Burning papers and the words I wish you'd say
The smoke left piles of ash where I wish you'd stay
And the words left the universe in streams of goodbyes
Ravage from the core to my wrists and thighs
The had beens and never minds
Crescent moons wax and wane
I still can smell your scent through the window pane
And you told me to never come back
With all those thoughts I kept on my closet rack
They come to meet me at night, when I'm all alone
Just when I think I'm alright, they chill me to the bone
Now I'm out of time
I hope and pray
For some solace
To take me somewhere you'd never find
Through the day
I watch the hourglass
Ticking away by grains of sand
Don't need no heart, don't need no man.
And we walked to the fields
Instead of watching the baseball game
We kiss and you copped your feels
But it will never be the same
When your shy old dog let me stroke its fur
And the calm winter evenings froze us whole
Back in your car, before the love was hurt
I could feel you intertwining with my soul
Tell me I am still all you see
When you close your eyes
Tell me you still love me
Despite the hatred in your mind
Will you leave me, too?