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the other day
i drunk too much
and i thought of you.
i thought about you and
i thought about
how we used to talk all night
every night
and how i used to pretend
you were there when i was scared,
like a big brother
holding his sister's hand
on the first day of school
and how
you could calm me down whenever i needed it
and i smiled.

and then
i remembered
how you left
and how you forgot about us
and never came back,
how you knew everything
and never even ******* checked
if we were okay
and i felt as crushed
as i did the first day
that you left
 Feb 2014 maybella snow
no matter what your teachers
may tell you, your grades are not a
measure of how smart you are, that
has more to do with how you handle your
heart, and i have never seen anyone love
more fiercely or smart than you.  

i have let boys touch me just because
i was scared to lose them; don't let them
lay a hand on you without you asking
them to, you are worth more than that.

people will walk away, but you've known
that already.  keep your chin up so that when
they turn back one last time, they know that
you don't need them.
you don't need them.

i hope you find somebody that holds your
hands, even when you're nervous and
they start to sweat.  if they pull away,
you come find me and i swear,
i won't let go.
i just love her more than words
 Feb 2014 maybella snow
your mind is a forest, and i
want to carve my initials
onto every tree
forgetful me.
i had forgotten.
forgotten that there was something in his lips. the longer i kissed him, the stronger the desire became. to find it.
find that secret he was hiding.
find the source of his power.
his confidence.
his tears.
so i could rip them out. rip out the *******.
anything that causes him pain.

i had forgotten the stars lining the outside of his lips.
forgot how each time i kissed him, they would rub off and seep into my spongey skin.
forgot how the sky would dim just to hear him speak.
the stars would rise just to light a stage for him.

a platform for him to kiss poems in my ear.

forgetful me.
i had forgotten the dirt under his nails left charcoal marks on my chest.
marks for everyone to see.
***** bodies that lit me up.
brighter than blonde.
forgotten about that scar. and this one.
and the lovely things he whispered between heavy breaths.
hands on either side of my hips.//either side of my *******.
yelling at me with his tears to let go of the apple cores and checkered floors.

the same struggle.

i had forgotten about his laugh. and the way he said my name.
the silliness of 4 am on new year’s eve.
or i guess new year’s day.

forgetful me. who suddenly remembered.
When I was little I wanted to be
a teacher and change lives, but
now I just want to find a way to
speak in phrases that make sense.
I'm not sure what I'm doing, and I
wish I could put my ear to the earth
and have her whisper me directions
to my future. There has to be an easier
way. Because I have been losing myself
in the remnants of things I never really
had. How do I go back how do I move
forward how do I forget? It's too hard.
This has been in my drafts for over a year. Past me knew future me pretty well.
 Feb 2014 maybella snow
his fingers dance across
my shoulder blades and down
my arm until they reach my
hands, where they trace patterns
on my palm

you're safe with me, i
he says

                             and i believe him
[ or piano notes you used to play?
whatever it may be, you are filling the
holes in me with something
beautiful that i cannot explain ]
i dont want to wake up anymore
i just dont
 Feb 2014 maybella snow
I showed up in an orange polo
blue jeans, a blonde bowl cut
and the latest light up barbie shoes
my mother dropped me at my classroom door
she left with tears in swelling her eyes
because I was the only child who wasn't clinging to her like the last strand of hope I had
she was so proud
I was on top of the world
until you tore me down
threw your wooden cities in my face
and told me I belonged with the boys

I showed up in a pink dress
white flats, and shirley temple curls
my mother sent me to school that day
she left with a twinkle in her eye
because I was the only kid in our minivan who wasn't faking fevers
she was proud
I made myself known
until I sat criss cross in that cotton candy dress
and you told me that girls dont sit like I do
and that I belong with the boys

I showed up in pink jeans
a graphic giraffe T, straight shoulder length locks
and black chuck taylors
My mother dropped me off that day
her eyes watched me until I was safely inside
because she knew I was nervous
I took junior high by storm
she was proud
you took note of my sports bra
laughed at my cardboard chest
and told me I belonged with the boys

I showed up in basketball shorts
a simple T, shoulder length hair
and tennis shoes
I walked to school that day
My mother was still sleeping
I hid from everyone
you asked me if I liked girls
and thats when I knew I belonged with the boys
I needed these ******* boys

I showed up in black sweats
a hoodie that avoided my curves like roadkill
a half assed ponytail
and running shoes
I was invisible
I replaced the gauze on my thighs that concealed the proof he was here
I wore and extra shirt to hide the proof he was here
I learned to use makeup in all the wrong places in hopes to prove he was never here
His fists played symphonies across my ribcage
He made songs of my pleads for forgiveness and apologies
addressed to both him and god
and I am still trying to forget the notes
I am still trying to forget he explored my depths
I am still trying to pretend that he was never here
He said I could only belong to the boys if they could touch me

I thought the cough syrup would save me

He took the only shred of dignity I had left
I listened as my only hope for a family was ripped limb from limb
The child who's crescendo heartbeat originated from me
was slaughtered at the price of a Versace ring and a fake I.D.
I thought I could hear him screaming

I am defined by twenty different men
These scars are proof of me nitpicking the pieces of them from my skin
Proof that I am worth nothing more than a one night stand

Twenty taught me:
1. No one will ever understand how empty you become when you're constantly filled by different men
2. A new canvas will not make you feel any cleaner
3. Hands feel like hands in the dark no matter who is behind them
4. After about the 3rd one night stand you will realize that 2 is the loneliest number
5. My mother is no longer proud to see me
This poem is about me growing up and being told that I belong to boys
each stanza begins with number that represents my age up until 15
once the numbers get higher than 15 they represent a number

Side note
14 may be a little bit confusing.
I downed a bottle of cough syrup in an attempt suicide
I told everyone I did it for fun
 Feb 2014 maybella snow
each morning brings nothing;
this is good. a gift often

in this quiet
i am neither here nor there;
dead, alive;
have never existed, never wanted
made movement whatsoever,
let alone
lifelong mistakes.

until it wakes, makes it move
and as if forgotten
in morning's thoughtless air;
how easily silence, like a ribbon,
slips from fingers, unspoken hope
to the floor.

and all of the everything, giant-high
as the space between blanket-lain bodies
and a starry vast sky,
is louder
than the knife of goodbye,
as fatefully simple
as the universe apart
by paper cut.
 Feb 2014 maybella snow
dream while life snores
skip the words for pictures
believe that every rise of a wave
will deliver you to the sky
think of her like that
when she says she's back in town
believe that every ride
will take you closer
to the exit
so much in fact
that you cut across
the oncoming traffic

fall while hills rise
cry all through the summer
ignore the warning signs
and write your own
while doing 90 in the fast lane
taking photos of the same setting sun
for the billionth time

follow your heart
into dark caves
destroy or devour
or test the resilience
of every good person
in your life
count every change of direction
as a diversion
from your future

but always do
what a don't do sign
person or poem
tells you to do
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