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Dads are people sons never
forget, for good or bad and
when the son is gone there
is no one to remember the
father. Say for some fading
black and white photos in a
scrap book: "That was your
great grandfather. He fought
in the war. People called him
Bud, but his real name was
Wyett with an E. He taught
me to cast a fly in a mountain
stream and tune the engine
in my first car, and not to lie."

My grandsons almost grown
are good and loving chaps, but
never ask me about their Great
Grandfather. Out of sight, out of
mind, I guess. Maybe I am the last
to remember or care. Our touchstones
to the past are frail at best.
Yes, on this day and everyday
I remember my Father with the
same love he bestowed upon me.
Marshal Gebbie Jun 2023
Insidiously creeping through man as mist
Infecting, with, occasional, mortality's twist,
Unceremoniously spread around the world
A dire inconvenience, so darkly unfurled.
Cost to production to Covid's disdain,
The cost to humanity cited in pain.

Tho hark deep in bowels of offal's speak
Malignants dwell, where few do seek,
Malignants which through eons past
Deigned not to regale man's repast.
Deigned not to seek to penetrate
Until this moment's hint of hate.

But reality strikes just round the bend
Lurks deadly that, which portends... end.
A virus unknown, so lethal to man,
That it's virulence cast will infect all it can.
Anticipate death on a planetary scale
Where half will fall to expire in it's flail.

50% a conservative guess
And rabidly spread in it's virulent quest...
And fast, from pole to pole in a week
Leaving ravaged remnants staring and weak.
Leaving whole populations reeling in shock
Now frantically bulldozing millions en block.

New, this world, with it's paucity's few
Where grief and ignorance combine to hew
A continuity, new to man,
Where expertise is a rarity planned,
Where humanity, left, strives to reheal it's goal
On a planet that, now, can support what they stole.

20 June 2023
Somewhere out there, in the festooned, guano filled, bat caverns of the wild or the secretive, filthy live beast cages in the street markets of Wuhan...the ancient microbes lie in wait....Waiting for the key.. the circumstance which will augment their release to fulfill their archaic and inevitable dire prophecy.
Be warned!
Marshal Gebbie Jun 2023
Playing crowds
With  such contempt
Dismissive braying
Truth exempt,
Flamboyantly flouting
Grimaced maw
With acoustic blonding
Back swept, flawed,
Braying he will
When we  know he won't,
Taking handouts
Paying... he don't!
Dishonored hallmark
Whatever the plan
Quintessentially branding
The disgrace of the man.
Indictments fly
Like birds on wing
"Not Guilty" roared
In outraged sling.
Same performance
Same dead style,
By a country mile.
Trump to win in '24??
God in Heaven,

20 June 2023
Ego driven mania for attention front of house.
This guy is wrecking America's reputation as a country that can be taken seriously. Appalling performance, appalling response by millions.
I can't believe this is the America I used to know and love.
  Jun 2023 Marshal Gebbie
You wear leather
As dark as your heart
You speak words
As sharp as a knife

You smell of cigarettes
And sometimes cologne
You wreak of Jack Daniel's
But mostly depravity

You lurk in the shadows
And prey on the young
You desire a girl
But only one night

You tell her your lies
To trick her to stay
And then like a coward
You run away
I've been there, done that.
I was once that girl, but not  anymore.
Marshal Gebbie Jun 2023
In religion proof of God is the adversary of faith.
The faithful claim that to seek proof of God proves only... "That ye are of little faith"!
Proof is, in fact, the enemy of faith....and to claim that you have found
absolute evidence of proof of the one God, sets you up as an implacable adversary to 99% of the world's established believers...for they believe only in THEIR God on THEIR terms.
Not YOUR God on YOUR terms.
Your claim would most certainly proceed to undermine and/or nullify their authority and diminish their influence and rank in the realm of their sphere of universal belief or agnosticism.

Imagine the reaction of the Roman Catholic Church, the turmoil caused in the scarlet clad robes of the Vatican?
The Freemasons would be compelled to rewrite their tomes.
Jews writhe, viscerally,  in their Synagogues.
The atheistic Communist Chinese may even release the assassins in order to ameliorate the claimed heresy from the very face of the earth.
Some followers of Allah would convulse in screaming outrage and, in cannoning their noisy AK47s into the void, would point the accusation of blame at the infidels of the world and seek immediate covernance of the fury of Islam through Jihad.
Putin would wear a thoughtful expression on his face, shake his head,  then assign the entire matter to the hands of the Russian Orthodox Church.
The Maori elite would claim cultural reference to it all in the Treaty of Waitangi.

One thing is certain, should this revelation be put to humanity the universal reaction will be one of dubiety, doubt and skepticism.
Extraordinarily few will take the proof of God on face value.
For every single individual has his or her own barrow to push and it will take an extraordinarily spectacular global demonstration available, simultaneously, to all of mankind to even begin to achieve BELIEF.
For sane reason alone, shall not foot it....and you can't believe everything you read in the newspapers....can you?

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