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 Dec 2013 lydia
 Dec 2013 lydia
you are a wallflower, calm and observant and accepting of others
you are the love people pray for and the hymns they sing on sleepy sunday mornings
you are beauty and you're busy making me into a masterpiece
you trace my every outline with a shaky finger painting my skin with colors that bring out the shadows of my cheekbones and the holes in heart.
you reassure me that there is divinity and simplicity coexisting
you lift me up above the world, spinning on its axis and put me in orbit around your shining sun
and you watch my comets soar appreciating their juxtaposition of fire trailed by ice
you understand my quietness and give me time to pick apart my words letter by letter
know I have to have times hands grasped firmly in mine
you give definition to every word my trembling voice manages to form.
turning my nouns into objects of desire and verbs into movies with the sound off
you are everything to me . I am everything to you
and I swear to God, that's the best thing in my life
 Nov 2013 lydia
Blow smoke rings the size of my neck and make me feel just as insignificant. My collarbones don't dissipate into the air when you touch them but I wish that I could sublimate when your fingers are barely touching my skin and gliding up. I shouldn't trust you as far as I can throw you, but I just want to throw myself against you and collide your mouth against mine as though our lips were two raindrops on the window crashing towards each other with no stopping, both thinking "oh my god oh my god oh my god" before we morph into one.
I am so used to feeling like garbage, so for once, pretend like the beads of sweat on my neck are diamonds and tell me I'm your precious stone and don't let this sapphire night escape us without drawing ruby drops of blood from my tongue.
There are some things my mother never told me, like "always make sure that the boy you meet is actually alive, and not just an empty puppet being pulled by the heart strings" and "never trust a boy with sleepy eyes", but it's always good to know these things ahead of time because one day he will have your heart in his hands and won't have anything for you and one day you will realize that he's always tired because he spends all of his time thinking about someone that isn't you. And knowing what I know now compared to what I knew then makes me wish I never ached to squirm under your hands and makes me regret every moment I spent longing to fill very space between your fingers because now I can't stop writing about it.
Do you know about the garden of dead boys? It can be found in the place where the roses die. There is a "keep out" sign designed to not seem so until it's too late.  Until then, it appears to say "I love you" and you will wander in. But if you find yourself asking him "where have you been all my life", that's the time to run while you can because maybe he never actually existed.
 Nov 2013 lydia
Jamie Horridge
Night time is the worst
We're supposed to go to bed like it doesn't hurt
Like this type of pain can't keep us awake
Like we didn't lose our dad
And our hearts didn't break
Like we aren't broken or open
Or searching for comfort each night
Like we don't go to bed hoping
We'll wake up from this life

They delivered bad luck rather than handing candy out this year
And our address was first on the list
All these shots to the chest are starting to collect
These are the kind of demons you can't fight with your fist

You never think it can happen to you until it happens
but it happens so fast, there's no way they could warn you
And it's never the good things we look back on, but the bad things
We can talk about the memories with love but you know it's the evil things that haunt you, too

Lately I can't write because it hurts too much
It's like rubbing an open wound but there is no cut
No pain you can see with your eyes,
But I promise you I'm hurting
This smile's just a disguise

Is it working?
Am I trying hard enough?
Have I convinced you, too, that I am tough enough?
Have I filled my actions with strength or words with ease?
Can you see what this ****'s done to me?
I'm trying not to let you see what this has done to me.
 Oct 2013 lydia
I'll tell you I love you but never how much.
I'll cry in front of you but behind my hands where you can't follow the stream with your eyes.
My tears are like rivers.
I'll hold you til I fall asleep and wish we never woke up,
jump on the back of a bird and fly away to space, never easily brought back.
I promise I will rarely ever make sense
and I'll do everything in my power to avoid doing the dishes after I cook.
I'll try on the skin of a woman with confidence but shed it before I climb back under the covers.
I'm naked.
This make-up is an opportunity to convince myself I'm beautiful,
that my smile is something strangers don't hate to look at
and that maybe I can make your heart beat a little quicker.
I wish I knew better,
better than to believe what I know is truth.
I've always wanted a telescope so that I could look with one I shut at the universe high above and below me.
That maybe I could put into perspective why I feel so small and insignificant.
Remember that time you asked me if I was happy and I looked at you like you just asked me what I was wearing two weeks ago?
I am not sure what that means anymore,
even the dictionary blurs when I try to read it.

If you want to write me a love song, make it sincere
and when you read it to me, sing it like you mean it because I'm ripping open my rib cage and letting my heart fall out on the floor beneath your feet.
I'm not sure what you intend to do with the sweetness in your voice
but remember I don't prefer light words
or heavy ones, for that matter, that weigh down your being
like rocks sewn into your ankles.
There's no use pouring water into a cup that's already full,
are you still listening?
Do the butterflies in my tummy tell me lies
or do you really love me enough to stick around through my times of intense thunderstorms?
Through the constant down pour of insecurities and made up truths?
I can't breathe sometimes
so I take your lips to mine and breathe in the breath in your lungs
hoping to survive solely on the dreams that nestle in the comfort of your mind.
I'm burning like a candle
smoking til my wick burns down
buried deep beneath the lost promises you've made.

If there's one thing you could do for me
and I'd never ask for anything more,
I'd beg of you to wish for me.
Wish for days that start with sun and end with the milky sky hanging light over my unburdened head.
Wish for hot coffee in my cup,
clean dishes in my cupboard,
a self ran washing machine
and a reason to wake up and smile
because I forgot how to laugh for a second there and when I reached for your hand,
you weren't there.
I'm all over the place and I wish I had a map
other than the one I drew connecting the points of your skin I've managed to kiss.
I love your lips.
 Oct 2013 lydia
Star Girl
 Oct 2013 lydia
Star Girl
Yes you.
I love you.
And you lie.
You say you care.
You use you're smooth words to coax me.
To coax your way back into my heart.
You there.
You've stolen me.
Stolen all of me.
All the goodness.
You don't even know.
You say you want to stay.
You say you won't hurt me.
You're going to be a liar.
You can't help it.
Because I'll either be,
Too much,
Too little.
You scare me.
You walked right in through the front gate.
You didn't see the warning sign.
Delicate heart.
Easily loves.
Easy to hurt.
You just walked in.
Now we wait and see.
 Oct 2013 lydia
I am hopeless.
 Oct 2013 lydia
This is the very second I could no longer stand the absence of you in front of me. I stretch my head over every fence because sometimes I see you and I laying on a blanket in the backyard we never had the chance to share. Hands in my pockets, adding every effort I can spare to keep my legs moving because It's not easy pretending that you weren't the only thing my legs moved for, that you weren't the only thing my hands came out of my pockets for. But my soles have tred and I have some strength left, so I'll keep going. Moving further away. Far enough that the thought of you will be almost impossible, and I'll make a friend, because it's not easy pretending that the further I go doesn't mean the further I'll walk back to you. Give me the night in which you're needing loved, I have a boat waiting for us at the dock, I'm going to be leaving alone. In three days time, I'll come to my Y and I'll go left and youll take my heart with you. Holding the perfection of the bottom of the ocean, I heard I'd be crushed if I made it that deep, but it's perfection, and I'm all out. I dove and sure enough I am crushed but i saw the ocean floor, I saw perfection, I wanted to grab it, kiss it, and hold it all at once. I wanted it to always be so, where could I go?.. I'd walk out this door and head south until I saw trails of you on the roadway. Something that tells me you've been there. I can remember every square foot you stood inside of and at a point you hung a smile from your jaw line and I put down a towel to soak up the plethora of me you'd leave melted along the sidelines of these sidewalks, filling every crack, because I can't handle seeing anything broken anymore. Ask me why I've been walking a rope around these Hills, because I'd love to tell you how I'd drag them to you. Wonder why I've been walking straight with my head down, because I've been dying to tell you that I'm ashamed of myself without you. I want you to need to know why I have been holding my breath, because I've been telling the world how I've been hoping you'd come and take it away again.
I simply love you.
 Oct 2013 lydia
Daniel Kenneth
These days, not much seems to be working
Words don't flow so smoothly
The patterns are off
The rhymes predictable
The themes, all too common

When stuck in a rut
One can't do much
But ride out the waves of frustration
And hope to your God for inspiration
And hope to your God, for inspiration
 Oct 2013 lydia
Mike Taylor
My life is a cycle of the same mistakes
with the consequences violently increasing all of the time
But my world could fall apart around me, and I wouldn't blink

Foolishly, I try to tell myself how I've learned from my mistakes
But only on nights like these
4 AM. Alone.
Will I let my mind wander towards my reality

It's nights like these when I can feel true terror
I hate my past, but fear my future
Not because I know where I am headed
But because I have no motivation to change

I have yet to even consider what I might choose as a career
I have absolutely no passions
I don't see myself living beyond 30
But my real fear lies in the fact that I don't care

But in about 8 hours I will wake up, and push it out of my mind
And you and I might sit, making dumb jokes about irrelevant mistakes
And I will tell myself it's fine, I'm fine
And so the cycle continues

I wish I hadn't been here before
I wish I didn't know what you'd say if I told you the truth
I wish there was a chance
But I know all too well

So I keep pretending
 Oct 2013 lydia
 Oct 2013 lydia
She lights the way
On darkest morning
Gives to all
With no strings showing
The only reason
I keep going
Perhaps one day
I'll say hello
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