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Mike Hauser Mar 2013
Blackbird oh Blackbird
Where is your proud song
I heard you sing in the sixties
Aren't you still downtrodden and all

Have you grown complacent
Did they clip your wings
I marched with your Fathers
They wouldn't hear of such a thing

Why was it they suffered
If not for the chance to be free
They had their eyes on the future
Is this what they wanted to see

The cage that contains you
The latch is on the inside
Blackbird in you is the power
To take freedoms ride

Blackbird oh Blackbird
Where is your proud song
If you'll sing it again
This time we'll all sing along
2.5k · May 2014
The King of Bitterness
Mike Hauser May 2014
When you live a lonely life
Even the days prefer the night

Keeping step to the hearts off beat
On the often empty streets

Hate fills the kingdom that's surveyed
The innocent turn their heads away

We've come to expect nothing less
From the King of Bitterness

A chess match using ghetto pawns
As the procession rolls along

Passing by in time to thumb the nose
The Emperor that wears no clothes

Mark it down and save the date
No way is there to escape

A bitter pill adds to the bitter edge
For the King of Bitterness

Spread the wealth and take a bite
Promised anything you like

If they would look they'd clearly see
That you were born of royalty

Click your ruby heals, there's something wrong
No way will you make it home

Remember what your mother said
About the King of Bitterness

You've been stuck and you have bled
To the King of Bitterness

Lay down now you sleepy head
Goodnight King of Bitterness
Mike Hauser Oct 2013
As I rounded the hill
Face to face with the still
That I'd only heard rumors spoke of

With no one around
I sat myself down
And proceeded to sample the stuff

As sweet as honeydew melon
Got my feet to a geling
Made me feel like I did in my youth

Sat with a dumb gaze for a while
Then got the biggest of smiles
When it came to me what I should do

So I went with my plan
And opened a stand
Right there on the mountain side

When word in the forest got out
I never had any doubt
That all of the critters would be stoping by

You should have seen them all  guzzle
As the squirrels ordered doubles
Then proceeded to tell wild nutty lies

It was quite the fiasco
When they brought out the cowboy hats and  lasso's
As the party went well into the night

They paid in nuts and berries
Which was fine by me
With them I made different flavors of shine

In flavors I made 32
So I wouldn't get sued
By Baskin-Robbins who has 31 at this time

From all the flavors I made
Boysenberry was the fav
The raccoons made up a dance called the boysenberry crawl

Which was a big hit
At the discotheque
The beavers built in the early fall

We made a deal
I would sell them my swill
For a little piece of the pie

We were all getting rich
I have to admit
It's quite the relationship, the beavers and I

Of course the beavers got greedy
You know how beavers are needy
Couldn't leave well enough alone

Figured they had the right
Who's going to pay for these lights
That make this the best disco in town

They started charging a cover
Which didn't go over
As well as they would have liked

Plus they doubled the price of the *****
Which left little food
On the woodland creatures tables at night

Things went from bad to worse
When they started to curse
Me, "The Man" for the troubles they had

I barely made it out alive
By the skin of my hide
When I packed and hit the road mighty fast

Things had been going so well
Before it all went to hell
And me and my still were forced to leave

Now still to this day
You know why I always say
That famous line, passed down in time
"Leave it to Beav"
Don't ask...
Mike Hauser Sep 2013
Alright no one here leaves
Until I get back my monkey
He was right here beside me
When we sat down at the bar

He got up to use the restroom
Cause my monkey is not uncouth
I KNOW he didn't just drive off
I still have the keys to the car

We were having the best of times
Telling jokes and making up zoological rhymes
He even passed around that picture
You know the one with the orangutan in that embarrassing position

That's the last time I saw him
My best friend
Will somebody help me look please
These tears have all but blurred my vision

I've now checked every zoo on the East coast
Every circus that I know
Thinking perhaps he was monkeynapped
By some clown or zoological freak

I haven't seen hide nor hair
Of a clean shaven monkey in underwear
I told you he wasn't uncouth
My monkey learned that from me

These days I cry in my beer
Since my monkey's no longer here
I guess Doodles had better things
To do with his life

If my monkey, Doodles you ever do see
Will you tell him I miss him oodles for me
And that I've accepted the fact that he's not coming back
And that I'll be alright...
2.4k · Mar 2014
Sunny and Stormy Weather
Mike Hauser Mar 2014
Sunny and Stormy Weather
Were sisters through and through
They did everything together
Morning, night, and noon
They hung outside most all the time
Cause that's what Weather sisters do

Sunny and Stormy Weather
Closer than any friend
Both knowing what really matters
Though they still have they're differences
They hung tight to what was right
Wouldn't let those differences do them in

Sunny Weather loved to smile
The way sunny people do
Catches on after awhile
Changes the attitude
Sunny's disposition brightened those who looked and listened
But then again that's what sunny people do

Not so with Stormy Weather
She never found much to smile about
Though her sister dearly loves her
That's the difference between them no doubt
They both get along like birds in song
That's not hard to figure out

Sunny and Stormy Weather
Were sisters through and through
They did everything together
Morning, night, and noon
They hung outside most all the time
Cause that's what Weather sisters do
Mike Hauser Mar 2013
After dining at the finest of Maw and Paw restaurants
Frequented by men in trucks
Outside I slipped on the gravel drive
And as would be my luck

The LARGE cowboy belt I'm so proud of
Latched on and then got stuck
Now I'm off to see America
From the front grill of a Big Mac Truck

From the plains of Plano, Texas
To the hills of Hoboken Plantation, Tennessee
There's not to many places
That Big Mac Truck did not take me

To other motorists I was Mr. Friendly
With my arms flapping in the wind
They all would honk and wave and smile
As I smiled back with my bug filled grin

For weeks and weeks we went from coast to coast
Hollywood, California is where I made my mark
Someone happened to take my picture
Which made me an instant star

So I hooked my buckle to the front of a limo
As crowds started to recognize me
A Big Mac Truck would no longer do
When your a Big Time Celebrity

I was on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
He interviewed me from a parking lot
The limo would not fit on the couch
Plus I can't get the buckle to unlock

Now when my limo pulls up to crosswalks
Pedestrians ask for my autograph
Before the light turns green and me and the bumper we  leave
I tell a few jokes and we share a few laughs

As life's fortunes would have it
I can't believe my luck
The day I tripped on that gravel drive
And fell into the grill of that Big Mac Truck
2.4k · Oct 2013 is a zoo
Mike Hauser Oct 2013
One sunny day at the central zoo
Biff the gorilla grabbed the zoo keepers key
Before the employees had even a clue
Went and set all the animals free

Started out on Monkey Island
With the Orangutans and Chimpanzees
With the Giraffe's next in line
Cause they needed someone to see over the tops of the trees

When they were  through letting their friends loose
And all the keepers locked up in their place
They hit the streets and before anyone knew
The entire human race was in a cage

Now the animals are doing their very best
As  members of society at large
Still life is a mess if you haven't already guessed
Shouldn't have left the baboons in charge

With the pressures in life starting to show
Half the animal kingdom now in therapy
No one told them so they didn't know
That life in a cage was actually free

While the people enjoy themselves at the zoo
Three solid meals and all the naps they can take
Sunning themselves by the wading pool
Never wanting to go back to the so called good old days

Guess no matter which side you are on
The other side always looks better to you
Just remember if the time ever does come
Where ever you find that you're is a zoo
2.4k · May 2014
Happy Anniversary
Mike Hauser May 2014
Happy anniversary every day I say

I celebrate religiously every single day

Cause every day is special, my hope is you relate

And can keep the party going till death steps in the way

You may ask the purpose, throw questions at the need

Well every day is special if it's an anniversary

So light the candles on life's cake, you soon too will believe

This day was made to celebrate...Happy anniversary!
2.3k · Nov 2014
Before The Teardrops Fell
Mike Hauser Nov 2014
I held onto you when love was new
When it bubbled up from the well
Young groom and his bride with nothing to hide
Before the teardrops fell

With sweet memories of how it would be
No one the wiser could tell
Where we both were before this occurred
Before the teardrops fell

On beaches of sand both hand in hand
Young lovers needing nobody else
Much fonder days is what we now say
Before the teardrops fell

In our marriage bed we held what we had
As we  held tight to ourselves
But that was back then, so I'll say it again
Before the teardrops fell

We lived our lives inside of the light
Where love is clean as a bell
Where all that was right stood by our side
Before the teardrops fell

Looking back on it all at the trip and the fall
We should have pulled tighter on loves belt
Then we wouldn't be so desperate in need
Before the teardrops fell
2.3k · Jun 2014
gamma rays
Mike Hauser Jun 2014
there's a hole in my head
where the gamma gets in
tickles my brain
giggles my skin
turns my insides
to outside in
throws all my cares
into the wind
curls my hair
into corn rows
florescent's the jam
between my toes
spittles the spine
blows its own nose
grabs tightly my gizzard
then let's it go
adds purple highlights
to the hair on my face
takes my overbite
and sets it in place
makes me want to run
although there's no race
all through the hole in my head
filled by these gamma rays
2.3k · Nov 2013
The Restless Wanderer
Mike Hauser Nov 2013
The Restless Wanderer
Goes from town to town
Running from his past mistakes
The guilt that brings him down

One day he's bound to reach the end
The end of all he is
And when it finally does arrive
Will there be nothing left but this

The guilt he's held onto for years
Is all that he has saved
Kept it closely by his side
Giving a glimpse but not away

It burns him hot to the touch
So why does he bring it up so much
He's learned to lean upon its strength
The guilt is what makes him so weak

The Restless Wanderer

The Restless Wanderer

No purpose does he pose

The Restless Wanderer

The Restless Wanderer

The guilt is all he knows
Written in response to my poem...
Which is a great poem itself...
Thanks Thomas...

The guilt is all he knows, my friend, for feeling guilt is safe.

It means when the day is done, he doesn't have to face...

the truth about his problems. Or the reasons for his fate...

Yes loving guilt is safer,
than facing his mistakes.

                      Thomas Gagliardi
2.3k · Mar 2017
~I Love You~
Mike Hauser Mar 2017
I love you more than the moments
That are yet to come
I love you more than the memories
That have come and gone

I love you with a waiting heart
That beats deep in the chest
I love you when you take me there
And then bring me back again

I love you in the distance
And the closeness that is you
I love you in the beginning minute
And the second that it's through

I love you more than the air I breath
If that's not too cliche
I love you for what I have
And what I've had to give away

I love you in the silence
And I love you in the sound
I love you in the here and now
And wherever we are bound

I love you like the night
Opens up into the day
I loved you at first sight
More than I can say
2.3k · Feb 2017
February (haiku)
Mike Hauser Feb 2017
February yawns
Shaking the signs of Winter
Watching for the Spring
Second month in my attempt to haiku the year.
2.3k · Aug 2013
Jolly The Circus Clown
Mike Hauser Aug 2013
Jolly brings a smile to the crowd
Circus life is what it's all about
As children laugh out loud in their play
Case in point it's another Jolly day

A world of smiles is Jolly's goal in life
If you smile once he'll try his best at twice
Down in the dumps you should be circus bound
There to lift you up is Jolly the Circus Clown

But when the laughter dies and the smiles all end
Jolly sits in front of his T.V. in his darkened den
Eating wrapped up tin plate dinners all alone
Jolly is not jolly when Jolly's at home

He's been doing this for quite awhile
It's a shame that Jolly can't make his own self smile...
2.3k · Mar 2013
Ode To (Pork Rinds)
Mike Hauser Mar 2013
Pork Rind, Oh Pork Rind
As I reach in your bag
I am truly amazed
At the flavor you have

I know where you come from
Just don't know where you've been
After all the truth is
You are a pigs skin

You often come with a bonus
I am seldom at loss
The piece with the hair
Which in the end I can floss
See what I mean about my humor?
2.3k · Mar 2014
Slug Salting
Mike Hauser Mar 2014
There's a little known sport
That is played in the South
If you ain't from round here
You may know nothing about

It is played by the old
Enjoyed by the young
Quite the crowd pleaser
This salting of slug

So grab the favorite of minerals
And your crystal shakers
Try not to view this
As demented behavior

You can taste the excitement
On this game de jour
Hold steady the Morton's
Get ready to pour

Scream like a banshee
Jump up and down
As we watch the slugs
Turn inside out

The best of Southern shakers
Come into play
With the salting of slugs
On slug salting day
2.3k · Jul 2013
~New Tattoo ~
Mike Hauser Jul 2013
You've got yourself a new tattoo

A tattoo of you on you

Done in the ink of blue

So that it would fit your mood

Do you do the things you do

To baffle and confuse

Is that what made you choose

Your tattoo of you on you
2.2k · Mar 2013
Mike Hauser Mar 2013
How come when it is I sneeze

I holler out " ACHOO! "

Like the people in the vicinity

Need some sort of clue

Of exactly what is going on

And what it is that they should do

Turning wide eyed in my direction

And exclaiming " God Bless You "
2.2k · Sep 2013
Smooth Talker
Mike Hauser Sep 2013
She's such a smooth talker
She could talk the rust right off of a nail
Given a chance at a Saturday dance
She could talk the slow out of a snail

I saw her wake up one morning
And talk the sun into sharing its shine
Then she went into the garden
And talked the melon right out of its rind

We went down to the ocean
Where she talked the blue out of the sea
That's the day I remember
She talked the love straight into me

My girl, she could talk a flower
Into giving its fragrance away
She could also talk the words out
Of a mute man with nothing to say

I took her to the park
She talked the kanga right out of the roo
That's the day she talked me
Into saying I love you

I've even seen my baby
Talk an ant out of its picnic lunch
One day on the side of the highway
A hitchhiker gave her his thumb

Whenever she plays storm chaser
This girl talks the wind out of its breeze
But she's not the only smooth talker
I talked her into marrying me
2.2k · Jul 2013
Hood Ornament
Mike Hauser Jul 2013
Wish I was a hood ornament
On a 58' Ford Fairlane
With my face pointed to the West
On a lone Texas highway

Where I can feel the engines hum
As it purrs under me
A 58' Ford Fairlane hood ornament
Is what I want to be

A 58' Ford Fairlane hood ornament
Feeling the freedom of the wind
The coolness of the metal
The metallic of the skin

Enjoying every moment
Bringing on the glory of day
Riding on the hood
Of a 58' Ford Fairlane
2.2k · Jul 2015
Cereal Killer®
Mike Hauser Jul 2015
She ain't nothing but a cereal killer
She's ****** with a gallon of milk
If you need convincing, Cap'n Crunch is still missing
And that Chocula guy is down for the Count

She ain't nothing but a cereal killer
Gets her Kix pulling off her Trix
As she bids them Cheerio being more in the know
Than a bowl of FrankenBerry buried below Honey Oh's

She ain't nothing but a cereal killer
Winning them over with her Lucky Charms
No way to deny she eats them alive
As she Frosts Tony the Tiger like Corn

She ain't nothing but a cereal killer
Finds pleasure in the Shredding of Wheat
Using Fruity Pebbles to go along with her evil  
As she spoons out her ***** deeds

She ain't nothing but a cereal killer
Easily making history out of Rice Krispy treats
What ever you do keep an eye on her Fruit Loops
That kind of crazy nobody needs
Now that you mention it...Why yes I do consider myself a serious poet.
2.2k · Jul 2020
Mike Hauser Jul 2020
what's the sense in reminiscing
being the one that's left behind
when all your friends go missing
by way the art of dying

when you reach the fold of much too old
to want to carry on
if truth be known out loud was told
all your friends are gone

what's the sense in reminiscing
if all you do is cry
no need to waste time guessing
when you know the reason why

when the world moves into season
where all it knows is cold
in its quest best be believing
that you're the next to go

what's the sense in reminiscing
if all you have are last goodbyes
trying to keep the secret hidden
that death is a part of life

you find this section hard to row
being the last one in the boat
what's the sense in reminiscing
when you can barely stay afloat
2.2k · Nov 2013
Mr. Muscles!
Mike Hauser Nov 2013
Today is going to be the day
I turn my life around
As I pull my truck over
To load up what I just found

I see it as my destiny
Someone tossed out their set of weights
With me at the moment in the mood
To join the fitness craze

So I open up, run around my truck
As my regiment begins
Wish I could find some neighbor kid
To give this old man a hand
And why they make these weights so heavy,
I'll never understand

I drive straight home excited
Back my truck down the drive
I'll haul the stuff in later
As soon as my arms come back to life

3 hours later...

Carrying what's soon to be the new me
From the truck into the house
To late to clinch the **** cheeks
As my entire spine just fell out

3 months later...

Still in intensive care
And mounting chiropractic bills
I'm thinking of just going the new American way
And get my muscles from taking pills
Mike Hauser Nov 2018
I just bought a turkey
In dire need of tenderize
Also a quick summer thaw
As this chick's as cold as ice

Must have froze it in the tundra as
I dive deep into the internet
Where it's got me wondering
Why I myself didn't think of this

It says to tie up both its legs
With a nylon stringy thingy
Hey! Get that out your head!
This ain't nothing *****!

Hook the turkey to the bumper
And take it for a ride
I watched it from my rear view
And mirror on the side

I watched it twirl and tumble
I watched it twist and shout
I watched it as it changed its shape
From inside into out

I thought I heard it gobble
As it bounced itself along
Checking progress at every red light
Tenderized...yes, but not yet thawed

The roads must be colder this year
Then at first, I thought
I hop back into my jalopy
For a few more jaunts around the block

I make it back to my place
Thinking all is perfect all is well
Untie the turkey, if that's what it is
It's a little hard to tell

Now with that part of the preparation done
With the turkey and I safe back home
I plop it into the waiting oven
And gently turn it on

Here we are a few hours later
As the conversations and good times begin
Sitting around the dinner table
My guests all marvel at my hen

There's only one slight question
And they asked me if I knew
I reply...why yes that is white meat
It's just a tad bit bruised
2.2k · Sep 2016
My Aluminum Can Friend
Mike Hauser Sep 2016
If you'd care to help
I'm saving up cans
With the brilliant idea
To build an aluminum can friend

One that shines bright
That never will rust
In whom I share secrets
One I can trust

He'll have Coca-Cola arms
And Dr. Pepper legs
Non-caffine Sprite
I'll use for his head

Don't want my aluminum can friend
To have jitters all day
Restless at night
Staying up late

I'll give him Pepsi hands
That are willing to please
So when I do chores
He can help me

For my friend on the go
I'll give Mountain Dew feet
A couple Red Bull
If I decide to do wings

And an idea that is good
Would be a Fanta heart
For a colorful beat
With all the flavors there are

So if you'd like to help
I'm saving up cans
With the brilliant idea
To build an aluminum can friend
Mike Hauser Mar 2013
There's soon to be a hangin'
They've raised the gallows high
The Barker Boys are getting their just deserves
They'll soon be swinging side by side

They're testing the trap doors as we speak
A sound that always gives me the chills
Them boys should of left well enough alone
And let God do his own will

You see they killed a man in Texas
Over a cheatin' game of cards
Caught those murderous thieves this side of Dallas
Where it is they didn't get very far

Didn't get very far in their run
Sure enough didn't get far in this life
The mean streak runs deep in their blackened hearts
Straight to the Devils right side

So here we are at the day of the hangin'
It's quite a crowd that's gathered now
The party atmosphere is contagious
But ain't that what a hangin's all about

They faced each other in death
The same way they face each other in life
With a twist of one rope to the left
And a twist of one rope to the right
2.1k · Sep 2013
Michael's Salon Of Pits
Mike Hauser Sep 2013
People often say now I understand
When they hear that I'm from Paree
Not Gay Paree silly, but redneck
In the heart of Tennessee

I am the newest style of hairdressers
Here to lay out all the facts
I no longer work on the tops of heads
But straight out of the pits

It all happened when I got bored
With the every day to day
Trimming of the head left me feeling dead
That's when it hit me..."Underarm Braid"

That right there was my life saver
That right there was my turn around
If it didn't make me world famous
At least it did on this side of town

Now people come from as far as Nashville
To have their underarms done
I even gave a left and right pit Mohawk
To the Governor's daughter and son

What? Did you think I only braided?
There's so much more that I can do
Just ask the Punk Rock Chick's that wait in line
To have their armpits colored blue

My older clientele have let there hair grow out
Since it is they learned
I'm now specializing in for both women and men
Their favorite sets and perms

So feel the freedom of the pits
That hippie chicks have long since known
Here at Michael's Salon Of Pits
We'll do something special with that growth
2.1k · Aug 2014
The Crossroad
Mike Hauser Aug 2014
Could we consider this point a crossroad
Where we either turn left, right, or go straight
Taking us all in a different direction
Take us all to another place

Could we rise and call each other brother
Learn to love instead of fight
Have respect for one another
Give each other the benefit of doubt in life

Not place judgement based on falsehoods
Especially the color of ones skin
Black or Red, White or Tan
No matter a persons pigment

Realize it's not the outside that matters
But loves depth within a mans heart
Here were we stand now at this crossroad
Which way should we go and who's going to start
2.1k · Jul 2014
Mike Hauser Jul 2014
I find myself in love

With sweet Tangerine

Coming straight to me

From the land of modern dreams

California juicy

Sticky in between

Orange in the glow she holds

My sunny citrus queen

A look into the future

Best is yet to be

With her rounded attitude

My sweet Tangerine
2.1k · Nov 2015
Stand Firm In Your Faith
Mike Hauser Nov 2015
I must say it breaks my heart
At what  I see you going through
The trails and tribulations
That life has thrown at you

And all because you stand up
For what you know is right
Against a world that's lost in wonder
From the truth of Jesus Christ

Shunned by friends and family
All for your beliefs
With the Holy Spirit in your heart
You can't help but speak of what you see

Didn't the Lord say this would happen
What they've done to me, they'll do to you
So don't dare falter in your convictions  
As you stand up for his Truth

When the world around them crumbles (and it will)
They'll come looking for that solid rock
As they reach out for something to grab hold of
You'll be there to reach back with the hand of God
I have the sweetest friend that is a Christian who is going through hard times in life because she is standing up for her faith. Some in her family have disowned her only because she is speaking the truth in love. The word of God will be here long after we are all gone, it is the one thing you can never go wrong with and God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow...He never changes nor does His Holy Word.
Mike Hauser Nov 2014
Blackbird oh Blackbird
Where is your proud song
I heard you sing in the sixties
Aren't you still downtrodden and all

Have you grown complacent
Did they clip your wings
I marched with your Fathers
They wouldn't hear of such a thing

Why was it they suffered
If not for the chance to be free
They had their eyes on the future
Is this what they wanted to see

The cage that contains you
The latch is on the inside
Blackbird in you is the power
To take freedoms ride

Blackbird oh Blackbird
Where is your proud song
If you'll sing it again
This time we'll all sing along
2.1k · Sep 2017
Right & Wrong
Mike Hauser Sep 2017
If everything was perfect
And life was but a breeze
I'm not sure exactly
How that would feel to me

If life was but a song
That we all could hum along
I'm not sure how right that'd feel
If something was not wrong

If everything was right side up
And not a thing was upside down
Would we ever really know
When the good times roll around

Can we take this opportunity
To realize what we should know
How things would not feel right
If something was not wrong

If you're late coming to this party
In the perfection that you seek
How on earth can you be happy
If you never have a need

I believe they both go hand in hand
Never travel far alone
Because right would not feel right
If something was not wrong
2.1k · Mar 2017
Mike Hauser Mar 2017
If revenge is oh so sweet
Then why this bitter taste
Along the edge of my tongues tip
A tearful sadness to my gaze
Where I find it now hard to smile
Under this heavy weight
Sweet is sour in revenge
And the trouble that it makes
2.0k · Jun 2013
Pluto (Got The Shaft)
Mike Hauser Jun 2013
I have had this question
That's been bouncing in my head for quite some time
So while I'm at it I just thought
I might as well ask it in rhyme

Out of all the Disney characters
I feel compelled to ask
How come Pluto is the only one
That ended up getting the shaft

Let's start this off with Mickey
Who rules the Magic Kingdom with all of his might
Although with that high squeaky voice
I believe his underwear is notched a tad to tight

Then there's Daisy and Donald
Whom I can barely understand
It still though is quite clear to me
They speak in a language known to man

Poor ole Pluto I wonder
What goes through his mind
While his tongue is lolly gagging
With his tail keeping in time

And what about that Goofy
Who can barely dress himself
That dog carries on conversations
Even when there's no one else

So go ahead I tell you
Take a look at the whole batch
And you tell me that Pluto
Is not the one that got the shaft

While I'm thinking about it
There's the planet Pluto out on the edge
When did we decide to kick it off
Of our planetary ledge

But I digress because  it's Disney
To whom I throw this question at
But believe you me it's NASA
Who will be at the center of my next rant

So out of all the questions in my life
That I have ever asked
There is no simple answer to why
Pluto got the shaft
2.0k · Feb 2014
The Magic Of...fairydust
Mike Hauser Feb 2014
A job to big for mere mortals
This time round magic is a must
So many new poems it's overwhelming
She knows to bring extra fairydust

That little nymph of a fairy
Takes it in stride with grace and ease
Tosses an extra handful of her magic dust
Into the poetic breeze

It knows just where it is going
Just as it knows from whence it came
In the mystery of the magic
fairy and the dust are one and the same

From her throne on high the poems bring to her new life
Blessed she feels she's counted
Though the fairy's main concern is to bless in return
That is all she has ever wanted
2.0k · May 2014
Peyote Highway
Mike Hauser May 2014
On Peyote Highway

The lanes go this way and that
Purple haze sunset to the left
The radio changes itself

On Peyote Highway

The flowers all try to hitch rides
With thumbs held high in the sky
While cactus ride by on their bikes

On Peyote Highway

Rainbow clouds speak in foreign tongue
The Koala Bear next to you ***** his thumb
The clown on the hood chews Juicy Fruit gum

On Peyote Highway

Skeletons rattle their bones in the back
Constantly asking are we there yet
As mimes mouth hello from the ditch

On Peyote Highway

You travel in both space and time
Take the pedal off the metal of your mind
Set the scenery to always rewind

On Peyote Highway
2.0k · Jul 2017
Hippopotamus Lunch
Mike Hauser Jul 2017
Everyday I have lunch
With a pink hippopotamus
The menus always the same
Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches
Oh, and Diet Cherry Coke
Cause he likes the way it tickles his throat

His friends sometimes stop by
To join the both of us
If you're talking more than one of us
Or Hippo for short
If you're not into funny sounding words

Sometimes after lunch
Me and my friend the pink Hippopotamus
Like to take a drive
To the beach in his Minibus
He loves to catch the rays
Plus hang ten on a few waves

If you ever care for lunch
Feel free to join me and my Hippopotamus
But only if you like
Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches
Because it's all that he will eat
Which is fine by me
Makes for easy cooking and cleaning
2.0k · Sep 2018
Being A Girl Sucks! :(
Mike Hauser Sep 2018
Being a girl *****! :(
I'm one big ball of emotion
Being tossed back and forth
On the waves of this female ocean

Just when I say I'm doing okay
Another tsunami comes along
Washing away the sanity I saved
Swept out to sea, it's gone

Being a girl *****! :(
All the makeup that we wear
Who are we trying to impress anyways
And do those jerks out there really care

All they do is treat me like a piece of meat
With desert on the side
Would you like some tears with that
It doesn't take much these days to make me cry

Being a girl *****! :(
With some of the things we have to wear
This over the shoulder boulder holder
Wasn't built for comfort that's for sure

And is it already that time of month again
I've about had it with these cramps
If I hear another man explain my mood to me
I swear I'm going to reach up and pull his tongue out through his...

Being a girl *****! :(
But one thing that I can say
It sure as heck beats being a man
Where stupidity always gets in the way
2.0k · Apr 2016
Mike Hauser Apr 2016
I try to keep things simple
In my simple day to day
Simple in the way I walk
Simple in the things I say

I always try to think good
Good in everything I see
Good in everything I hear
The good in everybody

If I can keep this standard
Hold tight this philosophy
I am hoping all in life
Will go well for them and me

I try to love with all my heart
To keep rooted to the ground
I try my best to play every part
In what comes around goes around

As I try and keep it simple
Makes it all much easier to figure out
In what I go through, everything that I do
A complicated life doesn't go over so well
Another wonderful collaboration with the ever so talented Eudora!
She truly makes it easy and for that I am thankful!
I'm in italics...
2.0k · Apr 2015
~Hippie Sale~
Mike Hauser Apr 2015
Over a cup of morning java
Scanning my daily mail
I came upon an advertisement sheet
That exclaimed in BOLD rainbow pastel

Grand opening of a store that has everything
On the corner of Daisy and William Tell
The one thing I saw that interested me
Is they were having a back to "60's"  Hippie sale

Of course I stopped what it was I was doing
Hopped in my Lexus and left right away
The excitement had my heart all in a flutter
This I guarantee is going to be a good day

They weren't kidding when they said they sold it all
I'd been wandering the store for quite a while
That's when I came to what it was I had come here for
Before me in trippy little colors, the hippie aisle

So I bought me a couple colorful hippies
With my 25% coupon I was able to save
The Hippies even  came with a bonus
Fresh cut flowers and Jefferson Airplane tapes

When I got home I showed them to their room
Black light posters and colored beads hung from the door
As luck would have it I bought an Indian hemp rug
From Pier One just the day before

They taught me transcendental meditation
While I taught them both how to bathe
Their lessons broadened the mind
My lessons the nostrils saved

I soon had a groovy little hippie pad
In which organic vegetables and enlightenment grew
We'd sit around crossed legged in a  purple haze at night
Playing psychedelic tunes on our Kazoo's
And I was pretty good too! Who Knew!

Yes, a house of happy hippies
Is a happy hippie house indeed
Especially when Wendy Crystal Sky...Yes, that's her name
Brews her famous dandelion tea

I highly recommend the purchase of hippies
I couldn't be any happier with mine
Sure beats the punk rockers I got on close out last year
But that my friend is another tale for another time...
Had a request to pull this out of the basement, dust it off, and put it on the shelf...
Something fun! My apologies to all the Hippies out there!
2.0k · Jul 2013
World Of Clowns
Mike Hauser Jul 2013
There's no reasonable explanation
To how this all went down
When the world woke up one morning
All made up as clowns

Not a single person in the world
Did this phenomenon not claim
With big red buttons on their chests
Spelling out new funny names

There was Patches and Petunia
Floppy and Cupcake
Winky and Bumper the Clown
Were just a few that they displayed

Everyone went about their business
Only now they all carpooled
You could see clowns piling out of cars everywhere
From businesses to stores to schools

Crime it did die down
Because all the guns that people have
Instead of shooting bullets
Shoot out brightly colored Big Bang Flags

Of course the circus lost its glamour
With an audience made up of clowns
It's hard to tell who's there enjoying
And who's entertaining all the crowds

People stopped taking each other seriously
Over anything they had to say
Pointing at each other and laughing
As they go about their day

Who knew a thing like this would happen
When the world went to bed last night
That the very next morning
They'd wake up clowns for life

Oh, I almost forgot the Politicians
Were the only ones to stay the same
It's already a simple known fact
*When your a clown you don't need to change
2.0k · Aug 2015
Pie Baking (Just Deserts)
Mike Hauser Aug 2015
This is how you bake a pie
Find some fruit that's really ripe

Measure stuff into a cup
Take a bowl and mix it up

Bake it till it smells real nice
Hopefully just like a pie

Take it out while it is hot
Find the best of cooling spots

Take the pie that you just made
Find a clown and fill his face
2.0k · Jun 2013
Mike Hauser Jun 2013
The coolness of the mornings
The month of love and bliss
Starting with two lovers
And that one September kiss

The month we found each other
When September held us tight
It would be you and me forever
We told that cool September night

Married in the middle of September
Could there be any other day
Yes I do and yes I will
From that moment forward I would say

Need I mention what month it was
When we were blessed with our first child
Or how the September moon was beaming
Like the both of us with smiles

September has always been the month
Of love or so it seems
Till the day my life was crucified
Along with September's dreams

Did I hold our love to tightly
Was that what caused yours to slip away
To another less deserving
Causing this September pain

You were my life, my love, my shelter
My all on any given day
Now all I do, I do without you
In the cold September rain
This was a contest on another poet site I'm on using September in the title and how you were done wrong by a lover....
Pure most of my stuff.
All except the animal poems...those are all true.
Wait a minute there's that that ones true too!
2.0k · Apr 2013
Mike Hauser Apr 2013
floating by in life
on a borrowed sea
2.0k · Mar 2013
More Pork
Mike Hauser Mar 2013
I've spoke of the Pork Rind
And my love for it's crunch
Now I must give due credit
To whom I'm having for lunch

The Pig or the "Porkster"
In my circle he's fondly called
But to all the outsiders
He is simply known as the Hog

He comes in many flavors
Bacon, Chitlins, or Ham
There's even an air of mystery
In the can known as Spam

He's at all the major holidays
The guys a Rock Star
Those sweet on him call him Honey Ham know who you are

Why he's even in China
Where the Royal Family has succumbed
I hear the Emperor's pet name for him is
Pork Egg Foo Young

Well I could go on for days
Talking about that little feller
But could you please pass the Mustard
......preferably the Yeller
Have I mentioned I like Pork?
2.0k · Oct 2018
No Harm Farm
Mike Hauser Oct 2018
There's something strange going round down on the farm
With the animal noises and speeding of cars
If you listen it's a bit different, see can you hear it
But Farmer Jones doesn't see any harm

The pigs are out cleaning up after themselves
As the cows ****-a-doodle-do
The chickens aren't afraid of anything else
And the horses greet you with a how do you do moo

The string beans if you please are fit to be tied
And the potatoes no longer see eye to eye
The broccoli round here is now carrying spears
As the tomatoes run for their lives

It's Mrs. Jones that really has him worried though
She dolls up and dresses fancy at night
The way she lately behaves has this farmer quite afraid
So he stays days in the field, out of sight, out of mind

With the goats that communicate with an oink
And the sheep learning to drive the car
Yes there's something strange going round down on the farm
But Farmer Jones doesn't seem to see any harm
1.9k · Feb 2017
~Rocket Man~
Mike Hauser Feb 2017
Lost in time and lost in space
Separated from the human race
It gets so hard to breath up here
Orbiting through this atmosphere

I did not truly understand
What all was involved with Rocket Man

The World below is just a globe
Staring time away out this lone port hole
I miss my family I miss my friends
The normality in which I once lived

But space and science called out my name
Now here I am as Rocket Man

I wonder do they remember me
Am I the falling star that used to be
Moving out beyond in bounds and leaps
No more now than a distant memory

This new frontier, this no man's land
Never to come down again
This certainty wasn't in my plan
This lonely orbit as Rocket Man
1.9k · Nov 2014
plaid perfume
Mike Hauser Nov 2014
my favorite plaid shirt

smells of her perfume

letting memories saunter in

like she did to a room

now that it's all over

what else is there to do

except to wear my favorite plaid shirt

that smells of her perfume
1.9k · Apr 2013
Philmon "The Mad Scientist"
Mike Hauser Apr 2013
Everyone in town knows
Philmon is a mad scientist
It's not his little hunchback buddy
Or the crazy smocks in which he's always dressed

It's not the lighting clouds over his house
Or the strange sounds from which his basement grew
No, it's not any of those things
That gives the town it's clue

It's not all of the darkened birds
That hang out on his fence
Or his subscription to weird science weekly
And on what it is his time is spent

Not even when things always turn up missing
Down at the local graveyard
No, it's the "HONK" if you love Mad Scientists sticker
On the bumper of his car
1.9k · Mar 2014
Mike Hauser Mar 2014
have you ever stopped to look at
i mean really look at your toes
i sit and ponder their purpose
they're too far away to reach  the nose

there's a rumor they're great at rock & roll
though i've never heard them break out into song
must be when i'm asleep in my bed at night
that they jam between themselves all night long

guess if i really thought about it
which i seem to do more often than not
if i didn't have my toes with me as company
i'd  only have my brain to stump
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