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19.8k · Apr 2019
I Think I Love You
McKenna Pickett Apr 2019
It's like the entire world feels right
whenever I see you.
McKenna Pickett Oct 2021
All of a sudden
my heart feels lighter
and I feel like myself again.

I think you're the one
I've been looking for all along.
767 · Sep 2023
We're Just Girls
McKenna Pickett Sep 2023
In another universe somewhere
my mother and I have never fought.

We still hold hands as we fall asleep.
759 · Jul 2019
Baby Steps
McKenna Pickett Jul 2019
For the first time in a while,
I was able to look at myself
and think, I love you.
758 · Nov 2018
Not For Me
McKenna Pickett Nov 2018
You told me I taught you
what it means to love.

What I didn't know is that
the love I taught you
would be given to
someone else.
681 · Jul 2019
Self Care
McKenna Pickett Jul 2019
I think I'm finally starting to love the person I am.
Not the person I want to be.
629 · Feb 2019
Where Are You Now?
McKenna Pickett Feb 2019
You said you'd always love me
so why do I sit here alone at 3am
wondering where it went wrong.
551 · May 2019
They're All That's Left
McKenna Pickett May 2019
I'm scared that if I let you
into my heart, you'll leave
behind footprints that my
tears can't wash away.
500 · May 2023
Pretty Every Time
McKenna Pickett May 2023
You feel like star gazing and sunsets
458 · Feb 2019
Was It True?
McKenna Pickett Feb 2019
You said you'd always love me
I didn't know always meant until
you got bored.
445 · Oct 2022
Just Being You Is Enough
McKenna Pickett Oct 2022
I think you're really cool.
Even when you're doing nothing at all.
438 · Jun 2023
Summer Love
McKenna Pickett Jun 2023
There is never going to be enough time
We humans are good at asking for more.

One more summer
One more dance
One more goodbye.

But the truth is
There is never going to be enough time.

So I will use all that I have
To make sure it feels like
We have all the time in the world
Despite all odds.
426 · Aug 2022
McKenna Pickett Aug 2022
How can I miss someone I don't even know yet?
410 · Aug 2023
I Miss You
McKenna Pickett Aug 2023
A piece of me will always belong to you,
There will always be space
for your favorite restaurant orders,
I'll see you every time it rains.
409 · May 2023
Even Just A Moment
McKenna Pickett May 2023
Won't you stay for awhile?
406 · Jan 2019
Internal Conflict
McKenna Pickett Jan 2019
It becomes very hard to make decisions
when everything and everyone tells me
its not right.
But my heart just wont give up.
343 · Jun 2023
Here's To Us
McKenna Pickett Jun 2023
"Do you think in some other universe we never met?"



"I think I've always known you."

"In every universe?"

"I have never been so sure of something before."
320 · Oct 2021
Because You Make Life Easy
McKenna Pickett Oct 2021
You're the kind of person I
want to lay on the grass with.
See shapes in the clouds and
feel the gentle breeze with.

You're the kind of person I want
to go on late night drives with.
Have the windows down and
listen to blaring music with.

Doing whatever, whenever.
Always and forever.
299 · Apr 2021
One Day
McKenna Pickett Apr 2021
I'll finally reach your retreating back,
and maybe we can walk together again.
292 · Apr 2019
I'm Human
McKenna Pickett Apr 2019
I used to feel dead.
like everything I did
was mechanic and

With no feeling in my body or my mind or my soul.

When I first met you
was the first time
I was made aware
that my heart was beating.

That it was possible for me to feel alive.
269 · Aug 2019
I'm Okay
McKenna Pickett Aug 2019
I no longer have to search and search for good things
each day, I can finally find them in myself.
258 · Dec 2019
Can I Spend It With You
McKenna Pickett Dec 2019
When I think of you, I see a future
You're my forever.
255 · Feb 2021
Humans Can Be Good
McKenna Pickett Feb 2021
Even the smallest moments make us happy.
253 · Dec 2019
I Want It
McKenna Pickett Dec 2019
Your love is like sunsets and forever.
244 · Feb 2019
I'm Freezing
McKenna Pickett Feb 2019
I know it's winter,
but it feels so cold.
It's a different kind of cold.
The kind that grips
your heart
and never lets go.

The kind that swallows
you as you lay awake at 3am.
The kind that slowly
washes over you
and breaks your soul.

And I wonder if it's
because I've been left
without the warmth
of your heart.
243 · Nov 2019
I Strive For That
McKenna Pickett Nov 2019
To me, you feel like watching a sunset
and bathing in its warmth.
238 · Apr 2019
I'm Getting Better pt.2
McKenna Pickett Apr 2019
Each day I find
a new reason
to love myself.
233 · Jan 2019
It's All In My Head Pt. 2
McKenna Pickett Jan 2019
It's like there's a wall
between all who try to help me
and my broken self.
And each time they get closer
my wall gets thicker.

Will I ever be okay?
232 · Jun 2023
Exhibit A
McKenna Pickett Jun 2023
You say you'd never be able to do it
But I believe with every star in the sky
You are more than you know.
224 · Feb 2022
Little Me Would Be Happy
McKenna Pickett Feb 2022
I miss my old childhood room. With its dim lights and creaky bed. Turning off the lights and opening my old macbook. The fan inside it blowing hard and much too loud for two in the morning. I miss loading up a blocky game that lagged a little too much. Calling my friends on my phone and speaking in hushed shouts. Sneaking downstairs to grab a few cookies, making sure not to step on the fourth step (that's the one that creaked) and making sure not to crinkle the cookie package too much. Returning back to my room, placing both hands on the keys and forgetting about tomorrow. Playing that game with my friends until I finally noticed the sun peaking through my blinds and the warmth returning to the room. Hanging up the phone before my parents awoke and finally climbing under the covers. I miss my old childhood room and all the memories encased in its walls.
216 · Mar 2019
Please Don't Go
McKenna Pickett Mar 2019
I find it hard to open up again.
I'm scared I'll have to watch you walk
while I sit alone reaching out to a distant memory.
202 · Jun 2019
When Did It Happen?
McKenna Pickett Jun 2019
You told me you fell in love
hard and fast.
It's funny how you fell out of love
like that too.
199 · Dec 2018
I'm Glad
McKenna Pickett Dec 2018
I can finally chase after my own dreams
without you plaguing me with doubt.
197 · Oct 2021
You're More Than You Know
McKenna Pickett Oct 2021
I want to make you smile always.
196 · Oct 2019
At First Sight
McKenna Pickett Oct 2019
You know you're falling when you look at them
and think "I'm finally home."
192 · Apr 2019
Can I Escape Too?
McKenna Pickett Apr 2019
People just don't understand that
when you read our stories,
you're reading a part of us that was
brave enough to escape our hearts.
McKenna Pickett Dec 2018
My favorite days
are the ones where
the sky is gray and
the clouds are dark and low.
Where the wind blows cold
and allows us to feel.
Where the rain pours upon us
and washes away our past.
My favorite days
are the messiest.
The ones that match my heart.
190 · Apr 2023
We Existed
McKenna Pickett Apr 2023
You can find us
etched into walls
and growing
from cracks in sidewalks

In the way we say
"good morning"
and the way we say

We were always here
and here we stay
182 · Mar 2019
I'm Getting Better
McKenna Pickett Mar 2019
I think I'm finally starting to
love myself a bit more,
laugh a bit more,
smile a bit more,
enjoy life a bit more,
am thankful to be alive
a bit more.
179 · Dec 2019
The Old Me Is Still Me
McKenna Pickett Dec 2019
I know I will find the old me
happy, silly, and perfect
right where I left myself
and I hope that girl can forgive me
for not loving who I was.
McKenna Pickett Feb 2022
I long for a time I can never reach again.
A  time that is slowing slipping through my fingers.
A time that is fading from my memories.
Taking its warmth and serenity with it.
And it is only now that I realize I should have appreciated it more.
177 · Jan 2019
Is it?
McKenna Pickett Jan 2019
I find it scary
how quick people
can go from
someone to
Was it really love
if you can give up
that easily?
McKenna Pickett Apr 2021
I hope one day I get to see you happy again.
166 · Nov 2018
It's All In My Head
McKenna Pickett Nov 2018
There are so many people in my life who care about me.
People who would take bullets for me.
Fight for me.
People who will always be there.

So why do I feel so alone?
164 · Nov 2018
I Fight Back
McKenna Pickett Nov 2018
Everyday I
break a little more,
fall a little harder.

But it all just teaches me how to
stand a little taller,
rise a little stronger.
162 · Apr 2021
Thank You
McKenna Pickett Apr 2021
While you were only in my life for a short time,
you made me happy and that's hard to forget.
160 · Dec 2019
McKenna Pickett Dec 2019
I know the path I take will be hard
but I will run until I find who I am
152 · Oct 2019
What's This Feeling?
McKenna Pickett Oct 2019
You make me want to get better.
And for once, I believe I can.
150 · Apr 2023
I'll Find A Way
McKenna Pickett Apr 2023
Sometimes I find
that my hands are too small

they cannot hold the world
the way the moon holds the tide.

Sometimes I find
my legs are too short

they cannot decide where to go
the way roots decide to reach and live.

And while I feel these things
lend themselves so my downfall,
I am proud that sometimes

I find my heart is too big

a beating in my ribs
that echos above all sense of reason.


sometimes I wonder if that beat
is enough to tell the world
I was here.
146 · May 2020
Always & Forever, It's You
McKenna Pickett May 2020
Would you believe me
if I said that you're my Eternity?
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