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 Jun 2014 Margaret
SG Holter
I now know
Why little girls crying
Into teddies say they're
Now I know that none of
My songs of heart-

Break were real. I had
No idea.

It's like holding your breath
When you know that that car is
Not going to

It's the chill down your neck when
You learn that somebody
Just like you
Passed away. Suddenly.

It's the feeling of knowing you're
Losing your grip on the roof of
A burning
Skyscraper. Air.

A soldier, a landmine.
Looking down to see
That your body
Is broken.

I now know why country music
Is so close to God at all times.
Why amputees grieve over
Lost limbs.
Why girls cry and boys drink.

It's going to bed, certain that  
The sun will not
Rise in the morning.
 Jun 2014 Margaret
I dreamt about true love so deep I cried
So beautiful and unattainable, still I tried
I tried to hold on as long as I could
Yet my words are so often misunderstood...
Traveler Tim
Re To 09-17
 Jun 2014 Margaret
Joe Cole
Leave it all behind...... Ipads and mobile  phones. Spend a few days and nights in the high woods,  leave the worries and cares behind.

Leave it all behind.... Feel cool fresh air, rain upon your face, smell the fragrance of the wood smoke not the stench of petrol fumes.

Leave it all behind.... Spend a few nights beneath the stars. Breath the clean fresh air, relax and listen to to the music of the night.

Leave it all behind..... For a few days let the high woods be your home. A piece of canvas for your house. A flickering camp fire for your light....
At nearly 69 years of age I still leave it all behind and get up into the high woods. A time to think, relax and forget the stresses of daily life.

Leave it all behind.
 Jun 2014 Margaret
Babu kandula
Equality, just a word
But we never see it
In the real world
And security of life
Became questionable
Men power became higher
Women got weaker
Like a prey to the bear Wolf
Acid attacks in India and Pakistan
Hammer attacks in London
Firing bullets and more
If they say no
If they reject a love proposal
Why this violence?
This leads to nothing
But brings darkness
And become life long suffering
I hope we will have a better
And secure life's in future
Every news paper frightens me
Why we are going back to the Stone Age
Leaving urbanization
God help us and make us humans
If I hurt anyone I am sorry
But it's a bitter truth
 Jun 2014 Margaret
Bailey Rennae
I'm in the car watching the things outside the Window
Pass me by in fast blur of colors.
And is feels like my life,
Just passing me by, not really living it.  just watching  form a passenger side window,  never the one behind the wheel..
And I Wondered what my purpose is in life, or if I even have a purpose
Or if my purpose is Simply to be a lost, Wandering soul, never truly belonging.
nothing more then just a sad story,
With no meaning....

 Jun 2014 Margaret
Richard Riddle
By Emily Riddle(age-9)

I just couldn't do without
my grandma's heart necklace -
It was a gift to me, although
she passed away when I was little.

It also holds all of my mad,
sad, and happy memories,
just like it is a part of me.
I wear it on very special occasions,
since it is so unique.

When I wear it close to my heart-
it makes me feel special.
That's why I would always
feel happy, or at least, a little joyful,
when I hold it to my chest-
to pretend my grandma is
still alive.

She was very important to me-
We did so much together,
and I miss her,
and the special times we shared.

I can feel her with me
when I wear it, or hold it,
close to me.

Without this prized possession,
all of my feelings
would be lost,
with my grandma, in the sky.

My heart necklace
means the world to me,
and I wouldn't change
anything about it.

People say
"jewelry is made
to look beautiful."

Well, I say,
It was made to be a
"Memory Holder!!"

copyright-Emily Riddle- October 15, 2013
My granddaughter Emily, wrote this essay as a class assignment for her 3rd Grade class. Originally in full page, essay form, I divided it into stanzas, and added some punctuation. Although there are some misspellings(two), I chose not to correct them, but to leave the content as it was written, in order to preserve the sincerity, and the innocence, with which it was written. Thank you, so much, Emily Riddle.
 Jun 2014 Margaret
Jonny Angel
So what
if things don't work out,
things get a little tough.
Do you think Pablo Picasso
had it easy,
Shakespeare never cussed
& what of Van Gogh,
was he not a troubled soul?
And I'm sure life was just
hunky dory for Gandhi,
grand for Tutu
& who knew
King would
be shot,
gunned down
for his color?
Like choice is
only a word?
We can choose to
wallow in the mire
or just deal
with the stupid ****,
get over it
& inspire.
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