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Mar 2017 · 727
She smiled that Away
Medha Kundu Mar 2017
She smiled through the hatred she got;
Though she was bothered a lot…..
She smiled through the ***** looks,
Which came from each and every nooks.
She smiled, when they left her:
And when she didn't bar
She smiled through her mood swings,
'Cause nobody knew about those things…..
She smiled, even when she was despised
But, never asked for a "why?",
She smiled through all the thick and the thin
'Cause, she knew, her pain was not to be seen;
She smiled away through her misery and pain,
For, crying, she knew would be all in vain!!
Feb 2017 · 377
Love it is......
Medha Kundu Feb 2017
Many say it is
A waste of time,
Many say it is
Just a show or a mime,
Many say
It doesn' exist,
Many say
It doesn't fit,
But,when it happens our  heart knows no bounds
And, finally.......
It is Love, which when happens,
makes the loudest sound.
Feb 2017 · 298
Medha Kundu Feb 2017
I am afraid
Not because, they are bad
But because, I am not.
I am afraid
Not because, I can't face them
But because, they don't want the same.
I am afraid
Not because, I told the truth
But because, this is not the fruit.
I amafraid
Not because, I am Me
But because, they are not.
I am afraid
Not because, they hate me
But because, they can't see.
I am afraid
Not because,I am told To be bad
But because, I am still not mad
I am afraid
Not because, things didn't turn out my way
But because, nobody can predict the last say.
Jan 2016 · 419
Traditional Y-Gen
Medha Kundu Jan 2016
Pairing leads to sharing
Tomorrow is my dad's birthday;
So I am a bit caring
Wishing him a good heart day,
I am very confused
To what I am doing.
Cause, I am being accused
Of something that I am not *******.
The way the days are passing
Are like swords to me
For,I am fussing
With everyone and she.
Let's hope for better'
Everyone tells---
But,I am getting fatter
With this old tale.
Jun 2015 · 632
From mind to heart
Medha Kundu Jun 2015
Darker and deeper,
  It's all about the mind.
Making you confused,
  Is its kind.
But,believe its good to
Listen to your heart:
To find a softer corner
   Where your ideas can dart.
Good or evil
That is up to you.
Cause, you never get off the the devil,
That resides in you.
You may blame me for criticizing you.
But, that is not my point,
I hope you can understand that too.
Get my point ,
And work on the case.
   You will find which is the best.

— The End —