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There might have been two
exchanging kisses with tequila
on torsos and tongues
salty zing
and a friend mingling
mixing and masking slight
and the tequila might have evaporated
only tongues and torsos left
thighs...might have touched
and a tongue tickled the two
in turns
perhaps it was the water
the touch of pressuring drops
and unspoken words
the larynx blocked
perhaps by water
and hands pressing skin
perhaps moist hands
and air
triggered her tears
Beauty means full of beautiful expressions,
not the pretty ones.
It can be a sensation,
even a fashion.

Beauty lies inside,
Not outside.
It is self made
Not anyone’s shade.

Beauty can be the best thing happened to us,
Nothing worst can change its lust.
It just has to be taken care,
As even in the world there is not any spare.
In the morning of haze set a heart on ablaze
all is finished with it even the craze
as the ashes faze, the birds gaze
all is now gone with the blaze.

Minds and faces of feminist cry
some show, some shy
everything is happening with a sigh
and slowly the days passed and so the nights.

Days later it again struck my mind,
remembering that day that time
all was going and so they mimed the crime
no shame lingered their minds.

In the morning of haze set a heart ablaze
it was of nobody but a baby girl of that time.
It is a poem written, highlight killing of a girl child in this fast paced world.
hello hello hello
what have we got here
a few ships assembling
with highly explosive

hello hello hello
who shall fire the first shot
into the Syrian

hello hello hello
America and Russia
are on opposing sides
the gulf in their opinions
very wide

hello hello hello
the world
shall see a drama
most potent
others in
the Middle Eastern
may get
involved too
that will be a show
which may mean
a powder keg
that can't be

hello hello hello
why have men
in power
always had a yen
to be war faring
and not think
of their fellow
men women and children

hello hello hello
this time the lesson
may come at an extremely high cost
for it may well
bring end
to all existence
on the planet
as we know it....
Our world was built to control us impeding our ability to thrive,
induced into a system designed for wealth, power, and lies.
Most of us end up broken enslaved for what little we have,
the enemy divides our family as we follow another false flag.
A price is paid for not conceding to an affirmation worth repeating,
as our minds are all but defeated our souls are lost in a hidden war.
History repeats itself as we are kept under control,
when we accept defeat, we allow the enemy to grow.
I was a victim just like you as degenerates overtook my home,
life in the wake of calamity, cast on a pile of innocent bones.
I am not the one you want to convene because I question everything,
I am just a voice of honesty who was finally set free.
Who finally broke through the construct of lies,
the lies we were taught to believe in the construct of humanity.
Divine Minds Transcend

Staring out into the night sky the sound of thunder shakes the trees
A circle of planets hovers in the distance a starry bridge stretches out before me
I see with my third eye an alternate existence ascending me into a higher conscious reality
I see an upside-down pyramid floating over a circle of dancing monkeys

So here we go again searching for the truth
It’s deep inside the looking glass
where only few breakthrough

Do you try hard to open the eye in your mind?
The sound of cries ignite another crash landing
Emotions rise deceptive minds are bending
Does anyone know how much I suffered from this
I lived life, lost and confused then watched my fate descending

So there I was again searching for the truth
I searched inside the looking glass until I finally broke through

I fell into a strange world a world inside a dream
It was there that I found a circle of planets magically hovering
A starry bridge to an alternate existence ascending me into a higher conscious reality
I saw with my third eye an upside-down pyramid
floating over a circle
a circle of humanity

It was there I broke my ego and found the real me
© JDMaraccini 2013
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