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McKenna Pickett Jun 2023
There is never going to be enough time
We humans are good at asking for more.

One more summer
One more dance
One more goodbye.

But the truth is
There is never going to be enough time.

So I will use all that I have
To make sure it feels like
We have all the time in the world
Despite all odds.
McKenna Pickett Jun 2023
If I have ever been so sure of something
its's that I have loved you
in every lifetime I've lived
and every lifetime I have yet to.
McKenna Pickett Jun 2023
And at the very end of it all
I will have decided
that everything was only ever you.
McKenna Pickett May 2023
This love may swallow me whole
but baby you best believe
I would risk being ******
if it meant being able to hold you forever.
McKenna Pickett May 2023
I hope you tell your friends about me
and I hope they're as happy for you
as The Moon is for me
when she listens to my stories of you
every night.
McKenna Pickett May 2023
And if the Greek myth about soulmates being two parts of one former person was to be true,

I would only know of it's verity in the way that we have so much in common that we must have been one at some point.
McKenna Pickett May 2023
Every time I look into your eyes,
I see a future I could stare at
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