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Feb 2017 · 381
The Messenger
Mahin Das Feb 2017
As I look to my sides
I see my brothers
Ready to give up their lives
Ready to stare death in the eyes
Ready to take out whoever stands in their way
In the darkest night , in the brightest day
Through the storm and the wind they march
Their enemies beware for they are the brave sons
Brave husbands and brave brothers
They fight for freedom they fight for their loved ones
They fight for peace shredding blood
They fight for peace destroying towns
Yet they fight
For mankind is filled with greed
You may think of them as savages
Ruthless , callous and cold hearted
But , for a war can only be stopped by war
My brothers are my family
Our camaraderie keeps us afoot
It is what separates us from our adversaries
It is what keeps us going in the face of demise
Up on the distant hills
There is a child with open arms
His face lit up with a wide grin
As if some long lost friend has finally come
The townsfolk slowly emerging out of their hiding
There is silence in the air and a warm breeze
And I bring the message “ war is over"
Feb 2017 · 1.4k
Prostitutes Lover
Mahin Das Feb 2017
'*****' , 'how much for the night' yelled people
But to him these words meant nothing
As he looked to the woman on his right
Whose face was grim , hit with the pebbles of hate people threw at her
He held her hand tight
She looked up and nodded
He fell in love with her mind
He was her only hope to find love
When these lifeless phantoms drained the life out of her
When the chains of society tied her hands and dragged her down
When an avalanche of disgust mauled her 
She remembered him , she escaped with him
She did not choose this path , she was forced,
she was put down with her head in the guillotine
He loved her , he found the woman no one saw, 
He polishes shoes in the day while she earns in the night
Still love blossomed in an uncanny, unforgotten way
Cheating the perception of so called society
Their future was black as the , congested lanes of some taboo town
Yet they didn't care, he loved her
And she loved him back
She was named a ******* by the civilization
And he , a *******'s lover.

— The End —