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  Dec 2014 Michael
Tiffany Marie
Wow gift wrap
Bubble wrap
Another box
Did you know half
of the kids around
the entire world don't
get a thing for any holiday?
Just some ragged clothes
And a toy sometimes no toys
When you receive a present
appreciate it thanks if you do
your great and if you don't
think and imagine that being you
would you like that?NOPE!Be grateful
thanks and love what your given!
Love your gifts don't take advantage
  Dec 2014 Michael
Tiffany Marie
Sadly the world is changing
Sadly we all are
Happily Ember and me
are changing together I write
Poems for her she writes poems
for me back this friendship is
so are
Meanwhile we're changing
at the same speed

We are still us
To ember evanescent and to all the followers who have a best friend and are changing in the same ways
Michael Nov 2014
There I sit in my chair thinking of my crazy fear. I tilted back an relaxed and BOOM! I fell the fear became a different one.

— The End —