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I love pleasure
I can deal with pain
Freezing freaking snow
Sunshine after rain  

I’m not afraid to live
I’m not scared of death
I shall consume existence
Til’ there’s absolutely nothing left!

I’m not afraid of my shadow
As discussing as I’ve been
I can still embrace
My foolishness within!
Traveler 🧳 Tim

Carl Jung approved
The warmth remains
But only within
The tyrant called winter
Has closed us in

Apathetic dreamers
Lost in the cold
This frozen nightmare
Has taken its toll

Where is the May Queen
To free are beliefs
To return our magic
Frozen in grief

Oh but to pine
Away till it's time
The Keeper of Seasons
Changes her mind...
Traveler Tim

The snow is 3 1/2 feet deep
10 degrees
 Feb 19 Maybetomorrow
The light hits my skin different
the sun would never
leave behind traces of love
I have yet to see the same artistic expression
during the day
This contrast
leaves blisters on my hands
Waking up under a spell
my feet hurt
Photographic memories of you
make love
to my soul  
Full of dreary absence
and dozy
my large tears brim
Let them fall
Es evidente que te amo,
aunque aún no sé exactamente cómo.
Solo sé que se esconde en su sombra,
siguiéndome por las calles de la ciudad.

Lo descubro en sus ojos, su voz,
su boca, su sonrisa que trepa
como enredadera por sus mejillas,
ruborizada hasta las orejas.

Yo sé que te amo,
eso es evidente.
Y su risa, sus suspiros,
sus pasos,
y tu corazón que te delata
cuando uso tu pecho
como refugio, mi amor.

Te amo como si ya te hubiera amado,
como palabras fugaces
destellando en la noche,
entre las ramas florecidas
de un árbol cuyo nombre aún desconozco.

Perdido, me encontré
otra vez amando.
 Feb 18 Maybetomorrow
I look for you in cities where you are not
In rooms full of people I know
In places I'd like to share with you
In my dreams where my wishes come true
In my past, I thank the choices that crossed our paths
In my future, I'll be lucky to have you by my side
I could look for you endless times
But the bliss of seeing you will never faint
My heart you make sing a melody each time
just wrote this one. I should probably upload older ones
Carry only a backpack into the future’s embrace,
Leave behind the luggage of yesterday’s trace.
It costs dearly to drag what’s past,
Travel light, for freedom holds fast.
Why do we insist to bring those heavy bags everywhere we go? Do we really need all that stuff where we’re heading?
There's a piece within me,
Like ivy, it winds around my heart.
Even if I long to destroy it,
I can’t uproot it, can’t remove it.
I must cast it all away,
Let go of myself, without delay.

Will you become a part of me?
I'll become a part of you.
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