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 Mar 2015 Meggn Alyssa
Drunk and belligerent,
you got out the words
"I miss you."
I spent weeks pining for you,
wondering what was so wrong with me
that made you not love me anymore.
Weeks of crying,
weeks of avoiding you,
weeks of remembering the
good memories
instead of the innumerable bad.
I told you about the new boy
that holds my hand
and calls me beautiful.
I'm happy
and you're pining.

What comes around,
goes around.
 Feb 2015 Meggn Alyssa
Stop looking at his Facebook profile. Seeing his posts tears your heart open again, especially when they're about you. You know that he is not worth your time.
2. Eat more. You need the nourishment. The number on the scale does not matter to anyone but you. Who cares if you went up from 102 to 108? No one.
3. Love yourself. There is nothing poetic or beautiful about getting ******* alone in your bedroom and stumbling drunkenly to the bathroom to cut yourself open.
4. Teach people how to treat you. Explain your boundaries. If someone doesn't respect them, cut them the *******. They don't respect you.
5. Take more baths. It may force you to look at your naked body, but the warm water calms you down.
6. Do your ******* homework. It may not matter after high school, but it matters now.
7. Stop giving your heart to boys that won't even give your their time. He may claim to love you in the dark, but during the day you're just another **** to him.
8. Pursue that guy. Yeah, you might get hurt. But it'll be a lot of fun in the meantime.
9. Stop acting like you're above high school activities. You have a year and a half left, make the most of it. (Even if it's buying a poofy dress you'll never wear again and going to Snoball with your best friend.)
10. Buy more red lipstick. You feel like you can do anything when you wear it, and you deserve to feel like that all the time.
It never stops amazing me how much time flies in hindsight,
The future seems so far away, but what's been done is ancient history.
There's just under eight weeks left,
Till the end of my countdown of mystery.
It's so easy to forget how long it's been,
When you're living an endless winter this blistery.
The day is approaching, the new dawn encroaching,
I can't wait to welcome you into my arms...
i apologize so much
i feel like i'm saying sorry for my existence
I'm so sorry
How long would it take for somebody
To notice if I drove off the road one night
And just flung myself, car and all,
Into the frosty cold of a snowy ditch?
Who would look for my body if
I never showed up at home?
Who would be the one to call police?
Who would care enough to look for the wreckage?
Who would miss me?
Who would cry?
Would anyone care enough
To even shed a tear
When they pull my corpse
From the ****** wreck?
It seems doubtful to me.
Hardly anyone cares about me
On any given day, what's
The difference if I'm dead in a ditch
Or crying alone in my car after driving
Somebody home? What's the point to
Continuing on when the only one that matters
To me can't even look me in the eyes when
I ***** up and cry...
The only one that never leaves me doesn't
Have much choice, they aren't born yet.
i just want
to be with You,
to be alone,
to walk with You
and to hear the
gentle whisper
of your voice.
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