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 Sep 2018 celeste
I think I killed somebody
But you can’t tell anybody
It was just one simple body
A soul of a nobody

I had hands that ached to be claws
And feet that dreamed to be saws
I had eyes that sharpened into arrows
And lips that sharpened into blades
I had a tongue that was very splintered
And hair of thickened rope

It was the brain that leaked its poison
It was the ******* from which one drank
It was the heart that made one numb
But it was the thighs that slit its neck

I didn’t mean to do it
Yet I just heard a secret
It pounded at the bones in me
My skin couldn’t keep it
I never knew before then
What was thicker than blood

I think I killed somebody
But you can’t tell anybody
It was just one simple body
A soul of a nobody
 Sep 2018 celeste
Mi Amor
 Sep 2018 celeste
(reverse poetry)

I don't think about you anymore.
I'd be lying if I say,
I miss every inch of you
You are nothing to me now
And it's not true that
My entirety
Gave life to
Your love—
Always remember that
The pain we've caused each other
Is greater than
My love for you
 Sep 2018 celeste
cartas de amor
 Sep 2018 celeste
la distancia física
entre tu y yo
se mide por igual
en millas y el amor que tengo
chapoteando en las páginas
de cartas de amor, perfumadas
enviado a su puerta
indeleble, escrito
para tu corazón
y lleno de anhelo.

familiaridad imaginativa
el reconocimiento de dos naves
atravesando el mar de la vida
tan diferente en origen
continuamos juntos
intercambiando señales, compartiendo el mar
y un día embarcaremos
de la mano tal vez
deja que los barcos continúen
disfruta nuestra isla por un tiempo

¿la realidad nos atrapará?
no, no debería pensar así, por
te has convertido en mi realidad
despertando en el amanecer gris
y los brazos de mi compañero
capitán de su propio barco
riqueza colectiva del mar
entre nuestras manos apretadas

casado con la vida, y el uno al otro
por los enlaces de sal y luz solar
sin ataduras,
ya que no hay necesidades
el mar provee para ti y yo
vida floreciendo en las respiraciones
entre nuestros cuerpos en silencio.
for jhorman

— The End —