Investment Principles:
Staying the course,
your owned love
will not fail you
Staying the course means going against your own emotions at times.
when weeping is easier than squaring the jaw, gritting teeth
Staying the course means thinking and acting for the long term even when it doesn’t feel right in the short-term.
lost loving, when the other walks away, and being brave is
the only path, brace, and excise that stooped shoulder, stand straight!
Staying the course means preparing not predicting.
predict only that hope is eternal, perpetual and maybe, just,
around the corner
Stay the course means doing nothing when that’s what your plan calls for.
steady the breathing,
ok, now! wipe the tears,
be resolved that once tasted,
love, is human, though inimitable,
and your sunrises will return inevitable
and the return on investment unbelievable
actual wise principle of investing