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lucy Jul 2014
irony: i feel something for someone who feels nothing.
  Jul 2014 lucy
All day I
of the night

When I will
lie next to you
pull you close

and fit the
perfect curves
of your
perfect body
to mine.

You and I,
we're matching
  Jul 2014 lucy
Jessica Who
Daydreaming of your face
Those eyes
Beautiful and mysterious
Consume me
My thoughts
I'm warm
I'm loose
I want to run my tongue over the veins in your...
And you don't want to know me.
  Jul 2014 lucy
sometimes you're like homework
so confusing
and i just stare at you
hating you
yet you're important to me
it's so hard to finish you
and i lose inspiration every now and then
but when i get high as my grades
i come running back to you

i can't wait to graduate from school
get rid of this infatuation
we would be adults by then
and hopefully this mess will be sorted out
  Jul 2014 lucy
Elise U
boys will tickle your spine with their fingers
scrape their teeth against your neck
whisper sweet nothings in your ear
pinch your hips laugh in your face and say
baby you didn't mean a thing

— The End —