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I fall in love
with bits of people,
rarely a whole person.
Like crooked smiles on subway stations
or untied shoelaces
or favorite books
or eyes that look like blinking galaxies--
I see the puzzle laid at my feet,
your collarbones, your self-hatred, your bitten down fingernails, your detachment, the wars of your mind, the curve of your spine, the way you scrawl your name with indifference--
All these broken fragments that
shatter and surround me
like the wine glass I dropped,
Shards of glass,
your eyes
reflect me
the deep blood red wine
Drops like crystalline desire--
I might romanticize your flaws
and I might make walls of disillusionment,
but I swear I'll love you like you're whole.
Love unselfish
I'm getting lost in you
So lost
That I've daydreamed of the next time
We can see each other
So lost
That I cannot imagine anything better
Than cuddling up together.
I am so lost
That I have forgotten the things
That make me happy
Aside from your smile
And your beauty.
They say deer only wander a few square miles their entire lives
And I am realizing now we are like that too-
You are like that.

You always said I had the eyes of the doe and maybe that's why you can't bring yourself to look me straight in the face during hunting season

Tell me why we are drunk on the idea that love is a game
To love and be loved
(To **** and be killed)

Every time I see you I must run before the shot is fired or
you will catch me
you will catch me
you will catch me

I'm running faster and faster until I can't tell which way is which
And you are hungry because your last catch just didn't do it for you

Tell me why am I the one

I'm convenient.

And right as you pull the trigger
I escape down the hill
I am gone
I am gone
I am gone

And I bet you didn't see the car coming by in time to block the bullet from ricocheting back into your chest
Be who you are,
Be all you can be.
There is no one like you,
There is no one like me.
You are a diamond,
So unique,
So rare.
Let your beauty shine.
Beautiful and imperfect...
For that is true beauty.
Embrace it.
Im more of a dark writer. So trying to be, less dark... I guess you could say haha but this is so true, in my belief. So many people dont find value in themselves because they feel they arent as "good" or pretty as someone else. Stop comparing, and just, be who you are. Theres beauty in all of us. You just have to remember to embrace it.
Trapped within a box of glass,
Watching the time slowly pass.
Wondering how ive come this far,
To let these walls,
Imprison my heart?  
Transparent they may be,
Its too hard to see,
My life passing by.
As im locked within this cage of mine.
Beating the glass, hoping it'll break,
Nothing gives, I cant take the pain.
If I leave these walls,
If I let them in,
Can I handle life,
Can I handle him?
Do I keep fighting?
Do I stay locked within?
Do I embrace all of life?
Do i give in?

No, I will fight,
I will never give in.
I will stand up tall,
I will embrace him.
Breaking through this glass,
Im finally strong.
Bring it on world,
Ive finally won.
Most of my writing, I just, write. I dont think about it. So sometimes they come out a little rough... but I think they turn out pretty good sonetimes.  Feedback is appreciated.
Four years of wasted work
All so I could see you succeed
Without any degree
There it is again - unwelcome irony.

Everyone told me I would go far
And here I am,
Completely uncertain.
Completely lost.

Maybe part of me likes it this way
The same clever part that knows
How impossible it is for me in this situation
To succeed or fail.

There is no direction;
There is no dream.
This is the safest way to go
It seems.
Meet me there, down in the meadow
Where the hyacinths are a lovely light purple
Where the color of the birds ranges from blue to yellow
And other sweet creatures aren't too shy to say 'hello.'

There's a couple of trees there that I liked to climb
Before I was afraid of heights and fears filled my mind
I was independent; I just lived my life
Why can't I return to that simpler time?
I told my mother I found out
love is not what people say it is
in the leather-bound books
or the virtual screens today.

They say we should fall in love
with the idea of love and
"happily ever after"
will be until the end of our days.

My mother replied to me,
“Tell me son, what is love
in your eyes then?
What is love to your heart?”

My muttered answer to my mother
was, “What makes my heart race,
and what makes my heart sink,”
as if it should make sense to her.

Surprisingly, her reply to me
was this, “Don’t define love, son,
It is too powerful to define.
Let love define you—

That is where the true power lies.”
Please, just,
Stop the clock.
Stop everything.
I would do anything
To freeze this moment
And figure out
How I want to spend my future.
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