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mistyholly Jan 2016
i still feel empty inside!
but its better than despair!
even though im starting to cut my skin!
they dont know!
mistyholly Nov 2015
She didn't talk to you anymore
You hated seeing her talk to people
And you hated your self for that
You told your self it was you
And it was not a lie
You were poisonous
No wonder why they don't care
mistyholly Jul 2015
weak and pathetic
you fell to vriska
the devil herself
broken legs
and sad faces
mistyholly Jul 2015
buiklt ny . lodw ofyou nO im fonna diw now
mistyholly Jul 2015
hat by av  i done im ahorribke oerson i wanna **** myself ishoys ahoyhd i s/>h oud
Goodbye im sorrysoryu soryuu sourry im   horrible psrson
mistyholly Apr 2015
im sorry
but im really jealous
of your wonderful friendships and inside jokes
your writing skills
and everything else
but mostly your friendships
mistyholly Apr 2015
its my fault.
i admit.
im sorry.
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