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 Sep 2013 M M M
Bernardo Soares
Incredible insanity grows thick in city streets

The black and blue of winter makes the misery complete

I saunter down the crystal street composing lonely beats

Controlling patience for the moment you and I will meet

Sensitivity complexity are symbols on your soul

Perplexed by past emotion prior love has left me old

The wall is not of wonder and it keeps our love so cold

Years ago in lonely streets is where our love was sold
 Sep 2013 M M M
Paul Meadows
If the Earth was a play
The cosmos would say
"This is the saddest story
I've heard to this day."
The moon would agree,
Having seen the play for free.
While the universe stands there trapped in thought,
The human, screams out his last shot
"This isn't the story,
the one you should have heard.
This story is incorrect, the meaning is blurred.
Give us another chance, this is absurd."
The human stood there, sorry, and said not another word.
With anger in its eyes, and love in its heart
the universe looked back,
and said
"We were never apart.
Even from the start, you were me, we were we.
I am you as you are she.
I'd give you a restart, but you'd laugh in my face,
and just incase you really are "sorry," then
hear my grace:
Your thoughts are empty, your feelings are blank.
You have nothing in your story that can surprise me.
You were selfish and ignored me.
You found your own message and betrayed me.
Created your own language and disobeyed me.
I'd give you another chance, but you'd just laugh in my face.
This was your last chance, please act in pace,
I have abandoned you, can no longer bare your disgrace.
Good luck on your own, into your journey through the unknown,
I'll be here when you need me,
while diving past my throne."
 Sep 2013 M M M
Elizabeth Squires
autumn on my mind
tumbling leaves trundling into
distant memories
 Sep 2013 M M M
Who am I to want more
than you can give?
 Sep 2013 M M M
 Sep 2013 M M M
Reading poetry in a language unfamiliar  
Your mind focused on the pages before you
Only returning to reality to inhale fumes from the lit Cigarette you hold in your hand
Perfection is what I see
Glowing in the ambers and the topaz from the suns brilliant rays
I brush your lips with mine taking you off guard
The book falls from your hand
My skin taking its place
If I could have a moment forever,

God it would be this.
 Sep 2013 M M M
this side up
 Sep 2013 M M M
and no you dont understand when i
tell you i want you to hold me a certain way it's not because
your elbow hits my
scapula in a way that makes it
impossible to sleep
and when i ask you to kiss me it's
not because i really need the
validation or
comfort of lips pressed hips ******
together and heartbeats
knocking like
opportunity at the door & my knees
and when i ask you
to make love to me it's not because i can't
take it ***** i mean you could just
shoehorn it in there but that's not the
point and what do you
get when you ask for

twenty pages of love notes and dust scribbles in cobwebbed
corners where you'll never look twice and
how do years curl up the way
pillbugs do when they die
accordions collapse and ribbons
lie shredded on sawdusted floors

above us you know lately i've been begging every man i meet to tell me fifteen stories
high on acid low on fuel
the fire when i knelt to feed it cedar explodes in embers writhing syllogisms of love
the way that moths feel like featherpaper shadows when you turn off the lights where do they go
on and on and on andon andonandon&onampersand;
storm and locust breeze might be the only thing we have to eat
until you can't stop

if i drive back to colorado tomorrow it's
not because i cant take the heat and lord
knows it's not the rain thats keeping me rooted
even if my
boots are covered in mud

it's because
right now i'm a little
fragile &
that doesnt mean dont
yes, Yes, YES!

I think about you all day long
But must wait to call your name
You give me what I need the most
A release from my long day

Your boldness just amazes me
The coolness of your looks
I wrap my hands around you
And gently pull you to my lips

All my friends they wish they had you
They admire what they see
They want to have you with them
When they see you're here with me

Your seduction starts out slowly
Anticipating whats in store
My feeling of excitement grows
And I want you even more

The head you give it wont last long
I'll feel your wetness on my tongue
Then close my eyes and take you in
A guilty pleasure till I'm done

I think about you all day long
But must wait to call your name
And when that moment finally comes
Guinness Draft is what I'll say

Carl Joseph Roberts
It's beer people, just And just what were you thinking this poem was about? Get your minds out of the gutter and leave some room for
 Sep 2013 M M M
Seán Mac Falls
She left in springtime,
White globes of daisies explode—
What is left of me.
 Sep 2013 M M M
b for short
I'm really sorry
for not finishing
the teleportation device
like I promised.

I've misplaced my blowtorch
& I really do ****
at whipping up blueprints.

[I hate numbers & measuring.
more than most things in life.

So please don’t make me.]

I realize it would be beneficial
for everyone
if I just buckled down
& made it happen;

if I didn't sleep for months
& somehow managed to
defy all principles
of space & time.

I'm a woman with gumption, see?
I could definitely do it.

But there's something
devilishly attractive
revolving around the idea
of being without
such an ultramodern convenience.

**Or maybe
I just revel in
making you
work for it.
© Bitsy Sanders, September 2013
 Sep 2013 M M M
M Clement
I hurt in the most sincere of ways.
I'm struggling to keep composure
And to keep the ripples
I've created
from doing what they do
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