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Tumbling all around
Especially down
Plummeting to the ground
Pace ever increasing
Screams never ceasing.

Breathing deeply
Nothing can **** me
And Nothing will **** me
Nothing will consume all
Through this terrible fall
It eats everything at last
Turning this corpse into ash
Even the soul shall pass.

So take what you can
I need nought
Save you my friend
To help my lot
To pass my time, before my time.
Cruel addiction
Sick affliction
You fill me with bliss
Only to leave me in screaming fits

Curse my needy flesh
Curse it to death
Curse my soaring mind
Leaving my body far behind
empty to the core
A husk moaning "just one more"
It'll do the dirtiest chore

If the mind returns: shock and horror
Wishing it were dead
Riddled with led
Paint the back of the shed
Paint it red
(Back of the head red)
Tuck me in a dirt bed
Soil tossed in snugly to the chin
This worm gives me a knowing grin
Knowing he'll be crawling up my skin

So before you go
Give me one more for the road
Just one more hit
A departing kiss
So I won't feel the feasting squirms
Of millions of worms
Pluto, Lincoln, ****
covers of National Geographics, still
plastic wrapped, waiting for you

your grandfather
bought you a subscription
for life

he's gone a dozen years
fitting his favorite president would grace one cover
and your enslavement, ****, another

Pluto sits between both on the coffee table
waiting for you also, perhaps feeling like a ******* child,
belatedly told it did not belong

and you feel that far away
Upon the eve of my son's incarceration for growing hallucinogenic substances
"We have another"
"Is he like the Last"
"You decide Doctor"
"I'll make it fast"

Asleep drooling venom
and blood
"It'll be hard to mend"
"Cuts full of mud"
"Boys will be men"

Eyes: fearful glint
Curdling scream
Patient: impatient
punctured spleen
"Can I caress your bicep"
         torn tricep
"Handsome jawline"
         snapped spine
"Boy you're cute"
         tongue mute
"You're a work of art"
          bleeding heart
"I'll go where you go"
          twisted toe
"Just you and me"
          burns third degree
" I love you for sure"
          fragmented femur
"Shhh I think you're the one"
          blown lung

Quick as promised
She cleaned him out
Until he was fixed
Grateful without a doubt
He smiled "thank you
You're my light
My love
I'm glad it was us too"

"Close but not right"
She dragged him
He wouldn't fight
His tears were grim
"The curb, bite it"
Inhale swiftly
come down quickly
hit the Floor
Be no more.

What a comfy Carpet,
but it ***** me under
like a tar pit.
I'm left to wonder
If it's dragging me
down to Heaven.
I've sunken seven feet under.

I see the light,
it's been lit.
Maybe this time I just might
reach for it.
Reach through the rug.
Reach down and give a tug.

But my arm won't budge.
A mortal's terror
What if he holds a grudge?
It's just not fair.
God no not like this,
Think of all the things I'll miss.
If I see the suns rays
Lord I swear I'll change my ways.

This Time...
Three hundred sixty five thousand
rats are born daily.
One or two could be a mouse and
these numbers aren't failing.

The rat pops out
and starts racing through the maze
the bells are loud
He sits in class dazed
walking across the Stage
completely amazed
in rage.
This is it?

Off to the rat factory
constructing little rat watches
too costly for his hourly
jealously he covets
his rat mouth tastes sour.
Comfort, a paw swipe away
promised he was Happily Ever After
he'll get it someday
One way or another
Even if he hasn't to steal, cheat, and lie
Even if he has to die.
Lucifer, Dear
Quit lookin at me
In the mirror
What have I to fear
The evil in my eye
It's only me here
And him in my mind
But he's not the worst of guys
He whispers in my ear
Tearing apart lies
With a judgemental sneer
So I'll let him stay a while
Walk in my shoes for a mile.
Her ribs crackled, in the skeleton night.
And I remember my mouth on hers,
where atomic fish hooks attached our lips.
Where there was nothing like kissing
like our God wasn't dead.

She was accused of killing a taxi driver
in the Brazilian underbelly.
Smoking a cigarette, she dropped it on the ground,
spat on it, and crushed it with her bare foot,
saying she fell in love with the way
his sleep-drenched body lay.

And I told her to stay home.
And I told her that they'd find her.
But she didn't stay home.
And they did find her.

Chasing her through the Babylon brush,
insults were thrown and so were balloons of gasoline.
Each pink, yellow, and green vessel floated in the air, as an internal opera heightened.
And sour splashes spread across her body,
as she fled from the vigilante mob.

The children danced along the panoramic horizon she ran beside,
laughing, pointing, singing.
The slumbering sorrow of the situation became evident,
and she started to feel the calm of fleeting life.

Her dreams aborted and her ideals became fallacies,
and with the sound of fuzzy motors in the background, her heart leapt and her feet slipped.

Rope ate into her, wrapping her like the orphaned recklessness of each set of eyes that painted her.
She squirmed amongst the cheers.
She cried with every thrown beer and balloon.
The empty-eyed males gang ***** her.
The women covered the children's eyes,
and the children tried to move their mothers' hands.

And I pushed my way through the crowd.
And I saw her smothered in blood, beer, and gasoline.
I wanted to halt the hurricane that destroyed morality.
But I am a coward.
Frozen by my fear, I, too, am a murderer.
And a murderer I'll always be,
for the burning of all that was good.

Sudden flames soared towards the sky.
Laughter escaped as molotov cocktails exploded onto her body.
Her head turned towards the crowd,
as flames scampered across her face.
I saw in her, what I never saw before,
which was the human race.
I see how white light startles.
I snapped a pic and she spun in circles.
She wanted a photograph
to cover her mother's epitaph,
so she could have a laugh.

She smoked to get away -
but this isn't what'd she say,
exhaling, "All we are is carbon
and a lack of empathy."

We blended into hues of
microwave dinners
and church alters.
I used to tell her to go
just to halt her.

We prayed to get away -
but that's not what we'd say,
whispering, "Help us be more
than carbon and a lack of empathy."
And I want to tell her that I understand
what it feels like to be fake, insignificant,
and a shadow on the sidewalk of society.

And I want to tell her that I also borrow
the experiences of others --
that I, too, learn feelings
by stopping and staring at personal wreckage,
like a tourist of emotions,
like an inevitable wish of a human being.
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