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 Apr 2013 Maria J
K Balachandran
The brightest night
in my life was there in your eyes,
I remember nothing else,
blissful oblivion, noisy surrender.
 Apr 2013 Maria J
Divyashree Suri
The roof above me leaks tears of solitude,
The warmth of a home, a heartless house fails to delude.
Crushed dreams, broken promises and distant goodbyes,
The destination of the trail of deceit and lies.
Hushed words of what remained on my lips,
The memory of  short forevers from my head fails to slip.
Repetition and the blunders of the game of blame,
A hurting heart cursing different names.  
Debris remain on the pathway of where destiny twirled,
A step ahead, to a step backward, loneliness is what time hurled.
Distant eyes seek a home in the cold silence of the screaming walls,
Find love in the bleeding fatal wars.
"I want to go home, where my pining sleeps.
I want to go home, where darkness sleeps. "
The whisper of my heart, as it finally drowns in dejection deep.
 Apr 2013 Maria J
 Apr 2013 Maria J
49 years old, names Eugene.
We talk politics like a plane
doing laps over planet ours,
North Korea threatens bursts
of lightening and Irish businessman
defaults on debts to UlsterBank in
the mighty Americas. He tells
me to guess his age and to be
nice I take a medium sum of
35 (white lies). He tells me
why he looks so young at
49 and tries to sell me a healthy
soul as if he were an angel of loves-
yerself or a devil
of capitalism pecking at
exposed heels. Tells me
he used to be drawl, pizza-
faced, suicidal before
production loved a spiritual
lung. Tell me what! Tell me
When life gives you lemons,
hug the lemon tree. Seems
the angels have sold out and
they're nice enough.
he really was a nice guy.
 Apr 2013 Maria J
Paul Hardwick
N    O    W
I never cut those corners in time
which made me look like a fool
but i see it now as i have got older

M    E
No more looking over my shoulder
at what has become of me
for i am what i am and that is part of me

T   I    M    E
No more means much to me
like it did before

A    N   D
I did not know this before
Looking again at this it would make a great  R O C K  S O N G  any offers!
 Apr 2013 Maria J
If I'm not careful, I'm going
to love you until you have
nothing left to love.
 Apr 2013 Maria J
There's an old
photo I have
of you from
your old house
nothing but
your shadow
as you played
the piano


(c) Brooke Otto
 Apr 2013 Maria J
Niko Walsh
I am literate in daydreams
and letting my imagination rule my head

I am literate in music
where rationale can be abandoned.

I am literate in procrastination,
pushing away my mind-defying.

I am literate in heartbreak
which has been already over-endured.

I am literate in lazy weekends
spent with my sister and a remote.

I am literate in creating;
not masterpieces, but heart and soul pieces.

I am literate in ramen noodle and green tea afternoons
in sweatpants and sneakers with no makeup on.

I am literate in moment-capturing
and finding the right words to explain.

I am literate in thunderstorms
and dancing in between water droplets.

I am literate in heart confessions
over acoustic guitars and games of solitaire.

I am literate in wanting
and taking away from what I already have.

I am literate in wanderlust
and a wholehearted need to escape.

I am literate in color-coordination and clothing arranging
and bringing out all my best.

I am literate in kissing with desperation
and wanting to have it be effortless.

I am literate in wasting my time
in my head, in my heart, and in the clouds.

I am literate in everything mentioned
and so much that I can’t even say.
 Apr 2013 Maria J
 Apr 2013 Maria J
is fear what our society lives In today?
oh so many are afraid of not being accepted
afraid of what they will say next,
afraid of what threat they will fulfill,
is it wrong to surrender to fear, oh so many times?
no, no it is not.
because fear is a weapon the corrupt know how to use all to well.
no, no it is not.
because it isn't someone outright pushing into your face, it is only shoved down your throat with an invisible hand.
fear becomes an issue once it is construed with, cowardice.
because the strongest have their fears, but once you start letting fear pull you down and down and farther down,
you become it's *****.
is fear truly the greatest power of all?
is it what our society has let lead us?
is fear the thing that decides your actions?
do you let it dominate your every thought?
is fear really the thing in which our world lives in?
because you know that person, who will take any dare, even they feel the little hint of fear before they jump.
is fear what drives that voice in the back of you head?
is fear that force that makes your ignorant fool sling his comments at you so routinely?

— The End —