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Still walking the road with numerous turns, unexpected twists
and transitions that needed and were destined to transpire.
Some where along that road came hope when I felt all was lost;
came also understanding that I've always been my best friend.

Looking back to less than five years ago when I was homeless.
It wasn't the best of times in my life; but, forever unforgettable.

If I could create a headline it would read:

Thrice disabled, abandoned with kids housewife & soccer mom
forced to leave a home so loving restored with her own hands.

Doors of charities I'd been so generous to, slammed in my face
by very same hands and smiling faces that took my donations.
Where were all those warm smiles when we were in need?
We were denied shelter at places intended to house homeless.

Rude treatment, having possessions stolen and treated badly;
That became a way of life, none of us had ever known.
With no place to live and no one who would lend a hand in area,
we settled for making a home for a few days in our vehicle.

Drove to a different county.

Authorities knew; gave permission to sleep under a bridge.
Gone are those days and never to return to me or my kids.
That time in my life showed me that I'm emotionally strong,
and the only person I can truly count on in this area, is me.

Looking back at how far I've come, I'm proud of me.

 Mar 2014 Matt Morgan
To the lady who thinks she's part fish or something.*
Yes I'm a rude *** ******* when I want to be.  
Is there truth in handles?
My handle is a play on my name AND I admit,
one of my all time favorite activities.
Why hit follow the Schmucker?
Not exactly seeking anyone lonely lady.
You spending hours mass producing poems
screams and shouts no life to me.
I go for women who have actually real lives.
Maybe you are a sea nymph luring men to death.
Hey maybe you sing seductively and you charming.
Maybe you a music instrument making notes and
maybe you full of steam.
Hell maybe you a eel type salamander with
permanent gills and no hind legs.
Seen a pic and a SMOKIN' anything?
Hell to the no! You not to me!
I admit it, I kinda sorta knew that since childhood,
what your title implies might be the gospel truth.
The day that thought made entry into my head,
was one warm rainy day in my a kindergarten class.

Very content was I playing games with the others,
many young men of age five and six did appear.
Shy were they mainly but some were quite bold.
Said one, "You're pretty Betty, we like your bow!"

The boys went not to far away and along came girls,
who wanted that bow because the boys liked it.
One girl went so far as to take it out of my hair,
my tidy ponytail was no more when it was removed.

Thankful for the boys who acted as gallant knights,
they came and took back bow, then off went the girls.
Later in day I told me my mother about the incident,
she said, "Jealous girls and the boys like you Betty!"

My father was informed, he smiled, kissing my forehead.
He said, "Never change who you are and always be you.
No matter what you gain in life somebody wont like you."
He hugged me then we went outside to look the clouds..

All went well with the producer
g2g, smiles to you and peace out!
By the time you read this post I'll be extremely busy as usual.
The kids, long conference calling, mtg with my producer, etc.
It's a fun and exciting life; but, much hard work and long hours.
The hard worker you are knows well the full picture I'm painting.

Thanks so much for sharing and trusting that I'd understand;
in this very public way no less, I do believe you to be truthful.
I read your warning about what she was saying on cl about you.
Rants isn't the only section where people post twisted truths.

Hard to believe anyone is still so bitter after nearly three years.
Did find amusement in her belief she's entitled to your cards.
Been to or know of  many of those places she mentioned; unreal!
Her time would best be served seeking higher wage employment.

To answer your Q regarding: how many marriages and my stalkers.
In prison, one is released, others: now dead like my first husband.
His father passed, he disconnected and became a very broken man.
Been engaged four times and actually walked down the aisle twice.

Being engaged is one thing, me saying the I do is different story.
I've been asked for my hand in marriage countless times.
If you've forgotten my views on celebacy: re-read my poem on that topic.
Hope that answers your questions regarding what you asked.

g2g! Have a good day and w.s.u.i.w.l.m.
Seven score and eleven years after the Emancipation Proclamation;
I'd like to thank my community for finally acknowledging his memory.  
Wanting to view historical document written by Rev. Martin Luther King,
logged on and took a virtual trip to our ever expanding National Archives.

His views on day of historic speech, "Heartwarming to see this marvelous,
gigantic group of people here from all over the nation to give witness."
I'm giving credit to ABC news for being allowed to hear the man's words
from his own mouth without having to read them in black and white.

There's no argument in regards to race differences and that we the people,
have miles to go before we are at similar mindset in climate of opinion.
Spotlight should shine brightly on how far we've come as we the people,
away with all the negatives of no hopes of ever achieving racial harmony.

If MLK were alive today he'd see many positive changes and would see
his dream is still alive and well though we have miles to journey's end.
Yes, Dr. Martin Luther King, you are appreciated as we honor your day.
I have many reasons to thank you and all who paid the ultimate sacrifice.

My children are allowed to attend any public school they wish without fear.
I can now sit in the front of the bus without fear of arrest or a mob beating.  
There are no laws preventing me from front door entry of public buildings.
Thanks so much! I'm free to date or marry any person of any race I choose.

The list above is just a small sampling of all the changes his life evoked.
I'm thankful he was gifted to our planet in period of time he was needed.
He is missed by the planet and those of us who are grateful that he existed.
Dr. Martin Luther King was true Visionary with foresight to see great things.
Upon waking yesterday morn, the temperature was 8 degrees;
cancellation of events and slippery icy roads, disliking winter!
T'was out driving and dealing with the limited visibility; freezing.
Wasn't fun maneuvering usually two lane streets; turned one.

I'm sitting here wide awake and staring at ice crystal windows,
went to bed last night, temperature was frigid sub zero; No joke!
The furnace had a busy night keeping this old drafty house warm.
My cute little budgie who "was" chirping, is now sleeping on perch.  

Giving a memory of yesterday brief thought and still find it funny.
Went shopping after losing the debate of exiting a warm vehicle.
Over heard a conversation regarding me, based on the "assumed".
The two ladies(without a doubt) read what's posted on net sites.

Standing in the next aisle, ears slightly alert, hearing my full name.  
Should I walk up to say, "hello!" or tell them to mind own business?
Found it amusing and a bit flattering, despite negative words used.
Did they see me enter the store or did they even care that I heard?

If I were indeed the "rumored" witch, I'd melt every inch of snow.
Why did these villagers "presume" I'm holder of necromancer's card?
Defective reasoning of me practicing "voodoo" and casting many spells.
A bit of food for thought; It's one-dimensional and illogical thinking.
Engaging in conversation with you renewed distant past memories,
nostalgia's brush strokes painting the enchantment of quaint scene.
Do we, two mere humans, stand a fighting chance against kismet?
Can we rewind to a time of trust, love, serenity and best friendship?
Felt euphoric and wistful catching glimpses of your brazen glances,
same look of longing witnessed in your eyes when we shared our lives.
Fate's timing or did you request the radio station to play that song?
Same dedicated song Delilah played for me at your request in past.
Thanks for the laughs and view of past that brought back memories,
such great  memories that bring to mind why I fell in love with you.
My morning has been filled(thus far) with going about my busy life,
spending time with kids, answering questions only mom's can.
Spent a moment or two reflecting upon the swiftly fading year; and,
realizing I've no regrets, looking forward to coming year and more.

Thankful for my children growing up strong and well adjusted,
thankful they are great students who work hard to make the grade.
Grateful to have male friends who know hi means hi and that's it,
never assume my kindness means, "Hey there! Wanna you know what?"

I have some items on my walls that are meant to inspire or motivate;
favorite quotes: "Great Spirit, grant that I may not criticize my neighbor",
"Never sweat the small stuff, in the end it's all small stuff", when people
are negative, I like coco's,  "I don't care what you think about me!" quote.

Most recent knee treatments give hope that I'll be walking without pain;
if that should happen, Great! If not, what did I lose, had to try something.
Miss wearing my little red dress and that **** gold with fringe number,
I have hopes I'll be that very tiny size and proudly wear both dresses again.  

Extremely happy I have non judgmental friends with accepting hearts.
Am I content being alone? YES! I don't need a man to complete me.
I'm highly content to post poetry on Hellopoetry only occasionally,
I'm happy to be the musefulspirit posting, own thoughts, on blog spot.

Happy New Year 2014 to one and all!

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