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 Jan 2016 Mike Essig
She opens a window
and hopes for the sky
to fall in from outside
and it's tailwind bring

her the moon and the clouds
lined with silver, a crowd
of the finest of stars
and a spare pair of wings..
 Jan 2016 Mike Essig
A Lopez
 Jan 2016 Mike Essig
A Lopez
The worst
Pain of
It all- is
Your amor
Is dead
A raptor makes a good living in this community ...
Hiding in the Sun's glare , carefree , riding the Spring air ..
Diving into unknown brush and circumstances for their next meal , or laden with one of my chickens flying across the cornfield !
Waiting at the tip of the tallest Pine for a hen with a lot on her mind !
Eyeing my prize gobblers like easy pickins', turkey jerky waiting to be plucked like ducks in a barrel ..
The Red tails die young over my homestead , not from old age or gunfire nor trap or 'guaranteed brew' from a hawkers brown bottle !
The Red'uns on this farm die from obesity wearing out my layers like there's no tomorrow !
Copyright January 9 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
I called the lone parrot passing over my head

from the blue
i won't fly to you

it said

forgot the love i gave?

but you made me your slave
to repeat your chosen line
to voice your chosen tune
my life was not mine

so from the blue
i won't ever fly to you

she affirms the parrot escaped

but i know one dull afternoon in March
she let the bird fly away
being too weary of the chosen line.
 Jan 2016 Mike Essig
Stu Harley
when the tears
rolled down
here eyes
soul wouldn't
let her
her soul
whispered with lies
 Jan 2016 Mike Essig
Keith Wilson
Kathleen  and  I  went  up  the  hill.
In  the  boisterous  wind  nothing  still.
Bashing,  Crashing,  all  around.
And  water  flooding  near  town.
The  wind  just  took  us  along  at  pace.
The  lashing  rain  bit  into  your  face.
As  we  reached  the  sodden  town.
Plant  pots  flying  all  around.
Old  men  sighing,  children  crying.
The  moaning  wind  was  all  around.
We  went  for  coffee  to  escape.
And  left  the  others  to  their  fate.
Cats  in  trances,  flying  branches.
Water  seeping, water  creeping.
So  we  got  a  taxi  home.
Thank  God.
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