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Shall I be happy because you smile
Or sad because you frown
All the anger that you harbor
Shall I let it bring me down

Governed by the rules of existence
We are one yet divided
Stuck with each other in this realm
Such is coincidentally pre-decided

Seems that we are bound to this dimension
And death is but a lie
Fabricated to motivate us
Causing us to arrive

Perhaps we’re recycled spirits
Living lives without end
Or merely momentary life forms
Being judged by our sins

Yet we are all here together
In this universe quite naïve
Yet hate is not genetic
And true love does not deceive...
I knew this day would come for you
Its not the kind of day to be blue
Behind the smiles I'll shed a tear
And hug you like a Teddy Bear

Your a proud woman and your strong
Tried to teach you right from wrong
Watched you grow from a little girl
A grown woman a cultured pearl

An now on your wedding day
So proud of you I must say
Your new life is ahead of you
Daddy loves you.... you know that's true.
Honesty is something!, it gets harder to maintain,
if we live within a world of need,
with reasons to contain.
But if we truely search inside,
the feelings that we feel.
I think we could suprise ourselves,
and realize what's real.
Its easy to sound righteous,
but righteous are the brave,
if the message they deliver,
follows them into their graves.
Some people live in silence,
but silence always fails,
to deliver you from what it was
you really want to say.
See, too many live in shadows,
in a comfortable shade of grey.
I wonder if they found their voice,
I wonder what they'd say.
Would they sing a song of freedom?,
songs ringing through their minds.
I wonder with those songs they sing,
what there is to find?

You're the prettiest
Of the songs
I ever wrote
You warmed every lyric
Every note
When I look at you my pen
Pours words that never end
Oh the goodness there
Is more than words can quote
You're the prettiest
Of the songs
I ever wrote
This is the first time I shall say it,
but hopefully never the last,
but this is the first time I've said it
on paper
don't let me forget what it's worth
I love you
more than anything I can think of
right now
And though this is cheap, and stupid
and cheesy and cliche
I have to tell you how,
and now,
and why I feel this beautiful way.

Your green eyes are a physical punch
to my gut
I double over, choking and coughing
on sheer incomparable beauty.
Your eyes, oh, oh,
they will be my soon and sudden death.
your laugh, your voice,
the grumble-rumble-gravel of every word you say
oh, make it stop!
I am paralyzed,
and lost!

I am befuddled and confused
as soon as you walk in
I cannot understand anything
my heart flops like a dying fish
I get hot and bothered
bothered that I am now hot
and bothered by your sheer existence
O, kiss me now
let's get it over with
let me love you.
trying to figure out my feelings.. criticism/edits welcome!

— The End —