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Maytin Paige Jul 2014
I regret everything.
I regret my decision to stay in sports,
give it one last shot to live out my dreams.
I regret twisting my knee.
I regret tearing my ACL and meniscus.
I regret having surgery.
Because if I could go back now and change it all from the beginning,
I wouldn't be here.
Stuck laying in my bed for at least two weeks
with my my leg sensitive and in pain.
Nothing to do but sleep and watch movies all day long.
I regret giving my life away for these three months
to make my knee heal.
I regret everything
I just want my life back.
Maytin Paige Jul 2014
What was your first thought when we met?
What were your thoughts when I tried my best to explain math to you?
What were your thoughts about our conversations?
The ones that involved laughter,
****** innuendos,
speaking of our favorite hobbies
and other various details about ourselves,
and the begging of hanging out?
What ran through your head as you asked me to help you
go to the bathroom?
What were you thinking when we ran into each other in public?
What were you thinking when we made plans to hang out?
What went through your head when we shared a hug?
What did your mind do when our faces were frozen
two inches apart?
What ran through your **** mind when
you all together stopped talking to me,
stopped returning my texts and calls?
What were your thoughts when we would see each other
after you dropped me?
The times you would always look at me with guilt,
and see me faking my emotions?
though you didn't know that
A moment's thought can change it all.
It can prove the simplest meanings of the most complicated analogies and situations.
What were your moments thoughts?
Tell me,
and I'll tell you mine.
Maytin Paige Jun 2014
They say I'm the best for you
you're the worst for me.
But you gave me the adventure that
I had longed for.
So either you're the best or worst thing for me.
Giving me the adventure that I'd wanted
letting me be free and broaden my horizons.
You gave me something that I didn't have.
I helped you be a better person
have a wider outlook on life.
Whether someone told you
that you deserved better than to be with someone
like me,
due to stereotypes,
someone told you that I deserved better than you-
you decided to take off.
Now you're claiming that
you're a fool.
Needing to know if someone has taken my pain,
my trust.
If someone better took your place,
is someone swooping in
and making your destruction
even worse.
I don't believe you have that right though,
because you gave me something I didn't have
then ripped
it right out of my hands.
Maytin Paige Jun 2014
You were going to teach me to snowboard
and watch me fall on my ***
uncountable times and laugh until I threw a snowball at your face.
I was going to watch you longboard as I licked the $2 ice cream cone I'd bought.
The one you insisted on licking before boarding off into the sunset.
It hurts that we act like none of this ever happened
because you didn't even tell me you were leaving.
You didn't get to see the makeup run down my face
or the tears escape my eyes.
I don't get to know the reason you left me alone.
Even though we act like we're both fine,
are you off feeling lonely
wondering where I am?
Because we up and dropped those dreams we once shared.
And though we act like we're both fine,
It's easy for me to put up a front
and act it all out.
Maytin Paige Jun 2014
The doctor tells me my results.
Three injuries in one.
I would need surgery.
Tears welled in my eyes.
I could no longer play the sports I loved.
Was this the end?
My ACL decided athletics had taken it's toll,
and my menisci was right along with it.
The bruised bone was a bonus though.
Was this the end?
Could I emotionally handle
the recovery?
The recovery of heartbreak from simple test results
The recovery from physical damage
The recovery of surgery that joined my main muscles back together again
The recovery of a new muscle, foreign to me
Will I ever be fully recovered?
The simple test results that can crush dreams.
Maytin Paige Jun 2014
It was you and me, baby
but that's not the case anymore.
My hair is in a loose knot atop my head
from a days activities.
Strands of my bangs and loose pieces
fly in the circulation of air around the room.
I couldn't think of a reason to stay and try,
besides the fact that I wasn't scared.
I never cared what people thought,
and now won't be the start.
Maybe I'm better off being sorry
than I would've been if I had played it safe.
Are you trying to be the hero
and save me from this heartbreak?
Thinking ignorance is bliss
when it really isn't.
Are you just being a shallow human being
that I once believed you weren't?
Things felt like they were going good
and then the bad thing took its toll.
I'm not the angel I used to be,
but you aren't the cause.
Possibly a piece to the puzzle of making me who I am,
Should I be happy that I wasn't afraid
should I be sorry that I didn't play it safe?
I've said my piece.
There's nothing left to say.
Maytin Paige Jun 2014
I stand back a ways,
and watch as you are with your sister.
Though she may be older, I see the way you care for her.
Your arm wraps around her waist
to pose for pictures.
Your big rough hand rests limply on
the curve of her waist that forms into her hips
as your other hand is your pants pocket.
You look down at her,
your short big sister,
and see a smile spread across her face as
she looks at the camera.
You can't help but smile at her genuine innocence.
I can see that you would do anything for her.
She's your sister
and you look up to her.
You hug her tight
and she kisses your cheek.
While you may not share her genuine innocence,
it brings out the innocent parts of you.
The ones that can help you love
and care for not only her,
but others.
She one of those people that brings the best out in you.
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