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 Feb 2014 maybella snow
 Feb 2014 maybella snow
here I am
left alone,
and torn

no one seems to care
no one asks why,
I am forcing myself not to cry

they just let me live through life
with all of the pain in my eyes
they don't care,
about all the burdens I bear

so I sit alone,
because I have no one
and with life,
i'm just done

there's nothing left to give up on,
my demons have already won
 Feb 2014 maybella snow
 Feb 2014 maybella snow
you said
you loved me
and i know that
it isn't true
if you ever say
that again
i'll know now
not believe your lies
ben, i loved you
and still do
i just don't want
to loose you
all over again
goodbye, ben
remember that
i love you
from the bottom
of my heart
 Feb 2014 maybella snow
even though i would never let you
i love how you would spend $138 on a ******* stuffed panda
to make me smile.
 Feb 2014 maybella snow
Lazy Day
 Feb 2014 maybella snow
What I wouldn't give
For just one day
To laze about
In the heat
With close friends
And just talk about whatever random
Crap we happen to think of.
 Feb 2014 maybella snow
I'm tired of feeling guilty
over not doing lifts, or only
six squats, wondering why
my thighs look fat at the
gym, but okay at home,
stopping mid-crunch because
i can feel my ******* skin
i don't want to abhor the
body that I live in.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014
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