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  Sep 2020 Prevost
Ciel Noir
we have danced
a million kinds of madness
under the same Moon
Prevost Sep 2020
Some people don’t want the sun

Is a drug
That rushes through their veins
Coursing into the mind
Crowding out the space
Between perception and reality

Creates the despot
Of entitlement
Staking a claim
That disavows
Thy neighbor

I love the sun....
  Sep 2020 Prevost
Sarita Aditya Verma
Nature sings a song, melodious and sweet
In colours brown, yellow, green and
Resplendent the rainbow arcs
In every hue
Replenishes the soul
Joyous, the heart
Dances to Nature’s Beats
Prevost Sep 2020
Crushing weight combines
Product races to blue dot
Sun caresses leaf
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