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McKenna Pickett Jun 2023
"Why do you always look at me like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like there's nothing else that matters."

"Because there isn't, not when I'm with you."
McKenna Pickett Jun 2023
I know it used to be hard to find even one good thing
to talk about each day,

But I hope you know

I find myself here now
with so many moments I want to hold onto
that I pay for extra storage on my phone
and take as many photos as I can
so I can take the good times with me
and talk about them each day.

I take those photos for you,
for us,
to remember that there is always
something worth fighting for.
McKenna Pickett Jun 2023
"Do you think in some other universe we never met?"



"I think I've always known you."

"In every universe?"

"I have never been so sure of something before."
McKenna Pickett Jun 2023
I have never wanted to hold onto something so much before
To irrevocably give you everything I have
If only it help you realize
I have known you my whole life
In the way that you are the flowers I have loved every spring
And the stars I have always admired every night
You have always been there
Even if I didn't know it
And now that I do
I want to hold this feeling forever
If you'll let me
McKenna Pickett Jun 2023
What a feeling to want to say everything so sincerely that there'll never be another doubt again
McKenna Pickett Jun 2023
You can ask anyone who knows me
I have never been the best at remembering things
I leave my thoughts scattered across the coffee table in my head
But when it comes to you my dear
You are just too important to forget
McKenna Pickett Jun 2023
You say you'd never be able to do it
But I believe with every star in the sky
You are more than you know.
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