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I told her about what he did.

Because she doesn't know about my poetry

But you do. I think.
So where is your excuse for your surprise?
Oh, wait, here it is:
You don't read this.

I didn't look at her.

I just looked at the curled tissue in my sweaty palms.

Then she asked me what my sadness feels like.

It feels like I'm drowning,

but can see everyone else breathing.

What is making me drown?

All this weight

that I'm holding onto

thats holding onto me.

What is the heaviest thing forcing you to hold its hand?

Losing mom.

You mean the mom you never had in the first place?

Yeah, that one.

The one who was never in the crowd

when it was Mother's Day and the class was singing?

Yeah, that one.  

The one you remember searching for?

The one who you were never good enough for?

But at least she never said it like dad said it.

The one whose memory is one without you in it?

Her, doing something else:

Reading the paper on the couch,

Curling her hair,

Asking why I got a "B" and not an "A"

The one that saved you from

literally drowning at the community pool?

Yeah, that one.

How can you mourn the loss of someone you never had?

Easy, I do it every ******* day.

When will this end?

I can see the pin-***** of light ahead

the cement used to be wet sludge

and now it seems to have dried

up to my waist.
Like a ghost inside my own skin
Fading in and out
Like bad radio reception
The static cuts in
When I try to speak

and I’m yelling at you
Telling my secrets
Over broken radio waves
I could tell you anything
And you wouldn’t hear it anyway
But it’s safe this way, isn’t it?

I am cutting out
You are searching
For something better
To listen to
But you can’t find it
Can you?
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
Always with the separate rooms, same separate landlocked pontoons. Another follow up,  billow of rank stank air, stale like the calming still of shell shocked monsoons, into the deep dark abyss I stare-

Heightens my senses, that still begotten presence of quarantined ill begotten dimensions, left stark and in the dark with nothing but the whistling of our declining pensions-

Repentance ask it of yourself, there's always an extra bottle on the tippy top shelf, reach high, you don't have to lie now, go ahead and lay that lye down-

Corrosion never felt so **** good...
I trache myself to scream out blood,
To make sure you felt what i said and understood,
Cut open my throat so you can see my voice,
Through cords that shake your core,
Wanting vibration avoidance.

Desiccated hands try to grab your hair and break it,
Like brittle crystals of sucrose.
Each molecule overcame with freezing
From the spatial distance in each look

No matter how hard i try and comfort your heart
Malady wins.
It corrodes your engine and your metabolism begins to fade.

You're frozen in dying
For the rest of time
And I can do nothing to change it.
Its the roots in your heart that i just cant **** out
Heart worms in a dying dog.
Heaving each breath
This is the end of fondness
This is suicide of emotion
Killing echoes of every beautiful girl you gave a **** about.

My voice cant get through the air to you

My blood cant paint on your face

My hands fall apart before they caress and love just withers away like a dead, once verdant chrysanthemum.
Her slender hand was full of pink blossoms, from the cherry tree.
Her pale skin was the color of foam upon the ocean waves.
Her face was full with the joys of flirtation, and of hope, and expectations.
The moon was gentile and the breeze was warm upon her skin.

If only it could always be then.

Her heart was uncontrolled, and beat fast, and loved.
And loved for no reason but love.
A tender kiss lay on her lips, given easily away. No reason to be afraid.
For trust was a long, long thread, and it was still unbroken.

If only it could always be then.

As she lay there on the hill, full of love, enough to spill.
She looked at the stars and yelled," I WILL NEVER BE AFRAID".
For I am youth and it was not wasted, No it was not wasted.
It had only just been tasted, love could never be a sin.

If only it could always be then.
And youth would never ever end.
I remember you
teaching me

Turning things around

I remember detention
For being cheeky
In your class
This is the seventh and last part in a series I wrote for a different forum last year.
I remember riding bicycles
Across states
Packing tents
And love of adventure
Nothing else

I remember bodies
Sore from exercise
Finding soothing sources
Of energy
In sweet entanglement
Upon a silvery lake
This is the third part in a series I wrote for a different forum last year.
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
Too young
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
This is insanity
We're so young
Yet we do such old things
We shouldn't be doing this
It's immoral
It's disgusting just to think
That we actually do this
It's horrifying to know
That we enjoy it so much
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