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Miranda May 2020
Your mind is a galaxy.
All I know is that one day I was pacing Earth,
And the next I was preparing for takeoff.
I had been long awaiting this trip,
Ready to explore the space of you.
I couldn’t have prepared myself
for all I would see.

Supernovas exploding,
like your heartbeat when our lips touch.
Black holes
absorbing my insecurities and doubts.
Constellations of your past:
the house you grew up in, your first car, the night we met.
Binary stars of all our memories,
all the moments your soul and mine spent together.
There was no way my eyes could absorb the entirety of your galaxy.
All of the colors and light like fireworks,
completely overwhelming, but so beautiful.
You kick yourself for even blinking because you don’t want to miss a moment.

That’s how I feel every day with you.
The deeper I travel into the space that is you,
The more I see why you were hesitant to let me in.
The darkness here can be overwhelming,
But the brightness of the stars that reside keep me wanting more.
Your heart and mind are made up of the north stars and nebulas that made me fall in love.
So I don’t care how dark it gets,
As long as you let me,
I want to keep going,
And I don’t want to miss a moment of your galaxy.

Miranda May 2020
Nothing fills my heart
More than being with the people I love
Being held by my mom
Laughing with my sister and brother at 1 am
Weeding out the garden with my dad
Looking into my lover’s eyes and feeling his touch connect us
It makes my heart swell and fill with love so deep and warm that I get scared of how easily I could lose it all
I feel how lucky and blessed I am to have this love that refills my soul when it’s empty
How much I care
How much they care
How love brought and kept us together
And how I would do anything to keep anything from ripping us apart
Love is strong and it holds me together

Miranda Mar 2020
Let us take this time,
This forced but necessary stillness,
To reconnect.
With our family, our friends, and our selves.
Our schedules are being wiped clear.
Let’s embrace it.
Don’t fear the empty space,
Fill it with what can’t be cancelled.
These times are scary,
But across the globe we are all
Walking the same uncharted path.
There is peace to be found in the solidarity.
There is love and grace to extend
To those who are isolated or hurting.
Our every day lives as we know them are a world away,
But even in this time there is good to be found.

Miranda Jan 2020
I can’t carry these heavy things
That weigh me down to the center of the earth.
My heart feels like a boulder
Drawing me closer and closer into the pit.
I sit here and wonder how on God's green earth
I’ll make it out of this alive.
How will I make it out of this and not be jaded?
God help me to see the purpose in this carrying,
and help me to let it go.
Help me to forgive and love
And be patient with me as I walk through this and work through disappointment,
And an overwhelming loss.
Help me to make these heavy things lighter.


Miranda Jan 2020
I remember that day I was driving down the interstate
On the way to my hometown after a week of huge transitions.
Life was shifting in all ways all around me, and I needed to go home to get some stability.

It was 1 in the afternoon, but it looked like dusk
Because of the thick blanket of clouds covering the sky.
Rain began pelting my windshield so hard, it’s a wonder it didn’t break.
The sheer amount of water splashing started to blur the road and cars in front of me,
And the sound of rain drops cannon balling on the roof of my car was deafening.
I look in front of me, and I can barely tell the difference between what is road and what is rain.

But then I quickly glance out my window,
And I don’t know how,
But I can see what is going on beside me as clear as day.
I still see the rain, but it hasn’t blurred the picture of the moment of cars going the other way

I think about this a lot.
And how driving in the rain is a lot like life moving forward.

When diving headfirst into your unknown, it’s scary and you can barely see what lies ahead.
You look at others around you and can see their path so clear, and you wonder why yours doesn’t look like that.
But what you have to remember is that they are not going the same way as you.
If I looked out of the passenger side window, I would see others going the same way that I am.
None of us can see what waits on the other side of this storm,
But still, we move ahead
Because that is the only thing to do.


Miranda Jan 2020
Today I sat on the porch
And I witnessed the start of the rain
There was lightning,
A thunderclap,
And then almost instantly,
The rain
One moment the air was still
The next, it was charged and began pouring
If I had blinked, I would have missed the start
We always look out the window,
And notice if it's cloudy or sunny or raining
But we rarely catch the moment it starts
The moment where the earth transitions
How beautiful is it that we live on a planet that can change so rapidly in an instant

Miranda Oct 2019
I scan my boarding pass and begin the turtles pace
Down the tunnel to what looks like a big white metal bird that will take me back home.
I cross over the gap between the walkway and the plane
Where I can see the ground that feels like it’s miles beneath me.
The jump over the tiny valley always was the perfect mixture of scary and exhilaration,
Stepping into this powerful machine.
I press my hand on the cold metal as an encouragement to myself and the bird,
And I can feel its heartbeat.
It isn’t like mine, a rhythmic thump,
But rather a humming,
A continuous vibration.
I sit down in the seat that is just uncomfortable enough to make me keep
Readjusting every 5 minutes,
But I don’t care, I’m just ready to meet the clouds again.
I always loved flying,
That feeling when you get so high up in the air that your reality seems so far away.
For that couple hours, you get to physically escape your life.
But unfortunately, even miles off the ground you still can’t escape your thoughts.
I’ve always loved flying,
Being up in the clouds makes me feel closer to God.
It seems like He is right there,
Whipping up the clouds like cotton candy like heaven is a circus.
I always loved flying,
The magic of traveling so high and fast to your destination.
I hope I never lose the wonder of being in flight.

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