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I long for a new lover.

I long for someone to look at me and see the sky,
I long for someone who will stare up at the stars with me, and I will look at them and see their eyes shining brighter than those distant suns.

I long for someone to pick dandelions for me, to tell me that my smile could make flowers grow, to kiss my heart and tell me that there is a universe residing in the emptiness within me.
To tell me that I am whole,
To love me without question,
To realise that I fall in love like fire but I break like ice.

I long for someone to see me.
And I mean truly see me,
to look beyond the person that I let everyone see.
To look deep within me,
To know that I am fierce, that I am a warrior,
but that I am also a daisy, I am delicate, that there is darkness within me as much as there is sunshine.

I long for someone to hold me, I long for my fingers to fit between a lovers hand like a puzzle piece.

I long to be loved.
When you left,
I had to unlearn the way your palms would tickle my spine, the way your gentle kisses felt upon my neck.

I had to unlearn your voice and the way you used to tell me you loved me.
I had to unlearn your green eyes, your freckles, the sound of your laugh.

And oh god, how badly I wanted to hold on.

Its funny how I could so easily unlearn the hurt you caused me, yet I can't seem to shake the memory of your love away.

If there is anything that I have learnt it's that the hardest thing I will ever have to learn is how to unlearn you
The most ****** up thing of all is that I let you back in.

I let you back in knowing about your snake like nature. You lie so well through a closed mouth, spit dripping down your jaw like poison.
The poison I once let into my mouth. The poison I let enter my fire.
I looked at you like magic and you looked back at me with your cold, empty eyes.

You turned me into this but I will not let you burn me to the ground.

I will train my heart like a dog, I will chain my heart up and eat the key.
You are sick.
Your games are sick.
The way you play with me, the way you take my heart out of my chest and eat it right in front of me, you love seeing me whimper.

I used to think that love required sacrifice, but I would like to know when sacrifice is too much?
When losing yourself in the eyes of a lover becomes more important than finding beauty in your own reflection.

When tears become the romantic equivalent to loving you.
And loneliness is felt so deeply when I am lying beside you.
I see your face everywhere I look and I don't know whether you are mocking me or missing me.

The tattoos on your skin show me that you do not fear commitment and I do not know whether my commitment was not worth it or not beautiful enough to be engraved upon your body.

You see, forgetting you would be easier if the tabs I put on my tongue didn't leave me feeling emptier than I did before I started flirting with darkness.

The only wild thing here is me and you leaving me only taught me that wild things are meant to walk alone.  

I see your sun kissed face in the puddles of my tears, the salt dripping down my face stinging my eyes the way the sea enters and burns every crack in my body.
I can't bare looking at the mini oceans drenching the tissues because anything to do with the sea reminds me of the way in which you rode monsters taller than skyscrapers so fearlessly yet you were too scared to love me.
I think the truth is that I never wanted something easy to begin with.

I've always wanted to dance with the devil and squeeze cactuses between my fingers because oh god how beautiful pain makes me feel.
I wanted broken glass beneath my feet and volcanoes erupting in my heart every time your fingers traced my bleeding lips.
If I am being completely honest, I loved watching you walk out the door just so that sparks of adrenaline would eat me alive while I ran after you,
barefoot on the scorching tar because **** -
your love was so worth it.

I am difficult to love - that I know. I am both fire and ice. I am a breathing paradox of everything you want and everything you hate.
I am a tornado of light in an ocean of darkness - together we are ******* invincible.

Anyone who comes after will sink into the ashes I leave behind me wherever I go.
I hope you know that our souls chose each other because everyone else will drown in our depth.
Our love was constructed by the earth even though our love too is a paradox.
Our love is gentle and kind  but at the same time it is vicious and thirsty - always wanting more.
I always want more.
on what it is like to love me
I dare you to leave.
The darkness is what I live for.
I am fire.
I have no home.  All I have ever wanted to do was jump.
But there you are.
Stopping me. Pulling me back.
I live for the night and the demons which lurk in every corner of your mind.
You are water, you are pure.
But not even your summer can melt the ice covering my heart.
When it happens his mouth is nothing like they’ve taught you to expect. Just more flesh slipping and sliding against yours. He grabs you as though all you are is just another thing he wants to conquer, he wants to take control of, and then he wants to forget. He grabs your ******* pretending it was a mistake but doesn’t let go. And before you’ve realised it happened, it’s over.

He leaves you to get dressed alone.

He drives you home and you press your body against the car door, never looking at him because you’re too ashamed. When you arrive outside your house and he leans in to kiss you. You close your eyes and try remember your grandmothers cooking or the smell of the spray your overbearing mother uses to clean the house - anything that doesn’t make you want to throw up.

You walk into your room and the mirror with butterflies and fairies on the frame mock you because you can’t even look at your own reflection.

You hold hands, pretend to watch a movie, fake a laugh at all the appropriate moments. He kisses you again, following some internal rhythm that you are uncomfortable dancing to. It feels as though you are a character in a play, every action you repeat has been rehearsed over and over again. This is nothing like they have taught you to expect. You were told that love was supposed to be easy. Pretending has become second nature to you. Your stomach turns uncontrollably as you lean your head on his cold shoulder, the day is nearly over.

In the car he drives passed the park because it’s the fastest way to your house, even though you tell him every drive that you want to go passed the lake so you can look at the ducks you used to feed when you were little. Today you do not mind that he is taking you the faster way because you don’t know how much longer you can hold your breath for before you pass out. You watch the children screaming, and how you wish you could scream. Still not looking him in the eyes you kiss him goodbye, you can feel acid in the back of your throat.

At home you wonder if you can wash the memory of him away, because toothpaste only replaced the taste of him from your bleeding mouth.

This is nothing like they’ve taught you to expect. It takes you four more boys until you get it right. Until you meet the one that doesn’t look at you like you are something to eat. He presses his hand onto the small of your back and kisses your tears. He feels like petals, like those hazy summer days when the sun is as hot as the desert sky.
I have an urge for the insane, for the thrill of living. I cannot stand to sit and wonder about the “what ifs” or the “if only”.  I have an impulse to leave, to keep driving, to throw my map out the window and trace the atlas engraved on my heart. I have an urge to run, to leave the menial behind and escape from comfort and security. Take me far away from the matchbox houses with the people inside who live a lie. I want to meet the ones who are not afraid to be mad. I want to dance with strangers in cluttered living rooms while listening to songs that make me happy to be alive. I am desperate for an altered perspective and to have conversations with travellers whose only comfort is the open road. Let me dance through rings of fire with fairies who play drums in circles, let me get lost in the song of my ancestors. I do not care about trivial matters, I care about what you ache for, the thoughts that consume you to your core and keep you up night after night. Show me your scars. I have a desire to drink lemonade in the desert and paint moons on my lovers back, the desire to live fearlessly.  I want messy love, sweaty love, broken love, to become my own, to be gorgeously human.
You sit and watch the flames dancing up into the ink stained night
You want to be devoured by the darkness.
You want to be engulfed and dazzled by flames,
Here, now,
It is cold,
And you’re so young and scared.
I can still feel your warm breath against my body whispering beautiful lies into my ear.
I remember the way you would hold me tightly because you knew that every inch of me was breaking.
You couldn’t fix me.
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