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Nov 2015 · 408
Love an A-Hole?
Lytrell Howard Nov 2015
Is there love for the cold?
The winter months
Who likes the bite of the wind?
Lonely beds and quiet houses
The home of the ******* man.
Nice to none becuz none are nice
They just want something
Everybody wants you then they leave
Getting love from the ones you run
From no love from the ones you run
Towards my dreams are your night terrors
And my love is your hate.
Splitting the bill on blind dates
This is goin nowhere. Already known
Cards already shown. Cover already blown
The voice is calm but the actions are
Wrong as igloo on the equator.
No more drinks Mr. Waiter. I'm good
I'm bad. I'm happy to be mad.
I'm desperate to be sad. Life takes to
Long to move so fast.
Do soul mates crash? Am I drivin too safe?
My vulgarity equals no similarities?
Thought if I ain't look I would find u.
I ain't look and I did look. I stopped
Lookin then started again the mantra
Of the heartless men. I shall end how I began
Alone. By myself. Loved by no one else.
Maybe my mother. She could be lying.
No sense in cryin when u find out I'm dyin
Yo messed up timing. Gonna try to love me
As they piling dirt on my story.
Chapter over.
Book closed.
The single life of the committed *******.
Nov 2015 · 414
Late nite
Lytrell Howard Nov 2015
I'm thinkin of u
Are you thinkin of me?
Staring at your last text
Hoping you text me

What's stopping us?
Who holds our destiny?
I will give you the best
Soon as you message me
Oct 2015 · 358
What's the Point?
Lytrell Howard Oct 2015
As the light dims and the night grins
Let's not pretend what we intend
Is this life? This too shall end
Type with my pen. Write within sin

Im not sorry I'm not what u want
I'm happy with what makes me flaunt
If it keeps me on a solo launch
I didn't want to go with the haunted

Yeah some are afraid the change
Can make you lose your brain
But if change is not strange
Why are you so afraid of the World's ways?
Jul 2015 · 329
Lytrell Howard Jul 2015
I love the warmth
It's the sun's glorious hug
The quick switch
From dusk to dawn
Sweating profusely
Energetic like the second
Before we make love
It's the long days
The golden rays
Children voices
Making melodies
Weathers gift
Jul 2015 · 359
Please Stay
Lytrell Howard Jul 2015
I can't believe
You are about to leave
So much more left to say
I want one more day
Just a moment
One more moment
Where do I file for an extension?

Is it over now?
My body is colder now
All in my shoulder now
They want me lower now
Like I'm sober now
Wish I was older now.
Leave this an enter another dimension.
Jul 2015 · 401
Lytrell Howard Jul 2015
Trying to fill that hole
It never fills
The void so real
Its the lonely nights
I don't want to let u in
But each time u win again
I just
The loss of time and love
Makes the time seem
A dream
A nightmare
A moment of peace
I beg please give me
That moment
That second
That minute
It's just one hour out of the thousands
We waste with the wrong people
People who
Love to hate you
Where am I?
Who are you?
What is this?
Why did I start
What I couldn't finish?
Slowly back away from it
And it follows
Like an obedient dog
I want to quit....
Jun 2015 · 482
Our Love
Lytrell Howard Jun 2015
Our love is a valley
It goes down but comes back up

Our love is like a cliff
Once it goes down it stays down

Our love is an ocean
It lasts as long as the eye can see

Our love is a swimming pool
It lasts from this tree to that corner

Our love is a payday holiday
It's as good as good can get

Our love is rent day workday
Some muthasuckin bullspit
Jun 2015 · 354
Late for Work
Lytrell Howard Jun 2015
U engulf me
Keep me trapped
Your softness is a magnet
I can't detach
I try I try
To pull away
But u r so strong
U make me stay
Against my will
My will is not strong
U shorten my days
But my nites are super long
Jun 2015 · 690
End the Way Things Are Done
Lytrell Howard Jun 2015
What world do we live?
Death is now given out like
Life means nothin to live.
A church? The cops?
Black lives matter but to whom?
Birth from the womb hurryin to the tomb
U think u only hurt us?
U really wanna live out this cuss?
I guess u do... It was done to the Sioux
Navajo Cherokee and the Seminoles too
Massacre.... Malicious murders
U killed the color purple.
I hate writing these words... When u live
The life of a nerd and treated like a ****
**** pushes u to drugs or hugs from
Women u don't love.
Pray for someone come down from above
And just.... I don't know stop the blood
End the hate. End the way
Things are done.
Jun 2015 · 293
I Started to Call You
Lytrell Howard Jun 2015
I started to call you
But my phone told me not to
I wanted to text you
But my phone wouldn't let me do
I asked my phone why do you block
My phone said travel past not
For the future is in what you have
Not the things you lost in your past
Jun 2015 · 475
I tried
Lytrell Howard Jun 2015
U and that **** phone!! Lol!!
Look I'm not tryin to force nothin too soon but I feel a lil magnetism between us.
I know your life is crazy hell mine is just as upside down.
Kickin it with u makes me forget bout all my madness.
I want to take it nice and slow and let this grow to its fullest potential.
I don't want u to feel pressured or stressed to see me or talk to me.
You r a very cool nice smart woman and I really like that about u.
Yes I want to talk to u more now and I want to see more of u becuz I realized I found a rare jewel and only a fool would let u easily walk away.
This may not be the perfect time for us but when is it ever the perfect time for anything?
Right now all I want to be is your ear to vent in, your partner to drink with, your foot massage therapist, your game of thrones/walking dead recap homie, your chicken skin eater and your tour guide to escapin the madness and sadness that we call life.
So... Ummmmm... No I'm not accepting your offer!!! ****!! Can we please keep hangin out durin this crazy time in our lives?
I promise it will be a great experience for both of us.
I know u have a stoopid stacked plate.
Lemme be dessert
Jun 2015 · 290
Lytrell Howard Jun 2015
Did u see her? Did u see her?
Pretty as a purr I shall endure
What is us without trust?
Love can't be confused lust
It must it must it just must
Outstretched like overworked
Hashtags. Double the ****
If it's that bad. Y u with her to make her mad?

She don't care bout u. What u
Do or who u with when u do
What you do. I know that's true
I'm tryin to do me please do u
Next time don't do what u do ?
Apr 2015 · 484
What We Bout To Do?
Lytrell Howard Apr 2015
As the light dims and the night grins
The wheels spin slowly stopping at the
Entrance to the domain of sweat
And lust.  Smells of fermented fruits
Produce a toxic noose of bad decisions.
Rhythmic bass pulsate and vibrate
Make the fluttering heart flutter more
Pour the trouble lifting elixir
Dancing with the perfect picture.
A mixture of chance encounters,
Romantic flowers and pride and power.
Don't let this night end without you
And me doing what we came to do.
Apr 2015 · 326
Torn Heart
Lytrell Howard Apr 2015
Can't make up my mind
She is she but she is so fine
Refuse to resign

Or settle   Strivin for the medal
The golden rose with matchin petals
Should not have said hello

But I was lead not to temptation
I truly believe you are my destination
I salivate believe my fate and you are my salvation

What to do what to do?
I need you to want to
Do the do with me aka you know who
Apr 2015 · 440
Lytrell Howard Apr 2015
Late nites the last text
The first hello good morning how r u?
Awaitin the reply holdin and clutchin
The moment the vibration breaks the silence
Heart skips so violent
Awwww man it's Randy's 19th birthday
Apr 2015 · 401
Nothing's Up
Lytrell Howard Apr 2015
What to do when there is no up?
When you been down so long that you stay down
Because down is all you know.
The helping hand is on a mannequin
Don't pull too hard
Trying to make something out of nothing.
Hoping eBay will sell my nothing for something
Is that a light at the end?
Or is that my flamethrowing enemy?
Coming to get me....
Apr 2015 · 259
Will You
Lytrell Howard Apr 2015
The words will you be with me, cause me harsh difficulty
Though speaking I could never say it, so I resort to poetry.
In my mind, I visualize togetherness, forever, between the two of us
Eternal happiness, external peace, internal love and mental trust.
Will you…

This question I would love to answer for you, but only you will speak the truth.
Your beauty and knowledge combined creates a divine female youth.
Unfictious feelings I’m revealing, only your physical shall provide
A place for my emotions to reside, and no more sadden times to hide
Will you…

Presently, I’ve been hesitant, my mental has come to a fork in the road
Shall I continue on silently, or finally let my emotions unfold?
Hopefully, through this poem I could direct myself to the best way
Turn my life into our life, reminiscing on the days of Jodeci forever together we shall stay.
Will you…

The question I’m asking, if you still unclear, my dear,
Is will you shed a tear with me, and shiver when I come near.
I constantly ponder over asking you, rejection would shatter my hopes
Yet it will set me free from waiting for an eternal nope
Will you…

Your answer will be gladly accepted anytime yet soon is what I prefer
So I could plan to either embrace your palm in the immediate future
Or walk to the next flash that tempts my eyes whose beauty I can see
Will You Be With Me?
Apr 2015 · 290
Lytrell Howard Apr 2015
The cold hard blowing of an unforgiving wind destroys my stamina, yet the sun shines brightly.
Shining upon my weak and fragile defenseless body
The light burns my skin, my vision is unaffected, for the light doesn’t affect my eyes
But other than that ray glowing on my eyes, I wisely decide to look for others.
There are none.

Enveloped in a sea of nothingness, no feelings to hide because there are no feelings to have.
Emotionless and no movement, I tend to think for a reason
Maybe this reason will propel me to that ray
Although, for hours, I stay in that one position
Thinking of a reason, it comes to me
There are none.

I guess I switched that light off, that filled everywhere.
Each day to me was summer and now my life is a blizzard.
With nowhere to go, I sit by the window and watch everything fall apart
But as I look closer I notice something, no smiling faces in the reflection
There are none.

Maybe if I told the truth of my sorrow, and the pain for my doings
Although they were wrong, I did them, and the consequences are too extreme
I can’t take another second of this you gave me my earthly joy.
That seems to be the reason, for the light is getting closer
There are other reasons, but this one sticks out the most,
It is that
There are others, yet you are
The Only One That I Love.
Apr 2015 · 362
Ice Cold
Lytrell Howard Apr 2015
It is a cold world, put a muthasuckin jacket on.
Apr 2015 · 1.3k
What's Your Fantasy?
Lytrell Howard Apr 2015
What’s your fantasy?
I plan for it to be you and me.
Expand your mind and you’ll see
That I can make you *** verbally,
Mentally and physically, done exotically.
I want your every thought to be of me.

Can you release the freak I seek?
I’ll kiss you from high cheek to low cheek
Doing it slowly.  And dutifully you reach
Another peak.  Not another feeling can compete
Before I’m finished you’re insisting on a repeat.
With each touch your ****** jumps and leaps.

You’ll do whatever I say
Upon soft beds, you’ll lay
In your hairs my tongue will play
You *** so hard, Oh My God, she’s going to spray.
As you beg me to stay, I have to walk away
But I’ll soon return to play on another day.
Apr 2015 · 290
I Remember...
Lytrell Howard Apr 2015
I remember only the good things between us
Times of smiles and embracing your firmness
I yearn again to touch your mind again
Let’s start correct, can you please be a friend?
Or shall we marry?  **** it, let’s not tarry
Or wait ‘til an announced date, right now is too late.

I remember your voice tensing as I touched
Places seen by a chosin few now I lust
To hold you.  Feeling that which I cherish
Mistakes have been made but let the past vanish
And pay no attention to the present my gift is myself
Could you be my toy, fantasy or my better half?

Next time we hug or kiss, help me reminisce
Also, help me forget the time that we spent
Separated, apart.  Let’s start everything over
Even if we speed through this or move slower
Just be there again.  Cause that flame to form your name
Turn this wild one tame.  Let’s do it one more time.
Apr 2015 · 2.2k
To The Girl I Never Met
Lytrell Howard Apr 2015
To the girl I never met.
She’s the one for me.
Her eyes are so pretty
And her hair touches her feet.
She’s an angel on earth.
Love personified since birth
And every curve perfect like turf;
Natural like the Jets.  

She is an intelligent queen.
Beauty of a brain.
Conversation constantly change,
So fast sometimes it’s strange.
She’s beyond clothes and a rose.
She pose as one of those
Few that have chose
To walk like a woman suppose.
This is the woman of any dream.

I’ll marry her soon
As I find her phone number.
Maybe I’ll find it next summer,
If not then the next up comer
Or whenever.  I’ll search forever
To feel your vibe and texture.
The longer I wait I get vexeder
When I find her I’ll impress her
Hope to find you before I find my tomb.
Apr 2015 · 724
I Forgot...
Lytrell Howard Apr 2015
I forgot the sound of your voice
By accident, not by choice. The
Moist breath that escaped that
Opening on your face.  Can you
Speak once again so I can
Spend the next months away
From you without going insane.
Say my name, as if you came
With a roar louder than a train.
Mar 2015 · 401
It's Time
Lytrell Howard Mar 2015
It’s time.  I’ve stared in your eyes
And I’ve seen the hurt, the pain
The sorrow.  Can I borrow your spare
Time?  This is real, girl, no game.
The windows to your soul show how
Silly young boys think girls are toys
I’ve seen the hurt, the pain the
Sorrow.  Now I want to see the joy
That smile from inside, that I
Love you when u stride, body slang
You sweet ebony thang.  But your eyes
Are diamonds exposed pieces of your brain
Poetic lies and prophetic ties got me
Calling Miss Cleo to see if you in my cards
But only the Good Lord sees what’s in
Store for beautiful Allison and Sherard
How shall we start?  First let me kiss
Your soul.  Take away the pain I’ve caused
I once was that silly, young boy thought
You was a toy.  But yo, we all got flaws.
Let’s move to a higher level of life
Beyond the meager strifes of job stress
And thoughtless actions.  A level of
Satisfaction no more questions am I askin
Besides, your eyes say yes.
Mar 2015 · 388
When I looked...
Lytrell Howard Mar 2015
When I looked into your eye,
I knew you. Didn’t have to pursue
No longer needed to search it’s who
I’ve been seeking.  Looking my few
Years on this planet and we finally
Get to meet.  Now that’s a real treat
No tricks involved.  My love mystery
Solved.  Soul mate style.  Our spirits leap
Connected as one in this realm we share
As you passed, I looked at the back
Of your thigh.  Quickly, I spoke to catch
Your eye once again.  You grin, I smile
So close to exact, in fact, a perfect match.
The top of my list is your place
As I look into your face I get a quick glimpse
Of the dream I’ve had for years.  Seeing you replace
The image with a sense of realism.  Since
You got things to do I’ll call you.  What’s your
Phone number?
Mar 2015 · 896
Lytrell Howard Mar 2015
When I hear your voice I smile, when I see you I frown
When I talk to you I sadden, receiving a feeling of let down
Trusted a stranger with my heart and that stranger left town.

I remember our first encounter you probably saw just another soul
But I saw love, in that split second my heart went to warm from cold
The electricity I had in me didn’t connect to you so I overflowed.

With my emotions dangling, strangling each other to shine
Only a temporary sign of a hopeful incline which declined
I’m possessive, I won’t stress it, but I wanted you to be mine.

If I’m mistaking cause of my shyness, please go ahead and try this
When our eyes first met, I saw a love which was lifeless
Only my belief, I’m hoping I’m wrong despite this.

If my past words are mutual please inform immediately
I would hate to be beaten by my own reactions done timidly
Hating for these days of loveless ways to be my memory.

But if I’m correct, don’t change now that you know the truth
I’ll stay the same, outlast the pain, and whatever that produce
Living life with my heart inside of a noose.

So now that it’s revealed I believe I shall dry my tears
Put away my fears, and walk to you with open ears
Whether yes or no, I’ll know the answer to my childhood years.

When I hear your voice I smile, when I see you I frown
When I talk to you I sadden, receiving a feeling of let down
Trusted a stranger with my heart, and that stranger left town.
Mar 2015 · 418
Not my Car!!!! 10w
Lytrell Howard Mar 2015
First time. 3 cars. Both sides. ******* stupid Atlanta drivers.
Sorry for the cussin. My shoulder still hurts..
Mar 2015 · 499
Passionate Dreams
Lytrell Howard Mar 2015

                As I lay back in the deep darkness, my thoughts of you appear realistic.  My arms embrace you tightly and I take my first taste of your lips.  Your beauty, even in the dark, amazes me and lightens the room.  I squeeze you tighter and bring you a little closer.  Undress you slowly, as you relax yet you are very excited.  I kiss you on each part that is exposed, in time you’ll be covered with love juices.  You undress me with an excited yet patient way.  I look into your eyes and lose myself in your beauty.  You softly lay on your back, the bed lowers as I lay beside you.  I kiss you on the cheek as you roll on top of me.  Feelings from inside me causes me to rise physically without thought.  You place me inside your love; as I start to massage your insides.  As your body moves up and down on my body, I come closer to ecstasy.  You get off me and then lay your head on my pillow.  But there’s no reason to rush, so I start from your feet.  Move up to your waist and I begin to tongue kiss you softly.  Involuntarily, you let loose a stream to show all of your approval.  Slowly, I approach your ******* and your ******* become *****.  Your body screams, as I fulfill your wildest fantasy.  I calm your nerves, yet your body still squirms.  Eager to receive more pleasure, my back arches in a muscular way.  Thrusting myself into your spot of happiness, giving you 100% of me.  For hours, we repeat this procedure and finally we both ******.  As you and I rest on our backs, we just talk and relax.  And then awake, happy, but yet I’m still depressed because only I can love you privately.  My thoughts of you lasts forever.  Whenever I see you, I stare in a daze amazed because of your beauty.  I just want to embrace you tightly and turn this nightly dream into reality.
Mar 2015 · 2.6k
A Yo Shawty
Lytrell Howard Mar 2015
A yo Shawty,
You is lookin fine, fine, fine
Like a crisp hundred dollar bill on da sidewalk
Found between paychecks.  Fine.
Lookin like that Queen off in my dreams
So I be real when I step to you
Wussup, whut yo name is, whus yo phone number?
A yo Shawty,
If I gotta, I’m a steal you from somebody.
I mean some ***** gon be ******
Cuz you gon be my special dish
Shawty ya look good
Got those legs that
Mad David Ruffin not too proud to beg.
I wann know whut’s behind those eyes that hypnotize.
Whut’s in yo head?
A yo Shawty,
Is you gotta mind to go wit yo
Fine, fine, fine, super fine ***?
I see you got class.  Physical beauty surpass
Named after a month cuz the thought of you last
For mo days than the rains of Noah
God couldn’t destroy this place ‘til he made yo face
I’m down fo the chase let’s run dis race.
A yo Shawty
Yeah you
Tongue ring and accessories
Make me wanna catch yo disease
I wanna inhale what you exhale
Taste whut you smell
My idea of Hell is you not by my side
A yo Shawty
I shall provide
That fire fo you to ride
I ain’t givin you no cheese
But together we can make Swiss cheese, American and cheddar
In memory of you no falsified lines
That month befo summer and at de end of spring
A yo Shawty
Let’s get togever and do da right thing.
Like a fat *** Spike Lee Joint
Roll up dat bubonic sticky green chronic
And let’s pull together
Get close like crystal when we toast
Every anniversary Cristol in the crystal
We boast that I’m yours and you is mine
A yo Shawty
You lookin
Fine, fine, fine.
Like a crisp hundred dollar bill on da sidewalk
Found between paychecks.
Mar 2015 · 354
I Love You
Lytrell Howard Mar 2015
My mind shines when I think of you

Each day you’re in my thoughts.

I live to see and be next to you

And even make love to you.

Experimenting with mixtures of

Love, lust and passion,

Struck in the heart by the arrow

Of the Love Assassin.

Every since you penetrated and

Set up camp at my mental site,

I’ve been looking out for you,

Telling you how much I love you.

The repetition of this phrase

Can be increased into the millions

And still you wouldn’t understand

The feelings that I have for you.

All my life I’ve been waiting

For this moment when I met you.

Now that we’re together

What else is there to do?

The explanation for my behavior

Is quite simple if you listen

It’s simply because

I Love You
Mar 2015 · 262
I tweet
Lytrell Howard Mar 2015
I tweet
U retweet
I post
U like
We are together
We are alone
I talk
U don't listen
I laugh at u
U cry for me
We are in love
We are in hate
Mar 2015 · 327
It's not me its u
Lytrell Howard Mar 2015
It was your fault
Stop tryin to blame me
U were wrong
I was rite

That nite
U did the worst
I didn't do nothin
All that wasted time

U were never mine
I was always yours
Stop callin
Stop textin

Learn yo lesson
Be kind to us who love u
Cuz outta the blue
Feb 2015 · 221
10 Words
Lytrell Howard Feb 2015
Feb 2015 · 366
To Kiss
Lytrell Howard Feb 2015
To kiss your lips, I beg
My mouth to hug yours
And embrace a taste
Of your beautiful breath
Breast and whatever’s left
And caress each curve
Of your lovely, natural,
Unparallel exotic body.
Feb 2015 · 426
Lytrell Howard Feb 2015
If you were in outer space
Could you eat an apple without a taste?
Could you run around without a chase?
If you were in outer space

If you were in the ocean black
Could you carry an ox upon your back?
Could you be a King then Queen a Jack?
If you were in the ocean black

If you were in a computer world
Could you wear a scary jheri curl?
Could you twirl a pearl inside a girl?
If you were in a computer world
Feb 2015 · 1.0k
Lytrell Howard Feb 2015
Gray skies
Icy roads
Slick sidewalks
Layered outfits
Netflix Hulu
Long johns
Gloves scarves
Cough sneeze
Soup spaghetti
Hot toddy
Homeless shelter
Hot meal
Help please
Half days
Twice nights
Stay warm
Feb 2015 · 911
Excuse Me Ma'am
Lytrell Howard Feb 2015
You’re natural like birds that fly
No weave, no acrylic and nothing in your eye.
Natural beauty.
Nature’s gold you possess in your chest.
Can I trespass onto your private property?
Legs, thighs, hips, soft tantalizing lips and waist
These elements place you at the head of the race.
All I want is the prize.  I want the strawberry moon
That illuminates your cocoon.  Soon as you expose
Your body and face to the world, I want to stand
Next to your powerful figure. I’m yo ***** and
Yo friend, lover and yo psychiatrist, yo scientist plus
Your personal poetic lyricist.  What, you want more?
I’ll be that and some.  Holding your hand for ransom.
I scored.
But nothing ******, I scored like a soccer goalie.
Some once in a lifetime ****.
Can I kiss, can I hold, can I touch your soul?
Can we get from outside where the world is cold?
Move inside warm up with the heat of friction
Rubbing together, moving in unison with heartbeats
Speed the pace and you will lose weight.  Superb curves
Means your profile ain’t straight.  More like
An hour glass shape.  Perfection.
Correction, personified beauty, modern day Helen of Troy
Perfect girl for a boy.  I’ll be your love slave or *** toy.
We can stack chips without the ahoy.  Do you feel me?
Cause I feel ya vibe.
When can you come to my home and meet the tribe?
See, we can, will and shall strive for premeditated goals
That we combined. It’s time intoxicating like moonshine.
Take a sip and swallow, let your mind follow
Drink it right out the bottle.
The divine wine.
Sweat left us both wet and blind to the everyday
Necessary problems we face.  Things we can’t erase
And these dreams in which we chase like cops
In our community.
Feb 2015 · 314
These Caged Lines
Lytrell Howard Feb 2015
I stare at this page
Each line is a cage
Restricting my thoughts
Caught and can't change.
To many, it seems weird
To few, it appears
Normal, though we fear
Those that hear
Powerful poetry
Can only visualize
Through unopen eyes
How wise and important
These words I'm reporting.
Love these letters
With passion and pain
And help me escape
These caged lines.
Feb 2015 · 366
Help Me, Please?!!?
Lytrell Howard Feb 2015
How do I tell someone that I think I love them, when I don’t know them?
Do I compliment their beauty, in which they know they have?
Or do I just simply tell them that I deeply love them?
Is love a word that I shouldn’t use, or is love at first sight appropriate?
Should I tell her that I have a crush on her, and I think of her whenever I can,
During my spare time, I dream of her beauty, or should I just ask for her friendship?
I don’t know how to approach her, but I need to as soon as possible.
If her feelings were mutual, that would be the happiest moment of my life.
Even if she didn’t feel the same way towards me, I would still be happy.
But I need advice, could you help me out please, help is what I need.
I need you, to tell me, how can I, tell you, that I think I love you.
Feb 2015 · 367
Lytrell Howard Feb 2015
Love, Death, Hate
Eagles, Lions, Bears
Life, Birth, Life
Knowledge, Power, Nonsense
Riches, Ignorance, Animosity
Lust, ***, Love
Hate, ***, Revenge
Pause, Freeze, Nonstop
Motion, Emotion, Suicide
Bullet, Speed, Transportation
Talent, Spirit, Undead
Fly, High, Us
Death, Life, Life
Start, Finish, Continue.
Feb 2015 · 400
I Smile
Lytrell Howard Feb 2015
I smile as I awake on a beautiful morning with the smell of breakfast in the air
I smile when I see my family laughing, talking and living free of care
I smile when I am depressed and I smile when I am angry
I smile with a friend and I smile with the strangers upon the streets
I smile, frequently, with a loved one because I am filled with joy
I smile with the children, spreading my happiness to each little girl and boy
I smile, not to hide feelings, but to show my mental state is stable
I smile when I accomplish things, I smile when I’m unable
Have you smiled lately, at a joke or just because you can?
Have you read a book that made you smile or have you smiled at some beautiful land?
When I was born, I smiled, I’ve been smiling since a child.
Even when the casket closed and the lights went out
I smiled.
Feb 2015 · 753
For You
Lytrell Howard Feb 2015
For you I will do something new
  Like kiss the sunshine, drink Mountain Dew
             I’ll hug an ant and buy a star
  Tomorrow I’ll ask for a kiss and nothing more
               To see you smile, I’ll frown
              To see you laugh, I’ll drown
              Myself in your love, so sound
              So pure, that it truly astounds.
Feb 2015 · 438
A Poem of True Love
Lytrell Howard Feb 2015
She walked with I
And held my eye
With her heart.
I kissed her soul
My heart she stole
And I loved her for her.
To see her I walked across
Mountains with more than frost
Lost a breath or two to see love that’s true.
She loved me as I loved her
Covered my cold heart with fur
And stirred my anger to joy.
When she died I could not cry
For the second she died, I died
Yet I’m alive only to breathe.
Conceived to love her more than
Love can be loved by any man
And love her love with the love of all love.
Lytrell Howard Nov 2014
My momma is better than your momma
She cook better she look better
She can make flowers grow
She can beat yo daddy with tae kwon do My momma is the best there is
Pass any test there is Had to in order to raise us kids She can take
some bread and fish And a thang if water. She can make Any dish and
feed us with enuff For seconds. Thank you, Lord!
Cuz even tho we can't afford
Somehow my momma got us everything we asked for

My momma is better than your momma
She the cool momma on the block
Have my friends askin could we pls switch spots She can turn rain into
sun Turn a belt into a gun Carry a burden that weighs a ton And keep
her hair and her nails done My momma is number 1 Ain't no competition
You may think yo momma is great But my momma make yo momma Wanna slap
her momma for not Bein my momma

My momma is better than your momma
You can't tell me she ain't
My momma can fix pipes electronics
Change tires mix paint
She can preach to preacher
Out drink a drinker
Throw a curve slider and a sinker
She can make somethin outta nothin
And if you give her somethin...
She can double that somethin give you
Your somethin flip somethin and have 2 stacks double or nothin

My momma is better than your momma
I think everyone can agree
My momma is better than your momma
She is the best ever you see
She is the village that raise the kids Can't nobody attempt the things
she did She can run like the wind She is the most caring most lovin
Woman ever. Long as yo **** is home by 10.
You mite think your mom is better
But I'm a tell ya she don't compare
Cuz my momma got your momma beat from her feet to her hair

My momma is better than your momma
For this I love her so
I am the plant she nurtured
I am the flower that she made grow
Her voice calms me and takes me
Back to the days when she would hold me Close to her and protect me
Especially when I was afraid I know there are many mothers They all
love with a love that only God knows They are compassionate caring
loving and it shows But those moms are cool but I can't put them above
the Woman that I call mother hopefully 1 day I can show her the way
she loves me

— The End —