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I used to see you
right here
in my dreams.
I used to see you,
you'd come
visit me.

I just want to be loved,
I only want you
to love me.

You would whisper
and quietly sigh,
I would tear the blue
right out of the sky.

Come and love me,
you billowy cloud.
I only ever just
wanted you around.

Now sleep deftly flees my needs,
and I hate seeing my ceiling.
Come and love me, come and say hi.
Come and visit my dreams tonight.
A writers mind is a splash of fertile paint upon a wall.

We shake the brush and sit and watch the living colours fall.
Squirm around a bit
Press against my spit

Riding on my lips

Slowly flip
I want to watch you
Never finished college
Didn't write a book yet
Still don't own land
Haven't paid that debt
Can't say I've lost weight
Forgot to exercise again
Paying for a gym membership
Last time I went was two years ago
Meant to go to therapy
Maybe next week
Wanted to work on my relationship
Just ended it instead
Tried to quit smoking
But not really
Saw the calendar flip by
Like a picture book
I won't drink like this forever
I'll quit tomorrow
Where did I go
When I stopped saying hi
What did you do
With these years of your life
You happened along
Like a subtle love song
And went and became someone's wife

Now with a child
And seldom a smile
You crawl through life
Like a soldier
I'm grateful for your thoughts
I just want to sing

about everything

and smile and smile.
Tastes like a strong dose
of liquid nostalgia
every time I pull her close
for a kiss.

Then the sun sets.

Don't doubt for a second
the potential within
and don't feel badly
soon I'll see you again.

Then the stars shine.

There's so much time
to be sad and alone
so why bother with that now
when we can call each other home.

Then we sleep.

Dreams come in waves
like currents dragging us along
and I want you to keep smiling
even when I'm gone.
Waste time with me
just for a little longer
and we can finally be free.

Free from the rushing lights,
free from the starless nights,
free like stringless kites
soaring through the vast skies.

Sundays will come
no matter what,
yet let's see if we can
last just a bit longer
and maybe touch me
just one more time
until the long wait
between now
and next Friday.
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