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 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
This hurts so bad
I've never felt pain like this
I've seen your texts
The texts with her
You truely are a perfect couple
But, what about me?
What happens to me?
You've left me by myself
I can't stop crying
I can't stop thinking
I can't stop feeling
I want you so bad
I would sell my soul for you
And you know that
I would run away for you
And you know that
I would **** for you
And you know that
But it doesn't matter
You're with her
And I can't compete with her
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
There she goes
She smiles at you with pearly whites
Her perfect auburn hair flows behind her
Her beautiful blue eyes stare at you
They are filled with love

You smile back
With an equal amount of love
Your green eyes sparkle
You run your hands through you hair
And blush when she hugs you

I watch from a distance
I try to hide my pain
My despair
As I feel my heart breaking
There's only one way to survive this

She is perfect
She is beautiful
I'm not perfect
I'm not beautiful
I can't compare

So I'll go
I'll cry
I'll drink
I'll smoke
Until the pain finally stops
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
I write too many poems
About you
I daydream too much
About you
I think too much
About you

Do you ever write poems
About me?
Do you ever daydream
About me?
Do you ever think
About me?

I know you don't
So why do I even bother?
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
I like being alone
And yet I don't
I like being alone
Because I don't have to pretend
Pretend to be happy
I don't like being alone
Because I don't trust myself to be alone
With my thoughts
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
I've missed this
The loud music
The wind blowing in our faces
The sense of not caring
Not caring about tomorrow
Or the next day
Only knowing
That this
Is what matters
What really matters is
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
It's time
Time for me to leave
I'll pack a bag
Of my few belongings
I'll stand on the side of the road
Stick my thumb out
And hope I don't get killed
I'll keep riding until I reach my destination
I'll change my name
Dye my hair
Change everything about me
I'll live my new life
The good life
The free life
Here in this unknown place
That I'll soon call home
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
Look at her
Straight, autumn hair
Glowing blue eyes
Cute, heart-shaped face
Small, tiny waist
Nice, big ***
Perky little ****
She's beautiful
On the outside
And even more inside
Her humor
Her kindness
Her determination
Her real ness
Look at her
And then look at me
And answer this question:
How the **** am I supposed to compete
With that?
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