promoted to Scout and be part of the Vanguard who will attack Mythology first. Not only will you see Mythology, you cant miss him.” “Cool” said Bobby as he boarded the Isotrain
Mechanism. Lady of the Night shook her head and said, laughing, “I don’t know where they recruit these people, but they are always the fighters we need.”
Lady of the Night met with Breastplate-Bearer and Dialect and told them, “ You guys will be the Addition to the Dahomeyian Forces. Dialect, you can command the Mobile Forces as
a Peacemonger Marshal  that will pin Mythology down and strike at long range. Breastplate-Bearer, you will be the Peacemonger Marshal in charge of the Ground Soldiers of Magaian
Tiger-Hounds, Brackti-Guard, and Scouts who will deal the final blow in concert with the Dahomeyian Army. I will sent enough Couriers so that you can get all the supplies and
weaponhoods you need to win. Victory is ours, okay.”“Got it,” said Breastplate-Bearer and Dialect as they boarded the last Isotrain Mechanism. Breastplate-Bearer looked back at Earth and
said, “It’s a shame she cannot join us in this fight, it will be glorious.” Dialect responded, “We need her on Earth because the skills she has, cannot be replaced and what we do she makes us
better.” They both nodded in agreement.
Michael Kusi Jul 2018
They advertised this bed.
Shouting that it was good for sleep aways.
Would put all of your sleep problems away for good.
But they never told me that with all my worries.
Sleep could not be good.
Oh sure, I hopped in
The pillows were something lovely.
I was told that someone else could sleep there lovely.
I needed no covers, it was not the cold winter.
But then I could not fall asleep.
I could not even fall out of bed.
I could just lie there, but I could not even lie to myself.
Sleep should not be this hard.

The darkness was both inviting and forbidden.
Inviting me to go to sleep
While forbidding me to dream.
The dream, the dream was the goal.
If I could only dream.
I was like in hibernation, but I could not dream.
So I knew that I was not sleeping.
I was being denied my dream to dream.

The darkness was showing its hand.
Turning this hand.
I see the lighter side of that hand as it grasps above
As those hands were pointing to adolescence.
First 4 then 5 then 6.
Time turned into a toddler so trifling.
Its fingers were reaching out across the sky.
If I could just have 2 hours, 1 hour.
Now  it is time to wake up.
I could not sleep, I could not dream
But now I must do everything in my power to stay awake.
Michael Kusi Jul 2018
They told me
You don't look like your environment.
I said to them.
You only see my environment when the sun goes down.
In the midst of blackness
But when the sun comes up.
There you will see my face
On everyone that is there
In the midst of blackness.
Michael Kusi Jul 2018
My lines are so sick, that all of them are in the clinic with a cough later.
This force is so strong with me  that I was the father to Darth Vader.
Your lines are dead, and don’t blame it on the approaching storm.
And you couldn’t get reception because your tone was wrong.
So you trying to get a signal, but you couldn’t even get one from  Dark Knight’s violence
Trying to bring the drive in all that you do, but you parked right by hydrants.
I did not need to pick up a hammer because I was already worthy.
And Thanos snapped his fingers to avoid me, because he could not hurt me.
So in this life of written word, you can call it a modern Shakespeare sonnet.
They look down at my paper like they look at a casket, to see a wake here on it.
Michael Kusi Jul 2018
The president was about to address the people.
One of his staffers was worried.
He said to himself, I hadn’t actually see him prepare.
I saw him watch TV.
He was on the golf course.
The president before him prepared extensively.
Had teams to write out what he would say.
The staffer called out, Mr. President!
Have you been briefed?
The president shook his head and said no.
I would have looked at the briefs.
But there was a movie.
And then it was time for take out.
The staffer shook his head and said, You didn’t go anywhere.
The president retorted, I sent Secret Service.
To get me the Big Mac with the sauce.
Because lately the White House chefs have been slipping.
But enough of that, I have to address this crowd.
Besides, it is like driving north.
As long as you can see the sun you are fine.
And I am good.
The president stepped out into applause.
As the staffer kept hitting his head with his hand.
I don’t know if he is the caretaker of the White House.
Or the White House is the caretaker for him!
Michael Kusi Jul 2018
The doctor stood up in the press and said
The President is as fit as a horse!
Someone coughed in the back.
And raised his hand.
Saying, Doc, there are a lot of horses
Horses who win the Triple Crown
Horses who fight in wars
Horses who get made into glue,
What kind of horse is he as fit as?
The doctor eagerly said,
The President is ready for war!
Then the doctor held his hand over his mouth and said
I did not mean that.
I mean, the President wants the Crown!
No, scratch that as well!
The press was muttering amongst themselves.
Some were mad the president was well.
Others were concerned the president was ready for war.
Another was furious the President wanted his crown.
He said to himself, I am the eighteenth cousin of the Queen.
10 times removed.
I am 2000th in line for succession.
Not this President.
A White House staffer guided the doctor out of the room.
As the press discussed what to do with the information.
Jul 2018 · 103
Presidential Pardon
Michael Kusi Jul 2018
The president turned to the camera and said, grinning
We are here today to pardon a chicken
I do not mean the Senate Majority Leader.
But a true American patriot.
He could not fly like the bald eagle.
And escape his fate.
But I am pardoning him as an act of mercy.
With all presidential authority.
He can go to the zoo and be petted.
By the children
A White House staff member looked very worried.
He whispered Mr. President.
The tradition is to pardon turkeys.

The President threw up his hands and said,
Where is the turkey.
I had one for breakfast this morning.
On rye bread with cheese and mayonnaise.
I guess I could pardon his brother.
They said I should watch my portions.
The White House staff member said, almost shouting.
Mr. President that was the turkey!
The president was silent for a moment.
And said, smiling, I commute the sentence of the chicken…..
I was recently advised he is not eligible for pardon…
The White House staffer put his head in his hands and muttered.
No, no it does not work this way.
None of this works this way!
Michael Kusi Jun 2018
If you cried me a river
I would walk on that water to get away.
Can’t you see my reflection through the waters
Because my face is also blinded by tears.
You say that you are not crying.
It is just the rain.
I said, out loud.
Rain does not just hit the face.
But sorrow does.
Regret does.
And the reason why we give flowers to patients
Lay a wreath down for the fallen.
Is because our need for regret must be satisfied.
While appreciation sits there hungry.
Because I did not cry a river.
I just used the water from my face to write your name in the sand.
And walked away.
At least my footprints will remain.
Until the river you cried washes them away.
Michael Kusi Jun 2018
Christ in infamy on the cross in pain, his injury was our loss for gain.
God had to gain dominion over the enemy to be our boss again.
They put a crown of thorns to his forehead he fell down to scorn on the floor red.
Then the deceased rose again after all that  happened and some must have mused poor dead.
Because there was more blood coming out than was in his human body.
Pharisees mocked him, saying how could anyone assume him godly.
Jesus begain to recite forgiveness, the day became a nightmare for the living breaths.
People must have been so terrified and fear that they were in the prison next.
No one could see, and now the blindness was physically dark.
Jesus came to fulfill prophesy and hit the history mark.
Because when he walked in the garden and met Mary, he did not have to beg pardon.
God said we are all redeemed by the bruises by which we scarred him.
Michael Kusi Jun 2018
Essence looked out on the horizon, her eyes filled with tears. Her face looked to be grim determination, and she murmured to herself, “This time, the Founded will not stop me. I don’t care if they have written this planet off to die, it is too new to do anything else but live.” Crossfire handed Essence her bow and said, “Let’s get moving. Dahomeyia needs us. I heard they have a new rulership called Message.” Essence nodded her head and replied, “ I know of Message because I met her father. He was a good man.”
Crossfire and Essence packed the Whirlship and prepared to head out for Dahomeyia. Crossfire tapped Essence on the shoulder and whispered, “I had packed the Warberite missiles for your Crossed Bow for this special threat. This time, we will get to Dahomeyia before its too late.” Essence and Crossfire set off in the vast realms where space met reality. Essence looked out and said, “The stars look so nice, it is a shame that beings like Mythology are out there.”  Crossfire retorted, “Beings like Mythology are not just out there, they always just are.”
Deep below in Dahomeyia, in the place where it was either water or earth, there was a rumbling. It was light, but there was no happiness there in spite of the shining brightness. An entity got up, and it did not appear that he was talking to himself as it was that all of him was talking at once. And all of the voices were combative. “ Well what we do with the new Dahomeyian Rulership?” argued one voice. “She is too unstable, she will never be able to unite the forces against us in time, replied another. Suddenly the entity sat down and all of the voices said, “We must break free and move to the surface and make ourselves a name. Then Dahomeyia will tremble, and after it will be no more.” A deeper voice said throughout the midst, “Yes, yes, but we need another, outside force to break in so we can break out. We must entice the Dahomeyians to be reckless and attack, so they can force open a way. Their efforts have  to be strong enough to break through, but not strong enough to be a threat. Message will do that job for us, because she operates in haste and is not measured. She is what beings would call impulsive. “
Suddenly on Earth a text appeared on the screen. “Delta Knight Ms. Harris”, a person said to a woman in a wheelchair busy on her phone. "Yes, I was paying attention" said Lady of the Night, still playing a game. The courier cleared his throat and said, “You have a message from the Dahomeyian Rulership.” “Oh so I have a message from Message”, Lady of the Night said laughing. Lady of the Night looked at the screen and Message seemed out of breath. Her words came out so fast that Lady of the Night put her finger to the screen and said, “Honey, I need you to slow down. How can I help you?”
Message gasped and said, There is a force on our home planet that is trying to destroy us. I need the resources of the Federation in order to fight it. Arthur is already here and the Covenantial Project is on his way. I know you are the Battlefare Commander of Earth so can you forward us resources to fight this threat? Lady of the Night replied, I can send a Battlefare Expeditionary Force under Breastplate-Bearer to aid the Dahomeyian Armed Forces. We would need three days to get mobilized and another week to arrive at Dahomeyia. So Message, don’t move until they come. Agreed?  “Yes”, Message said, but she held one of her hands behind her back and crossed her fingers. Lady of the Night sighed and said, “Message don’t think that you are slick. If you do a preemptive strike and it doesn’t go well the consequences are on you.” Message turned from smiling to scowling, crossed her arms in front of her and said. “Alright.”
Message clicked off the screen and Arthur sat there with Excalibur. Message threw up her hands and grumbled, “No one wants me to attack but I don’t even understand the threat. He might as well be an urban legend.” Arthur stood up and said, “Get me a person to pilot a mechanism and I will do a Battlefare Reconnaissance on Mythology. I’ll turn this urban legend into a cautionary tale.” Message clapped her hands and said, “I’ll drive you in my chariot to where the Mechanisms are.”They arrived at the Mechanisms and Arthur was examining them. He said to one of the people in the hallway, “ My good man, do you know how to pilot a machine. "The young man nodded yes and Arthur mused, “You will do.” Arthur got into the Mechanism and Message hollered as he was leaving, “Keep me updated. Use the Mechanism log to record Battlefare data on him. By the time you get back we will be ready for war.” Message giggled at the thought of going to war again and the young man piloting the Mechanism thought that it was strange, but dare not say anything. Arthur took off.
The Peacemonger for Strengthened Weapons was talking to a Manyman and he was saying, “I convinced my Rulership to do the rational and sane thing and hold off attacking until we are strong enough to win. “The Manyman then asked, “Then what is that ship going to where Mythology lives. The Peacemonger bit his tongue so hard and cursed under his breath and then yelled,
“Message is such an idiot!”
Jun 2018 · 142
Son sit down.
Michael Kusi Jun 2018
They told me
Son sit down
Because we don’t need to fight.
You can relax with benefits
So I left
But I came back
No one called me to arrive
I just had a feeling
The fight was here.
They would need a man of war in their midst
Because even though I left
I never took off my armor
So when I saw this day coming
I thought, Poor fools who would attack
They never accounted for me.
Michael Kusi Jun 2018
She was so beautiful
That the only words used to describe her
Were not from a lost language
But from a lost people.
But beauty did not simply inhabit her figure.
It ran so much deeper than visual essence.
Her beauty was in her voice.
Soft, yet it drew me to her.

Her beauty was bathed in kindness
And when I offered her a towel.
She blushed and said thanks.
I said I was not just giving it to her.
It was an effort on my behalf.
Because I was throwing it in.
And laying down any game I thought I had.
To get the woman I know I love.
Why do I need to look at anyone else
When I have already seen you twice.
And every time I view you.
You look better than each and every woman out there.
Michael Kusi Jun 2018
I was born on the seventh day.
God said he needed rest
After all the effort to get me out.
I was born 2 pounds
They don't even make weights like that
Except in color
But this weight my mom lifted was all color.
They took me to a fortress of solitude
And there I lay
Waiting to fight
Even though with every breath
I was already fighting

They tried to put an IV in me.
Like I was the fourth generation with the same name.
Great effort to help.
But it burned
I got burns in the third degree
Are babies supposed to endure this much pain.
This babe did.
The pain I endured
Was so great crying would not make a difference.
But I did not cry.
And after it healed.
I will bare the scar until God stops resting
And we need to work together.

But the fire was third degree
Because the first degree was high school.
The second degree was college
And that last degree
Which hurt the most
Which dug deep
Was law school
The birth certificate was the first I got
But it wasn't the last
And its the only one I don't hang up.
Because all the certificates on the wall
Show the fire that is in me.
But my birth certificate
Was made by the fire that was put on me.
Michael Kusi Jun 2018
I dreaded
That it would be my tough portion
To hear from you with kindness
That I was just a friend.
It did not make sense to me
It just did not make sense
How we could hang out like dates
But just be friends.
Friends with some benefits
But I fear the benefits are now gone.
So I will be your friend
Until the end of time.
But maybe time is up.
Because although you say I am just a friend.
I fear that we are no longer even friends
So I will step back
To preserve our memories for another day.
Jun 2018 · 165
How much was the sacrifice
Michael Kusi Jun 2018
Someone asked me
How much was the sacrifice
I said, tearfully.
It costed everything
But if it wasn’t for this sacrifice
I would not be the man I am today
And if it was not this sacrifice
Some other part of me would have to leave
And that part I am sure I needed to live
Rather than giving up what I couldn’t live without.
Michael Kusi Jun 2018
I have published a book called The Stones the Builders Rejected. It is a collection of my Christian Poetry and includes sonnets, haiku sonnets,  free verse, rhymes, and other poems about the Christian faith and walk. Check it out on Amazon!
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